

On Supervision System in North Wei Dynasty

【作者】 黄河

【导师】 张鹤泉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 监察制度作为古代政治制度中很有特色的部分,随着专制主义中央集权的发展而不断变化,至北魏时期得到进一步加强和完善。北魏处于中国古代社会的承上启下时期,其监察制度既有少数民族的自身特点,又充分吸收了魏晋南朝的做法。北魏监察制度前承魏晋,后启隋唐,一方面在中央强化了御史台监察和尚书省的考核,另一方面在地方通过刺史监察、遣使监察和皇帝巡视等方式加强了地方监察。北魏御史台制度由初期的置舍不定,到成为常设监察机构并不断完善,御史台作为皇帝的耳目,充分发挥了监察的作用。北魏监察制度作用的真正发挥,为北魏中期政治清明、社会安定发挥了不可抹煞的重要作用。后来,随着专制主义中央集权的不断强化,监察制度越来越具有皇帝耳目的意味,尤其到北魏社会后期,皇帝常常干涉御史的监察,致使御史监察流于形式,监察法令不能得到很好地贯彻实施,导致北魏后期官吏腐败现象愈发严重,最终导致北魏的分裂。北魏的监察制度的承上启下表现在由初期的候官与御史台并存,到完全继承了魏晋的御史台监察制度,废除了候官,同时在监察立法方面又有自己的创新性。本文从历史学和政治学的角度对北魏监察制度进行全面细致的考察。

【Abstract】 On Supervision System of the Northern Wei DynastySupervision system is subject to and restricted by political system, it is part of superstructure and determined by the economic foundation. The Northern Wei Dynasty serves as a connecting link between the proceding and the following dynasties, its supervision system reflects some features of ethnic minorities of the time and also absorbs some practice of Han, Jin and other Dynasties. This dissertation gives a thorough and mircomesh examination on the Northern Wei supervision system from both historical and political perspective. The main issues and arguments are given below:The Foreward starts by discussing the significance and the value of the study, analyzing the defination and concept of supevision system and other related concepts, and illustrating the distinction and the connection between them; then a review and summary of previous study and research on this subject is given, based on which the issues to be discussed are proposed, and so are the research methodology and framework.Chapter One examines the pre-Northern Wei Dynasty supervision systems. This chapter discusses both central and local supervision systems before the Northern Wei Dynasty in a chronological manner. The origin of Yu Shi Tai supervision system of the central government in previous dynasties and gubernational supervision function of the Northern Wei Dynasty are examined.Chapter Two examines the supervision system of the latter Northern Wei Dynasty. The improvement of both central and local supervision systems helped enhance the administration of the Northern Wei government over the officials, and also promoted the development of the Northern Wei governance politically, economically and socially. This chapter focuses on the Yu Shi Tai supervision system.Chapter Three focuses on the supervision critioria of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Legal supervision is is an important feature of the Northern Wei supervision system. The emporors kept enhancing the supervision critioria by means of rescripts and orders, which made the law and rules increasingly particular and detailed. These rules and regulations defined the responsibilities, limitation, procedures and scale of supervision behavior, so the supervision officials had rules to follow in their practice.Chapter Four mainly studies the supervision resposibilities of Yu Shi Tai of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Yu Shi Tai is the major supervision institute of the Northern Wei Dynasty, whose principal functation is to supervise the officials and report their crimes.Chapter Five focuses on the selection of supervision officials of the Northern Wei Dynasty. The Northern Wei government attached great importance to the selection and examination of supervision officials, such critioria are included in their selection of the supervision officials as their loyalty to the emporor and morals, etc. The selected supervision officials were supposed to be loyal to the emporor, knowledgeable, straightforward, just and usually they had held important positions in the government.Chapter Six gives a thorough examiniation of the influence of the Northern Wei supervision system over their officials. The Northern Wei supervision system played an important role in the officials’promotion, salary and largess raising, it even influenced the honor of the officials after their death, because the result of the examination on the official by the supervision system would decide the remarks from the government and even their Shi Hao, the title granted by the emport to the official after his death.The closing chapter summs up the whole dissertation. As part of the political system of a government, the supervision system played an important role in governance of the Northern Wei Dynasty. And as a connecting link between the preceding and the following supervision systems in ancient China, the Northern Wei supervision system has a major and deep influence on the establishment and the improvement of the following dynasties such as Sui and Tang etc.

【关键词】 北魏监察制度
【Key words】 the Northern Wei Dynastysupervisionsystem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期