

Research on Teacher Talent Resources Development and Mode Construction in Chinese Higher Education

【作者】 徐国成

【导师】 徐充;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 高等学校是培养人才的重要基地,也是人才汇聚的战略高地,承担着培养数以千万计的专门人才和创新拔尖人才的重任,在实施人才强国战略中肩负着特殊的责任和使命。建国60年来,我国高等学校教师人才资源开发取得巨大成就。然而,随着时代的发展,我国高等学校教师人才资源开发诸多问题凸现,这些问题已经成为制约教育发展的瓶颈。本文以高等学校教师人才资源的开发及模式的构建研究为出发点,从理性层面理解“人才强国”战略的重要意义,并运用马克思主义人才思想、人力资本理论、人力资源理论作为本文的理论基础;详细分析了中国高等学校教师人才资源开发所取得的成就和存在的问题,并从体制上、机制上寻找存在问题的原因,针对原因提出解决问题的方法;以客观、实事求是的态度认识美、日、德所属高等学校教师人才资源开发所取得的成功经验,为我国高等学校教师人才资源开发模式的构建提供经验借鉴;在此基础上,构建我国高等学校教师人才资源开发模式,其中,进一步完善了教师人才资源优化配置的动态模式;改进了教师人才资源“三元”激励模式;健全了教师人才资源绩效考评模式;创新了教师人才资源一体化培训模式。并提出确立人才资源优先发展战略、建立全新高等教育管理体制、进行人事制度改革是高等学校教师人才资源开发模式的运行保障,以保证高等学校教师人才资源开发可持续性开展。

【Abstract】 The purpose of researching about mode of teacher talent resources development in Chinese higher education lies in the construction of normal and scientific system of development and management on teacher talent resources in Chinese higher education, with the final aim of strengthening the enterprise and nation by talents. Universities is the foundation of cultivating talents and the strategic highland full of talents, which take the burden of educating millions of professional personnel and top innovative personnel, and it undertakes the responsibility and mission of developing China by talent. Developing teacher talent resources in Chinese higher education is not only the priority of higher education reformation and development, but an inevitable demand of undertaking the strategy of developing China by talent. Therefore, this paper researches on the teacher talent resources development and mode construction in Chinese higher education, which has important theoretical significance and practical value.This paper uses teacher talent resources development of higher education as entry point, and it offers a comprehensive summary of the achievement of teacher talent resources development in Chinese higher education, a profound analysis of the existing problems and causes of this development, and a careful exploration of successful experiences of developing the teacher talent resources of higher learning in America, Japan and Germany. The author constructs the mode of Chinese teacher talent resources development of higher education with the methods of condensation, induction and summarization, which serves as the foothold of the paper and the purpose and significance of the research on Chinese teacher talent resources development of higher education, also the innovative point of the paper. There are altogether five chapters in this paper:Chapter 1 is the introduction which deals with the background and significance of the research, the research of present situation in China and foreign countries, research ideas and framework and research approaches and innovative points.Chapter 2 demonstrates the related theories of teacher talent resources development of higher education. First, there are definitions of related concepts. There are several confused concepts in this paper—human capital, human resources, talent resources--and in this chapter, they will be defined and analyzed the interrelation between them, especially the definition of quality of“human resources”in teacher talent resources. The paper points out that teacher talent resources of higher learning are talent resources which is also an innovative point. Second, the paper discusses the Marxist ideology of talents, western scholar’s theory of human capital theory and related theories of human resources. Marxist ideology of talents consists of Marxist ideology of talents, Lenin’s ideology of talents and Mao Zedong’s ideology of talents and Deng Xiaoping’s ideology of talents. Marxist ideology of talents provides ideological guidance and theoretical basis for the establishment of the paper’s argument. The paper analyzes the western scholar’s theories of human resources and induces them into classical ideology of human capital, modern ideology of human capital and contemporary ideology of human capital. The representatives of classical ideology of human capital are William Petty, Adam Smith, Friderich List, and Alfred Marshall; the representatives of modern ideology of human capital are Theodore W Schulz, Gary Becker, and Edward Denison. The representatives of contemporary ideology of human capital are Paul Romer and Robert Lucas. The paper analyzes the ideology of these representatives especially the theory of Schultz who is regarded as the father of human capital theory. In order to make the evidence more abundant, and more suitable, this paper also chooses the relative theories about the human resources—System Theory, Structure and Function Theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy Theory of Needs, Herzberg Two-factor Theory, and Adams Equity Theory—as the basic theories of the article.Chapter 3 illustrates the present condition of teacher talent resources development of higher education in China. First , the paper systematically summarizes the achievement in Chinese teacher talent resources development of higher learning since the founding of new China and divided the achievement into three phases: the initial phase (1949-1957), the recovery and development phase (1978-1998) and the phase of development by leaps and bounds (1999 - present). The paper also analyzes the existing problems in Chinese teacher talent resources development of higher learning. With the founding of market economy system, the mode of developing the teacher talent resources can’t adjust to the development of market economy. As a result of the maladjustment there are existing problems: the unreasonable distribution imperfect training regulation of talent resources, the distorted performance evaluations, and shirted distribution system. So next, the paper tries to probe the reasons: imperfect management system, lack of autonomy of university, and weakened incentives of talents. Because of these drawbacks of Chinese teaching resources development of higher learning, it is necessary to construct scientifically the mode of talent resources development.Chapter 4 analyzes the features of teacher talent resources development of higher learning in America, Japan and Germany and summarizes the reference and enlightenment. This chapter begins with a detailed exposition of the American colleges teacher resource development mode and summarizes its features as follows: contractual personnel appointment system, dynamic talent management system, and multi-dimensional performance evaluation system, among which the paper focuses on the systems of improving-or-leaving teaching management of higher learning, tenure system and contractual personnel appointment system of which has been followed the example by many universities among the world. Secondly, this chapter gives a detailed exposition of the Japanese colleges teacher resource development mode and summarizes its features as follows: unique entire life professorship system, supreme academic authority of independent school system, and pluralistic teaching inspirational system, among which the paper focuses on the combination system of life long employment system and the tenure system because of which there is relative stability and mobility in Japanese talents resources system. Meanwhile, it is unique for Japanese higher learning that the Japanese professoriate determinate academic affairs and their academic authority have a detailed legal protection. Finally, this chapter gives a detailed exposition of the German colleges teacher resource development mode and summarizes its features as follows : strict appointment system of professor classification, unique talent management system with stable and favorable treatment, among which the paper focuses on the system of professor classification, part time teacher system, off-staff lecturer system and young professor system. The implementation of these systems makes the German university educational system more reasonable.The enlightenment of the educational experience of America, Japan and Germany is: scientific talent resources distribution is the premise of human resources development; pluralistic inspirational system is an essential means to human resources development ; multi-dimension performance assessment is a most important tool to human resources development; and the training system of life long educational ideology is vital to human resources development.Chapter 5 discusses the new mode of teacher resource development of higher learning in China. Based on the mature experience and practice of America, Japan and Germany, the paper summarizes that Chinese mode of developing teacher resource is“static closed development”whose features are static, closed. Monotony and planned, embodying the characters of planning economy. In the phase of the distribution of talent resources, ours mode belongs to the“enclosed distribution”, because of the narrow recruitment, simple hiring procedure, and single mobility of talented personnel. In the phase of inspiration of talent, our mode is“single incentive mode”with material encouragement as the mainstream. In the phase of talent resource training, our mode is“limited mode”due to the limited planning or programming. In comparing and referring, the author proposes the“dynamic open mode”of teacher resource development.“Dynamic open mode”teacher resource development is more integrated, dynamic, and systematic compared with the“static closed mode”.First of all, there are some principles form constructing the mode of Chinese teacher talent resources development of higher learning: principle of optimized distribution, comprehen -sive inspiration, multi-dimensional performance assessment, and integrated training.Second, this paper reconstructs the countermeasures for the mode of teacher resource development of Chinese higher learning: the first is to perfect the dynamic mode of optimized distribution, which includes the organization, content and aims of the talent resource distribution; the second is to change the mode of inspiration, to build the combined inspirational mode of rigidness, flexibility and comprehen -siveness. The third is to complete the multi-dimensional performance assessment, which means to perfect teaching assessment mode, researching assessment mode and comprehensive qualification assessment mode. The forth is to innovate the mode of integrated training, which means the integration of pre-service and post-service, and the combination of school-based training, institutional training and online training.Last but not least is the insurance of operating the new mode of teacher resource development of higher learning, in order to make the mode run smoothly by the guarantee to of organization, mechanism, system and environment. First, human resource development strategy must be scientifically established, which means to put priority to the development and internationalization of strategy. Second, a new system of higher learning management should be established,which is a decisive factor to the development of talent resource. The new management system must have the following features: the first one is the separation of college from government with government’s delegating the power to the college; the second is the separation of government regulation from management with entitling the personnel power to the college; the third feature is the independent choice of job to the teachers with reasonable mobility of talented personnel; and the fourth feature is the government’s legally supervising to ensure the public services, and the fifth feature is to perfect the law, regulation and the supporting measures. Third, personnel reformation should be carried forward. The personnel reformation is an essential method which can clear away the development obstacle and to create a good mechanism for the system. In conclusion, innovative system is the premise, perfect system is core, and optimized background is requirement. Therefore, a reformation of universities’internal management system must be carried out, so the universities can obtain a certain degree of autonomy. In the phase of perfect mechanism, the entry level is to prefect the mechanism of introduction, training, inspiration, assessment, recruitment, distribution and mobility of talented personnel. Then we should perfect the condition of development, academy, policy, law, humanity, and sociality in order to reasonably distribute talents, effectively encourage talents, scientifically assess talents and actively train talents, thus, establish a set of mechanism of talent resource development which could effectively inspire the activity, creativity and potentiality of the talents. All above will contribute to the development of the universities and improvement of the national comprehensive power

【关键词】 高等学校教师人才资源开发模式
【Key words】 higher learningteacher talent resourcesdevelopmentmode
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期