

Synergetic Government

【作者】 李辉

【导师】 麻宝斌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪的行政生态发生着深刻变化,世界正进入全新的治理时代。传统的官僚制政府和企业家政府模式无法适应新的形势和要求。治理理论的兴起,20世纪90年代以来新一轮政府改革的推动下,政府的存在样态、管理理念、治理能力及工作方式都将发生新的转变,协同型政府将成为适应治理时代需求的政府形态。借助协同学和战略协同理论,我们把协同型政府定义为,在公共事务治理过程中,政府(部门)与其他主体(包括其他部门和其他组织)协同行动,形成井然有序、相互促进的治理结构,并能实现资源最优化利用与公共利益最大化实现的政府。从组织理论的分析框架出发,协同型政府表现为善治的政府、无边界的政府、“社会人”政府、使命驱动的政府、灵活应变的政府、“外向型”政府和“魅力型”政府等特征。协同型政府是对政府存在样态与运行方式的理想化描述。事实上,不存在纯粹的协同型政府和完全不协同的政府形态,也不能简单地说哪个政府是协同型政府,哪个政府不是协同型政府。一般情况下,政府的存在样态和运行方式往往处于两种极端境界之间。政府之间的差距不是协同型政府与非协同型政府的质的差异,而更多属于协同状态和协同结果的度的差别。从理论上,资源协同与服务协同、政策协同与管理协同是表征和评价协同型政府的核心要素,这些要素的实现受到若干关键变量的影响,表现出内在的规律性。从实践中,协同型政府需要通过政府间合作、部门间整合和协调,以及政府与社会间合作等途径来实现。每一个层面的关联和合作既符合协同型政府的一般规律,又具有其自身的规律性和特点。作为一种理想描述及价值判断,协同型政府为政府的未来发展指明了方向,同时也不可避免的面临着诸多挑战。认识这些挑战的基础上,本文从原则、机制、文化塑造和能力培养几个方面指出协同型政府的未来之路。

【Abstract】 From the view of system theory, all the countries, regions and public sectors, are in a particular subsystem within the overall system. In the point of administrative ecology, the existence state and operating mode of the government are always subject to the ecological environment. Understanding the government, we must firstly understand the changes of administrative ecological in the specific historical background. With the profound changes of the administrative ecology in 21st Century, the world is entering a new era of governance. The premise and basis of this article is an objective description for the changes of the administrative ecology. Governance ear is an absolutely new era. It means lots of changes. The governance structure is shifting from a single center to multi-center, from the matrix to network-type. The relationship between subjects is shifting from control-type to equal-type, from competitive-type to cooperative-type. The leading mechanisms of public action are shifting from rules and competition to cooperation and collective action. The value orientation is shifting from good government to good governance. The governance era proposes some new problems and requirements for the role, the function and the ability of government. As a partner and third person, government participates in the governance of public affairs, and shares responsibility with other organizations. At the same time, the government must be a special member to provide good environment for cooperation and good governance. Because of the complex, diverse and interactive environment in governance era, government need to improve its strategic planning capacity, cooperative capacity, the capacity of integrating the resources, and coordinating the interests , to improve the operational mechanism and the coordination of intergovernmental relations. The traditional bureaucratic government and the entrepreneurial government can not adapt to new situations and demands. There are so many problems in current government forms, which prove that people didn’t take the government as an organic one, so it can’t adjust to the changes of the governance task and all kinds of relationships. The new round of government reform since 1990s suggests some common opinions, like stressing Self-coordination, cooperation and integrating resources. But it still lacks an integrative guidance in the existent state and operating mode of the government. All the changes and demands of the governance era ask us to re-examine the existent state and operating mode of the government. Synergetic government will become a model of the government forms in governance era.The concept of“synergy”is the main point of the cross-sectional science called synergetic theory and enterprise management theory named strategic synergy. When we understand the concept of“synergetic government”,“synergy”means a status which stresses the cooperation among all the parts. It is the highest level of cooperation, and the most harmonious status. It has several central characteristics, such as motivated by common goals, rather than self-interest; to be not limited to the specific form, but to mesh with each other, and be inseparable. Synergy is also a result, which stresses the whole effect produced by the links between every part. This effect can be a magnification of the whole function, but also a qualitative leap. It may be from the structural adjustment, integration in physical resources and sharing of hidden resources, but also can be from the general sense of association and coordination. All kinds of links can generate synergy. Based on synergetic theory and strategic synergy, we define synergetic government as such a government form, that in the process of governance of public affairs, government (or public sectors) and other subjects (including other departments and other organizations), can cooperate to reach an orderly and mutually reinforced governance structure, which can optimize use of resources and maximize the public interests. From the analysis frame of organizational theory, synergetic government means a good governance government, a no-boundary government, a "social" government, a mission-driven government, a flexible government, a export-oriented government and a charismatic government, etc. Synergetic government is an abstract description for the existent state and operation mode of the government. While in fact, there is no pure, idealized synergetic government. We can not simply say that this government is an absolutely synergetic government but that one isn’t. On usual, the existence state and the operating mode of the government is often in a status between two extremes. The difference between the governments is not lying in whether it is a synergetic government, but in the cooperative state and the degree of cooperative results. In chapter three, this paper continues to discuss the elements and implementation mechanisms of synergetic government in theoretical respect, and takes an example of synergy among local governments to explain the regularity and characteristics in the construction of synergy government in piratical respect. In theory, resource synergy, service synergy, policy synergy and management synergy are the core elements which can characterize and evaluate synergetic government. The implementation of these elements is affected by a number of key variables, and shows some internal regularity. We can consider the realization of the synergy government as a cycle loop including input-processing-output. This loop starts from the relationship of mutual dependence, through a process of interaction to reach the synergetic state, and then re-cycle the next time. The consensus of interests and value is the factors for the relationship of interaction. The matching of resource and ability is the necessary condition in process of interaction. The constraint of system and ethical is the guarantee for the subject to achieve the synergy state and synergy effect. On the one hand, the whole process is a cyclic loop. When the cycle is completed successfully, the consensus of value and interests will be deepened, the capital and capacity required for the cooperation will be accumulated, and the systems and ethics are Continuous improved. When faced new opportunities and challenges, it will enter the next cycle. Then the scope, the depth and breadth of cooperation will be broadened, and the responsiveness and flexibility of government behavior will be improved. On the other hand, when a particular part of this cycle could not continue, it will return to previous cycle, and reserve the energy needed by the previous cycle. In practice, the realization of synergetic government needs a number of intergovernmental cooperation, interdepartmental integration, and cooperation between the government and society groups. The association and cooperation in every level conforms to the general rules of synergetic government, but also has its own laws and characteristics. This paper takes an example of synergy among local governments to explore the regularity and characteristics of specific cooperation in the construction of synergy government. For the macro level, there are some macroeconomic backgrounds for the relationship among local governments from competition to cooperation in our country, such as the shifting from industrial society to post-industrial society, the promotion of globalization and regional integration, the development and improvement of market economy, the mode of government shifting from the control-type to service-oriented .For concept level, with the increasing of local economy and the social development, transport, information and communication infrastructure is improving. The breadth, frequency, degree and freedom of resources and factor mobility is strengthened, and the cross-border nature and complexity of public issues has become increasingly prominent. For the micro level, there are still many different inducing factors and driving forces in specific synergy practice. In the respect of inducing factors of synergy, it includes "responsive motivation" and "developmental motivation". In the respect of driving forces of synergy, it includes "spontaneous motivation" and "induced motivation". According to the relationship in the process of synergy and the access means of collaboration profits, the cooperation between local governments can be broadly classified as "share-type", "complementary", "absorption-type" and "compensated”. At the same time, the cooperation between local governments must experience a series of stages, including gestation and trigger stage, start and revolution stage, running and debugging stage, evaluation and development stage. The whole process not only conforms to the objective laws of the organization process, but also be affected by the partners and the higher authority.As an ideal description and value judgments, synergetic government not only points out the future development direction of the government, but also faces to many challenges inevitably. First of all, the complexity of the social science fundamentally comes from the complexity of human behavior, and the cooperative behavior among human beings is the most complex behavior. If one or both parties are the government, the cooperative behavior will be even more complex. Secondly, the difficulties of cooperative behavior also exist in the implementation process of synergetic government. More concerted action by institutions, the idea and the official achievements gambling influence in the government with other general organization difficult position. Compared with the general organization, the government is affected by more factors, like institutions, ideas, game officials, and so on. Thirdly, the fundamental significance of synergy government is that the cooperative behavior is more conducive to the maximization of human well-being than individual action and competitive behavior, but it is not always achieved. Affected by many complex factors, collective action may be worse than individual action and competition, which we call "synergy traps". The lack of coordination ability and the complexity of synergy possibly lead to the synergy trap. Fourthly, synergy is not omnipotent, and many paradoxes should be faced, like the paradox of flexibility and stability, the paradox of closed and open, the paradox of safety and risk. Base on the recognizing of realistic challenges, this paper proposes the basic principle of construction synergy government, the safeguard mechanism, the cultural mold and ability rising. These conditions are necessary to synergetic government, but cannot implement in short time. Thus, the paper called them“the future of synergetic government ".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期