

Research on the Effect of Environment Characteristics, Entrepreneurial Network on the Identification of Entrepreneurial Opportunities

【作者】 黄金睿

【导师】 葛宝山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 结合本研究的理论背景和实践背景,本文首先提出了本研究的理论意义和现实意义。本文对本研究的相关基础理论进行了回顾和整理,这些理论主要包括:资源依赖理论、权变理论、交易成本理论和社会网络理论。在对相关理论进行综述的基础上,本文还对国内外相关文献进行了整理和回顾,为本研究的展开奠定了理论基础。在对本研究的核心要素(创业环境、创业网络、创业机会识别)的内涵进行界定的同时,本文对其维度的划分也进行了深入的研究。基于相关理论和文献研究,本文将创业环境特性、创业网络和创业机会识别纳入到一个框架体系中,提出了本研究的理论框架,并提出了要素间关系的假设。通过实证研究,本文对理论模型和相关假设进行了验证,并通过案例研究对本文的研究结论进行了进一步的探讨和验证。最后,本文在文末对本研究进行了总结,并提出了进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of entrepreneurship research, and with the development of entrepreneurial activities in practice, entrepreneurship has been appreciated in both theory field and practice field. As the development of economy of our country, the entrepreneurial activity has also made unprecedented prosperity. In order to solve the employment problem, the government has taken a variety of measures to encourage and promote entrepreneurial activity and has now achieved some results. But we can not ignore that the entrepreneurial environment is with a certain degree of hostile, dynamic and complex nature. In such circumstances, how to acquire the entrepreneurial opportunity that plays a decisive role in the success or failure of entrepreneurship is always a major challenge. This paper attempts to analyze the specific dimensions of the environmental characteristics entrepreneurial network, and study influencing mechanism of entrepreneurial environment on entrepreneurial network, and study the impact of entrepreneurial network on entrepreneurial opportunity identification. This research has important theoretical and practical significance for solving the entrepreneurial opportunity identification problem through entrepreneurial network in uncertainty entrepreneurial environment,As a theoretical basis for this study, based on reviewing and organizing the resource dependence theory, contingency theory, transaction cost theory and social network theory, this paper has reviewed the entrepreneurial environment related research, entrepreneurship network related research, the entrepreneurial opportunity related research, as well as several aspects of service industry related research, which has combed the research context and laid a theoretical foundation.Based on theoretical research and literature review, this paper has studied the content and dimensions of characteristics of the entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial network and entrepreneurial opportunity identification, and constructed theoretical models of this article. In this part, rigorous scientific principles were followed in the definition and the dimension division of the principle elements.Based on the influencing model proposed, combined with relevant researches domestic and abroad, this paper has advanced the related hypothesis on the influencing relation ships between related elements, which include: hypothesis on the impact of entrepreneurial environmental characteristics on entrepreneurial network, and hypothesis on the impact of entrepreneurial network on entrepreneurial opportunity. In each category of hypothesis, there are hypothesis on the influencing relationship between specific dimensions of the elements.From the perspective of empirical research, this paper has validated the relevant hypothesis, which will further enrich and perfect the relevant theoretical research. This paper chose the service sector start-ups in Tianjin and Changchun as the research object. We had put out 420 questionnaires in three months, and got 269 valid questionnaires back eventually. By using AMOS6.0 and SPSS13.0, we have processed the data and carried on the overall fit test of the model, and the result showed that the model presented in this study fit the data particularly good. On this basis, we have tested the entire hypothesis put forward. In the 10 hypothesis, 9 hypothesis have been verified, and one hypothesis did not pass the test.Based on the results of testing of the model and hypothesis, this paper has discussed it, and underlying the theoretical and practical significance for further discussion. The hypothesis supported in the empirical research reveals the influence between the variables in this paper further, and this paper explored them in depth. For hypothesis not supported by empirical study, combining China’s current business status of the service industry, this paper has analyzed the reason that why it was not verified.Based on the verification of the empirical study for the theoretical model presented in this paper, based on case study, we have analyzed the situation of China’s entrepreneurial environment and China’s service industry. We chose the well-known entrepreneur, Jack Ma, as the object of case study, and have analyzed his entrepreneurial process, and have discussed the influence of the entrepreneurship environmental characteristics and the entrepreneurial network on the entrepreneurship opportunity recognition, which validates the theme of this paper from the perspective of case study.Finally, based on the summary of this study, we have proposed the basic conclusions and innovation points of this paper, and the further research directions. Through theoretical research, empirical research and case study, this paper reached the following conclusions: the environment hostile has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial network size; the environment hostile has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial network strength; the environment dynamic nature has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial network size; the environment hostile has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial network strength; the environment complexity has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial network size; the environment complexity has a positive impact on the entrepreneurial network strength; the entrepreneurial network size has a positive impact on entrepreneurial opportunity feasibility; the entrepreneurial network strength has a positive impact on entrepreneurial opportunity feasibility; the entrepreneurial network strength has a positive impact on entrepreneurial opportunity profitability.The innovation of this paper lies mainly in the following aspects:①This article has constructed the theoretical model that shows the influence of entrepreneurial environment characteristics and entrepreneurial network on entrepreneurial opportunity identification, and put the entrepreneurial environment characteristics, entrepreneurial network and entrepreneurial opportunity identification in one system. At present, among entrepreneurship researches, researches on entrepreneurial environment, entrepreneurial network and entrepreneurial opportunity are abundant, but researches on the influence of entrepreneurial environment characteristics on entrepreneurial network still account for very small number, and researches on the influence of entrepreneurial network on entrepreneurial opportunity identification are even fewer. Therefore, the framework advanced by this article enriches and extends the entrepreneurship research system, and has launched a new perspective for entrepreneurship research.②This paper takes the result of entrepreneurial opportunity identification as the ultimate point of departure that reflect the influences of entrepreneurial environment characteristics tics and entrepreneurial network on entrepreneurial opportunity identification by evaluating the feasibility and profitability of the opportunity identified by entrepreneurial opportunity identification. At present, most studies on entrepreneurship take entrepreneurial performance as the end result. However, there are several factors that are involved in the process of entrepreneurial elements influencing each other before they influencing the performance. The influencing mechanism is complex, and involves multiple factors, so the results of the research are often disturbed, which could not reflect the real influencing relationship and influencing effect. In addition, during the early period of entrepreneurship, there usually has no financial performance, so when takes performance as the end-result of the study, it can only focuses on the mature stage of start-ups, which will loss the significance for entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, in order to focus on the early stage of entrepreneurship, which will highlight the "create" stage of entrepreneurship, this article takes the results of entrepreneurial opportunities identification as the end-result of the study, which is the result of activities in the early stages of entrepreneurship.③Based on the theoretical study, this paper has constructed the theoretical model and advanced hypothesis on the influencing relationship among elements, and has tested the theoretical research through empirical methods, and has done practical examination by case study, which combines theoretical research and empirical research with case studies, and makes the research findings more reliable. In empirical studies, this article has used a large number of horizontal data of of entrepreneurial enterprises, and has focused on longitudinal research in case study, which achieved a combination of horizontal longitudinal study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期