

The Research on Cultivation and Measurement of National High-tech Zone Independent Innovation Ability in China

【作者】 王峰

【导师】 葛宝山;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化和创新时代的来临,现代经济发展已经由依靠传统的资本、劳动力等基础生产要素投入向倚重于技术、知识、信息、技术、专业化的人力资本等高级生产要素投入的方面转变,国家级高新区面对国际全球化和市场经济的挑战,其自主创新战略已经上升成为国家战略,实施自主创新成为高新区实现国家快速高效发展的重要途径和关键举措。本研究是在系统科学和创新理论的指导下展开的,充分运用系统分析和动态分析与演化理论观点,立足高新区自主创新的发展模式和驱动模式,探索基于PIH创新能力培育的演化路径,围绕着产业集聚,企业集群的资源高效配置约束理论,联合构成大系统的自主创新模式,运用系统创新发展的路径模式,对高新区的自主创新进行理论研究和实证分析,并从数理统计方法入手,借助主成分分析、DEA包络分析(C2R&BCC效率分析),聚类分析对高新区发展进行能力测度,通过发展能力排序,进行了规模和技术效率分析,发现高新区区位和地理布局特点,不同的高新区、企业等的创新主体在层次上,空间上,地理上、资源上存在着不同特征,也会存在着不同的创新策略和发展路径选择策略。林毅夫先生说过:“真正对理论的贡献是来自于对现象的观察,从现象当中抽取理论,这才是原创性的贡献”,为此,路径选择与测度的关键在于以科学的理论和方法为指导,高新区自主创新系统应以现实经济系统动态化运行、实际化发展趋势为重,进行科学性、合理性的研究导向与分析决策。

【Abstract】 National Hi-Tech industry development zone is the main state strategy carrier of innovation, China has proposed in high-tech fields leading independent innovation, The Sixth CPC 10 Fifth Plenary in china promoted independent innovation capability to the national strategic priority in economic and social development in a prominent position.The national high and new zone construction is marching into a new stage which faced strengthening the independent innovation ability to realize the connotation type development“The Second time with entrepreneurship”. So that is to say the high and new zone has already got rid of the primitive imitation at initial innovation period and entered into the integrated innovation at second development phase and takes great strides leading forward from“China manufacturing”to“China creating”. Hi-Tech new zone enterprise already in country 863 special and national strategy supporting plans and so on torch plan, starts to expand in the international high-end technology application domain growth, with the developed country, the Multinational corporation launches the compete competition, a large number of domestic leading level and independent intellectual property rights of the high-tech achievements into real productive forces, it provides for the great-leap-forward development.The connotation of original Innovation was from Austria scholars schumpeter academic Innovation of Independent Innovation, the national high-tech Innovation is not only coming from the enterprise research, design, development, manufacture, it lay in the market value creating processes and still needed Innovation subject in research, development, application and industrialization of market operation of three key links have synergy, individuation, namely the competitive advantage of Independent Innovation ability to accumulate. The 20th century 80-90 ages, Harvard Business school lifelong Professor the Michael Porter.M.E broke through the traditional comparison superiority theory limitation,he proposed the country competitive advantage in book "Country Competitive advantage"“the diamond model”, He extended the concept of competitive advantage to the national and regional, national high-tech areas need to emphasize the various elements of high-tech zones to play a role in bringing innovative resources elements: natural resources, human resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure integration, etc. integration, strengthening product innovation, technological innovation, system innovation, the international location of industry innovation and competitive advantages such as joint development,The state-level high-tech zones takes the independent innovation advanced in technology as basic point, the high-tech zones takes the readjustment of the economic structure center, cultivates the technological innovation mechanism and ability of high-tech zones and the enterprise,by this way it can ceases the absolute cost superiority pattern,it forms the effective Industrial organization shape and core competitive ability and the technology researches and develops ability with the High-tech enterprise again, So transforming of the foundation resources comparison superiority as the high and new zone region industry competitive advantage can realizes the region industrial structure optimized promotion.State-level high-tech zones independent innovation ability is many kinds of ability combined action result,The high-tech zones is not only based on the proliferation and the overflow effect theory product, moreover it is a colony’s product,Independent innovation ability not only includes the innovation main body to resources grasping with the utilization ability, also includes causes the carrier ability which the environment ability of innovation main body can realize from; includes the scientific and technical payoffs creation ability, and includes the market brand cultivation ability. Therefore in this article we summarizes the high and new zone independent innovation ability mainly to have four aspects to constitute as followed:1. innovation resources, high-tech innovation system coordinated ability, The high-tech zones innovation system emphasis resources innovative activities as a system resources integration, the high-tech zones need the mechanism actuation function to carry on the resources essential factor conformity, the key is the innovation individual, enterprise and development facility, which flowed between the social essential factor the knowledge and the information. 2. the ability to integrate hi-tech innovation environment, innovative environment including transportation logistics and integration of information network, the market demand and supply of labor resources and environment, financing, financial environment in five aspects. Environment integration is very essential auxiliary support system and a key guarantee for promoting independent innovation capability, at the macro industry and high-tech industry (Medicine, new materials, energy, electronic information, biotechnology and other fields) implemented the whole integration of technology project. 3. independent innovation channel construction, The independent innovation of key needs a good investment channels to smooth implementation of R&D input to large-scale production, R&D plan human resources construction, production, logistics and transport channels, channels and industry cluster, that is the basic business channels, Information channels through government and intermediary services and international markets for high-tech zone of independent innovation from the channel construction, bedding, innovation ability will greatly atrophy. 4 Modular innovation ability, (1) brand ability, (2) international ability, (3) industrial cluster ability included, (4) enterprise incubation and cluster ability, (5) Enterprise clusters ability.Studyed relevance theory owing to that independent innovation theory and high-tech development zone, we sum up the high-tech zones independent innovation development pattern and the driven pattern route, Based on PIH innovation evolutionary path we proposed an innovative model theory.I built the independent innovation ability actuation model and frame, our analytical studies based on from the high and new zone endogenous type growth theory and the characteristic ability which included enterprise colony and industry gathering. By the excavation innovates independently under the PIH path cultivation pattern, we carried on the factor ecology reckoning by the construction synthesis innovation model, its measure result and the analysis have certain scientific basis, for the high and new zone scale is huge,it has some certation questiones in the primary data accumulation, gathering and insufficient, moreover regarding soft environment factors and so on industrial colony, government has the research insufficiency in this paper with the independent innovation ability’s association connection, this is needs to strengthen the research part in futher.In this article we use a syste and dynamic analysis and evolutionary viewpoint to constraint theory system consisting of innovation, system and development mode of the path model of independent innovation around the industrial cluster, the enterprise clusters efficiency of resource allocation. Our analysis system use a antithesis procedure of independent innovation development’s way pattern which carries on the theoretical analysis and empirical study to the independent innovation of high-tech zone,starting from Mathematical statistics using principal component analysis, DEA envelopment analysis, C2R and BCC efficiency analysis, cluster analysis, we built index system and measurement model of the capacity of independent innovation .Through sorting of development ability and technique efficiency analysis of scale,we found the geography characteristics of high-tech zone’s innovation location layout and distribution, the different high-tech enterprises etc in different levels in the innovation subject, space, resources exist on different characteristics, there will be a different innovation strategy and development path selection strategy. Therefore, the path selection and measurment of key scientific theory and method of independent innovation in high-tech system of dynamic and actualization of economic system will be guided by development trend of scientific and reasonable as decision. So for the status analysis of independent innovation, innovation measurement methods, and the deep driver path analysis of characteristics with various models are continued and necessary to improvedt and refined in further, we believe that with further direction research on independent innovation national strategy of hi-tech zone guidance will play an important role.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期