

The Research on the Racial Anthropological Structure of Ancient Xinjiang Population

【作者】 刘宁

【导师】 朱泓;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文以新疆地区古墓葬出土人骨材料的研究为出发点,结合历史学、考古学及民族学等方面的研究成果,对欧罗巴人种的“古欧洲类型”、“地中海东支类型”、“中亚两河类型”,与蒙古人种古代居民及其混杂类型的分布与迁徙情况作较为系统的分析归纳,探讨新疆历史上的楼兰、乌孙、车师、回鹘四个古国古民族的人种结构及其源流。本文的研究表明,古楼兰居民主要是地中海东支类型,他们是南帕米尔塞克东进到新疆后与当地人群融合的居民。乌孙人种的主体属于中亚两河类型,公元前二世纪西迁后,不断融入不同的部族,特别是蒙古人种的成分不断增加,形成了黄白两大人种的过渡类型——南西伯利亚人种,其基因的流向主要散布在哈萨克、吉尔吉斯等现代中亚民族之中。古车师人是欧罗巴人种与蒙古人种相混杂的民族,车师人种中不同的种系成分来源于不同的考古学文化,欧罗巴人种成分与西方文化(人群)进入新疆有关,蒙古人种来源于东部文化传统因素的影响,随着前、后车师的亡国,人种成分复杂的车师人融入到新疆的各古代民族之中。回鹘人的本体成分主要是北亚蒙古人种,公元840年后西迁回鹘一分为三,甘州回鹘在漫长岁月里发展演变为裕固族。高昌回鹘、葱岭西回鹘分别是西迁回鹘与当地中亚两河类型、地中海东支类型等人种的混血,随着塔里木盆地的回鹘化和伊斯兰化,经过漫长的融合过程,新疆地区的回鹘至元代形成了新的民族共同体近代维吾尔。欧罗巴人种、蒙古人种两大人类群体在新疆地区的交汇、融合,形成了许多由上述两大人种交融而生的混血族群,使得新疆各民族在遗传结构上带有浓郁的基因多态性、复杂性特点。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang, as an important part of the Silk Road in the history, has been an area with multi nationalities for long time. Along with the development, the integration and genic communication among the different peoples has got more and more complicated and finally evolved into what it is now with quite a few minorities living together in Xinjiang. The distribution of the ancient residents– Europoid, Mongoloid and the mixed type of the two– has changed constantly and formed the racial diversity of ancient people in Xinjiang.On the basis of research on bone materials from Xinjiang ancient cemeteries and the findings of history, archaeology and ethnology, the dissertation analyzes the distribution and migration of Europoid, Proto-European type, Mediterranean type, Pamir-Ferghana type, Mongoloid ancient population and the mixed type; and researches into the racial anthropological structure and origin of Loulan, Wusun, Cheshi and Uyghur ancient population.This dissertation consists of 6 chapters.Chapter one is the Preface. It introduces the geography, peoples of Xinjiang; defines the time and space frame, the objects, and the archaeological background of the research; illustrates the purpose and methodology of the research.Chapter two is about Loulan. According to the analysis of current ancient anthropological materials, ancient Loulan population mainly belongs to the eastern branch of Mediterranean type. When southern Pamirs Saka moved eastward into Xinjiang and further along the Tarim Basin, they integrated with the local residents. Ancient Loulan has existed from as early as Han Dynasty. With the initiation of the Silk Road, by Eastern Han and Wei Jin period, Zhangshi of turkestan started to garrison Loulan and opened up wasteland to grow food grain. This is a period during which most Han people entered this region. During this period, the eastern branch of Mediterranean type and Mongoloid integrated with each other gradually. This can be seen from the anthropological materials from the Eastern Han grave in suburb of Loulan city. At the end of 4th century AD, due to the natural environment deterioration, this group of people finally quit Loulan and distributed into eastern Xinjiang.Chapter three is about Wusun Type. The main part of Wusun people belongs to Pamir-Ferghana type. They inhabited in the wide range around Hami– from west of Hosi Corridor and Dunhuang to east of Xinjiang Tianshan Mountains– in the early phrase. In BC 2nd century, they migrated westward and occupied wide area with Yili River basin and Issyk Lake as the centre. They integrated with local Saka and Yueh-chih. With the migration and integration of the peoples and ethnics around Tarim Basin, this fusion merged into different ethnic groups; the percentage of Mongoloid increased continuously and consequently formed a transition type of Mongoloid and Europoid– South Siberia type. Their gene existed in modern Central Asian peoples, such as Kazak, Kirghizia, etc.Chapter four is about Cheshi people. Based on the findings of the physical anthropological research on the relative materials from Alagou, Yanhai and Subeixi ancient cemeteries, ancient Cheshi people are established on two kinds of mixed types: 1) the mixture of Pamir-Ferghana type, the eastern branch of Mediterranean type, ancient European type and their mixture, 2) the mixture of Mongoloid and Europoid. The different branches of Cheshi originated from different archaeological cultures. Europoid part is linked with the entering of western culture; Mongoloid is associated with the influence of traditional eastern cultures. At least from Warring States period, Subeixi culture has linked to eastern and western cultures simultaneously. After the collapse of Cheshi, they merged into various ancient Xinjiang peoples.Chapter five is about Uyghur people. The main body of Ancient Uyghur people belongs to Northern Asia Mongoloid. After AD 840, it separated into three parts. The northern Asian people characteristics of Ganzhou Uyghur was gradually diluted by eastern Asian Mongoloid and evolved into Yugu finally. The anthropological characteristics of them could be identified clearly from the providers in Dunhuang Murals and the appearance of modern Gannan Yugu people. Gaochang Uyghur integrated with local Europoid and Mongoloid types gradually. But the figures of the providers in murals of Gaochang Uyghur temple in Beiting remain the Mongoloid characteristic. Congling Uyghur, which move to Central Asian Steppe, occupied the region west of Pamirs at first and established the powerful Qarakhnid Dynasty in the 9th-12th century. This part of Uyghur in Central Asian integrated with the local peoples and then moved their capital to Kashkar on the upper reaches of Tarim River. They finally annexed Gaochang Uyghur. With the Uyghurizing and Islamizing in Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Uyghur formed a new community– Uighur during the long integration process over 6-7 centuries.Chapter 6 is the summary. This dissertation researched into the racial anthropological structure, the origin and the evolution of Loulan, Wusun, Cheshi and Uyghur ancient population on the basis of anthropological research. It concludes that the whole Central Asia including Xinjiang is an area where the Europoid type and Mongoloid type blended and integrated. The two types of peoples finally evolved into many mixed races and as a result led to the polymorphism and complexity on the genetic structure of Xinjiang peoples.

【关键词】 新疆地区人种学楼兰乌孙车师回鹘
【Key words】 Xinjiang areaEthnographyLoulanWusunCheshiUyghur
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期