

The Research of the Impact of Consumers’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility on Purchase Intention

【作者】 张洪利

【导师】 于洪彦;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 企业社会责任作为企业成长发展中的重要问题被越来越多的国内外学者所关注。在营销领域,众多学者研究证实了企业社会责任会正向影响消费者的购买意向。但现有研究主要是从企业角度来测量企业社会责任,研究它对消费者购买意向的影响,实际上消费者往往会对企业的社会责任行为进行归因,然后根据自己的感知来决定购买意向。而且在这个响应过程中,还会有产品(服务)质量和消费者对企业社会责任的支持等因素影响消费者的响应程度。所以,本文主要研究消费者归因对企业社会责任感知的影响,以及企业社会责任感知对消费者购买意向的影响过程。本文在文献回顾的基础上建立了研究框架和假设,将消费者归因作为消费者企业社会责任感知的前因变量,购买意向作为消费者企业社会责任感知的结果变量,并进一步研究企业社会责任感知对消费者购买意向的直接影响过程和通过消费者信任对消费者购买意向的间接影响过程,以及在这个影响过程中服务质量和消费者对企业社会责任支持的作用。通过问卷搜集336份数据,经过数据处理和假设检验发现,消费者对企业社会责任活动的价值驱动归因正向影响消费者社会责任感知,而战略驱动和利益相关者驱动反向影响消费者社会责任感知;自我驱动对企业社会责任感知的反向影响不显著。企业社会责任感知通过消费者信任来间接影响消费者的购买意向,而且,在这个影响过程中,在感知服务质量高的时候,企业社会责任感知才会对消费者信任产生积极影响,从而正向影响消费者购买意向;在感知服务质量低的时候,较高企业社会责任感知水平对于消费者信任的影响也将会减弱或消失。最后总结了研究中的不足并对此提出了未来的研究展望。

【Abstract】 Corporate Social Responsibility as an important business growth and development issues are getting more and more attention by scholars in marketing, many of them had researched the response of corporate social responsibility from the consumer perspective. Study has confirmed that corporate social responsibility will have a direct or indirect effect on organizational identification, purchase intention, and consumer attitudes on consumer response to products (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001; Berens et al., 2005). But Cone / Roper survey found that there is a gap between the company attitudes and consumers purchase intentions: Although many respondents expressed the attitude on social responsibility, but only 20% respondents in the previous year had purchased products from the company which active in social responsibility activities (Simon, 1995). Therefore, there must be some of the most important factors will play a role on the process of the perception of corporate social responsibility’s impacting on the consumer purchase intention.Consumer attribution will be the antecedent variable of the corporate social responsibility perception and consumers purchase intention will be the outcome variables of the corporate social responsibility perception, and a deep research will be carried out which foucus on the role of consumer trust in the process of corporate social responsibility perceptions’impact on consumer purchase intention. How will the relations between the corporate social responsibility perception and purchase intention change with different service quality and different support level of corporate social responsibility.EllenWebb & Mohr (2006) summarizes the previous research and finds that the enterprise engaged in corporate social responsibility activities are divided into four categories of motivation, namely self-driven, strategy-driven, stakeholder-driven and value-driven. The value driven based on altruistic motives should have positive effects on the perception of corporate social responsibility, and egoistic driven based on the self-serving motives will have the reverse effect on the perception of corporate social responsibility. While strategic motives are a combination of two motives, but it will have a reverse effect on the perception of corporate social responsibility because of the prominent self-serving motives. Stakeholder-driven is a passive response for company’s own interests because of the pressure from their stakeholders , it will have a reverse effect on the perception of corporate social responsibility.Corporate social responsibility have a positive effect on consumer purchase intentions (Mohr & Webb, 2005; Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004), but previous studies measure corporate social responsibility from a company perspectives, the bias is obvious. Actually, consumers usually make their purchase decisions based on their perception of corporate social responsibility but not the corporate propaganda reports. We measure consumer’s perception of corporate social responsibility and its effect on consumer purchase intentions. In this process, impact, consumer’s perception of corporate social responsibility will impct purchase intention through consumer trust indirectly.Corporate ability will moderate the relationship between corporate social responsibility and consumer purchase intention (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001), service quality can best reflect corporate , and service quality will have a major impact for consumers (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1988). In different service quality level, consumers’perceptions of corporate social responsibility will have different impct on comsumers purchase intention directly and indirectly. In addition, consumers supporting for corporate social responsibility will have same impact like service quality.In this paper, we collected 336 cases through survey, and then use SPSS and AMOS statistical software for analysis, and multiple regression, hierarchical multiple regression and other methods for hypothesis testing and analysis. Concluded as follows:(1) Consumers attribution will influence their perceptions of corporate social responsibility. value-driven motivation have positive effects on consumers’perceptions of corporate social responsibility, and egoistic driven, strategy-driven and stakeholder-driven have the reverse effect.(2) Consumers perceptions of corporate social responsibility have impact on consumer purchase intention through consumers’trust.(3) Comsuers perceptions of service quality moderate the relationship between conmsuers perceptions of corporate social responsibility and consmers trust.(4) Consumers supporting for corporate social responsibility have no effect on relationship between conmsuers perceptions of corporate social responsibility and consmers trustWe find that consumers attributions for corporate social responsibility activities mainly have negative impact on consumer trust and consumers purchasing intentions, which expand the Luo and Bhattacharya’s (2006) work and suggest another path to assess corporate social responsibility through consumers trust. As a result, marketing managers can detect the level of consumer trsut to monitor the implementation of effective corporate social responsibility. For the companies providing different levels of service quality, Consumers perceptions of corporate social responsibility have different effects on purchase intentions. In particular, the provision of high levels of service quality can reduced the impact on consumers purchase intentons due to egoistic driven motivationFinally, we analyzes the limitatons for time and money constraint and some shortcomings in the research process, at the end of this paper, we suggest some issues should to do in the future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期