

A Comparative Study on Biological Recovery Mechanisms

【作者】 钟绍峰

【导师】 纪玉山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 西方经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文通过对现有的具有代表意义的生态补偿机制在理论和实践上进行比较研究,提出构建和改善生态补偿机制的理论和政策措施。本文共分为以下几个部分:首先,本文对有关生态补偿的基本理论进行梳理。对现有的研究在理论和实践两个层面展开,特别是各国政府针对类似的问题采取了各种不同的政策措施。其次,本文提出了生态补偿的二重性观点。生态资源作为一种生产要素,同其他要素一样需要对其在生产过程中的损耗进行恢复。市场经济中的生态补偿包括了价格补偿和实体补偿两个机密关联的环节,价格补偿是实体补偿实现的前提和基础,但是实体补偿才是生态补偿的根本目标和归宿。生态资源的价格补偿和实体补偿共同构成了生态资源补偿的二重性。第三,由于生态补偿的二重性,生态补偿机制也可以分为生态资源的价格补偿机制和实体补偿机制。本文分别对这两类不同的生态补偿机制进行比较。同时也根据生态资源的类型进行分门别类的讨论。第四,结合中国的实际国情,本文认为,中国的生态补偿机制必须以实体补偿为目标,协调两种补偿机制,使之共同发挥作用,构成行之有效的完整生态补偿机制。提出必须首先加强政府的主导作用,完善生态补偿的财政政策、征收并不断改革资源税制度以及其他相关的税费制度。其次,中国的生态补偿机制应该充分发挥市场机制的作用。此外,加强建设生态补偿的基本保障体系也是保障中国生态补偿机制顺利运行的重要方面,其具体内容包括逐步健全生态补偿立法、完善生态补偿的管理体制、完善生态补偿的投融资体制、建立生态环境资源价值评估制度、推行绿色GDP制度以及积极推动环保领域的科技进步等等。

【Abstract】 Biological recovery stays out of our sight for quite a long time. Nowadays, with environmental conditions getting worse and biological resources becoming scarcer, it starts to attract more and more attention. For a developing country like China, although great progresses have been made in environment protection, but the situation is still not too optimistic for us.This paper tries to compare those typical biological recovery mechanisms and provide suggestions of constructing and bettering China’s biological recovery mechanism. Thus this paper is divided into the following parts:The first job is to overview the most important literatures of biological recovery. Long before biological recovery begins to attract public attention, it is already been discussed that the biological resources should be recovered. Recent researches have been carried out through both theories and applications. Especially, many policies and measures have been taken to solve the biological recovery problem, which give us a treasure of research objects.In this paper, a new opinion of duality in biological recovery has been developed, to avoid the mistake of messing collecting money for biological recovery and biological recovery itself. As a productive factor, biological resources are used in production and need to be recovered like other factors. But biological resources can self-recover to some extent, and also they have externalities, for which pure market mechanism cannot complete moderate biological recovery. The reasons why market mechanism cannot complete biological recovery are complicated. First, market mechanism is not able to determine the exact amount of biological resources used, and for this reason it is not able to collect the exact, or even the approximate amount money for biological recovery. Second, because of the imprecise property rights of biological resources, biological recovery thus cannot be applied through market mechanism, which we all the duality of biological recovery. Above all, biological recovery consists of two aspects: price recovery and physical recovery. The first one concerns how to collect the exact money, while the second concerns how to spend these funds.Because of the duality of biological recovery, the mechanism biological recovery can also be divided into two kinds: the price recovery mechanism and the physical recovery mechanism, and each of them are composed of many applied mechanisms. Many of these mechanisms, both theoretical and applied, are analyzed and compared in the fourth chapter of this paper. The first and the most important in biological price recovery mechanism, is to calculate the benefits and loss of relative individuals. And the specific forms of price recovery are different because of the existence government. In western countries, resource taxes, emissions trading and similar mechanisms have been carried out for many years and have been proved quite effective. Comparatively, mechanisms of the same purpose and similar form also exist in China, but their influences are not as strong as those in western countries due to un-optimal institutional arrangements. As to the physical recovery mechanisms, multiple kinds of mechanisms have been applied to different biological resources, which make it necessary to analyze them respectively.Considering the actual condition of China, it is concluded that both of the price recovery mechanism and the physical recovery mechanism should be placed and they must be constructed to coordinate in order to be fully functional. But in all the studies in this region in China, many problems remain, such as low level of research, narrow range. In addition, the application of biological recovery in China utilize less market mechanism and lacks of variable funding, together with not well-defined system of standards and support from relative institutional arrangements. Thus the first thing in establishing and reforming biological recovery mechanisms in China is to strengthen the role of government, including perfecting fiscal policies in biological recovery, imposing and altering continuously resource taxes and all other relative taxes and fees. Second, market mechanism should take a more important role in biological recovery in China. To achieve this goal, many institutional arrangements, such as property rights, management system of resource assets, pricing mechanism of biological resources and emission trading, should be reformed. Third, the support system for biological recovery should also be constructed and strengthened, including establishing laws regarding to biological recovery, perfecting management scheme and investment and funding methods for biological recovery, constructing evaluating institutions for biological resources, applying green GDP and forwarding technological and scientific upgrade in biological recovery and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期