

The Critique of Maclntyre’s Moral Philosopy

【作者】 亢丽娟

【导师】 孙利天;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “现代性”道德的基本伦理精神即是“普遍理性主义的内在冲动”。然而理性多元导致了“诸神混战”,从而引发现代性道德危机。对于现代性道德问题而言,以罗尔斯、哈贝马斯为代表的普遍理性主义主张重张康德的普遍理性主义旗帜,以拯救现代性道德危机。但是这种“现代性谋划”失败了!麦金太尔认为,由于启蒙谋划的失败,现代西方社会无论是社会生活中还是哲学理论上,都陷入了深刻的危机中。基于此,麦金太尔提出了向以亚里士多德为代表的德性传统回归的独特思路。麦金太尔提出的摆脱现代道德困境的尝试有很多值得商榷的地方,这种拯救方案在现实的考验中也未必行得通,但是麦金太尔的现代性批判本身有其理论价值。但是,由于其古典主义传统立场的限制,使得其批判总体上是保守主义的。就是因为其理论的保守性而使其批判缺乏现实性。马克思在反资本主义理论中的反现代性论说是有着“直接实践意义”的。他对以资本主义为特征的现代社会的深刻洞察,无不蕴含着对现代性的间接诊断。然而,马克思走出现代性道德困境的路径是与众不同的,即以“实践”为原点,分析出导致现代性道德困境的根源是“异化劳动”,从而指出走出现代性道德困境的保障和目标就是“自由人的联合体”。

【Abstract】 Morality crisis of the modernity is accompanying with“the modernity”. Today the modernity has the hegemony status’s ideology and the power of speaking. It is in-depth survival situation and the speaking background on the morality in modern society. The 20th century’s moral crisis first was or was still“modernity”crisis.The modernity and the modernization is the organic unification in modern society. The modernity becomes one of the most focal problems currently because of developing modernization. The modernization, in fact is“the westernization”. Therefore, the modernity is an authority speaking, and it is also a cultural hegemony. The modernity is origin in Enlightenment directly. Therefore, the Enlightenment spirit itself Contains in“the modernity”. The modernity concepts’ core is the rationality and subjectivity. And the free is the most basic value of the modernity. Although the modernity highly raises the subject’s rationality and person’s freedom, it received the Metaphysics’consistent pursue of the universality. Modernity achievement“rationalization”the enterprise, means that the rationality substituted for the tradition to become the new authority. The rationalization is“identical”essentially. But, it’s one-sided development has caused the modernity question directly.The modernity morality, similar to the modernity, is in contradictory concepts’system. At present, a global phenomenon is cultural Pluralism. However, in this situation the people seek the Trans-Culture difference universal recognition, thus the morality of the modernity already transformed the criticized object. This is a cultural dilemma. However, MacIntyre declared in“after virtue”:It is a fundamental base on which the Enlightenment Project failed.“Morality of the modernity”fell into mutual attack between traditional and post-modernism. In the 1990s’s China ,those were their performance: On the one hand, neo-Confucianists planted to revive traditional culture; On the other hand, post-modernism thinkers wanted to pursues the diversity and Heterogeneity.The basic ethics spirit of the modernity morality is“the universal rationalism intrinsic impulsion”. Basing on this, various cliques embarked from the different moral Preinstall source, and indicated own viewpoint respectively in own linguistic environment, thus causing fierce“Olympians tangled warfare”increasingly. It initiated the original moral power to lose, moral relativism being in flood, the moral foundation collapse and the moral mutual recognition crisis.Speaking of the modernity morality problems , as models of universal rationalism, Rawls and Habermas had provided the constructive opinions. To save the modernity morality crisis, they insisted standpoint of the modernity morality, faced directly the modernity morality crisis, and advocated to return Kant’s universal rationalism. However, Rawls and Habermas’public ration concepts and their proof ways had basically been separated from the Moral Metaphysics’hedge. So, their theories face this question: How to realize their Public rational society. The modernity morality’s essential problem is to yearn madly for the homogenization or the identical rational principle or the universal morality, and to favor rational construction about universal moral rule, thus the humanity lose the intrinsic support about virtue resources. Modern universal rationalism ethics is both unscrupulous metaphysics preinstall and the non-traditional virtue resources. So,“the modernity project”must fail! Therefore, MacIntyre advocated returning Ancient Virtue tradition.Macintyre didn’t reconstruct the modernity morality with confidence, but pessimistically scanned the modernity morality. His basic judgment is: Since Enlightenment, moral construction work had throughly failed, thus leading to the crisis of moral life and theories in the modern society. Macintyre thought that the ethical language of our society was in a grave disorder condition. He used“Feeling doctrine”as the current ethical state token fors another purpose. Why in this way? The fundamental reason rested with the limitations of enlightenment reason,the immediate reason was that the thinkers wholly failed to save Enlightenment. It caused today’s virtuous life to be in the fragment. Macintyre believed that modern moral philosophy failed, we faced two choices: Nietzsche or Aristotle. MacIntyre thought Nietzsche’s standpoint was still individualism essentially, it was itself in the modernity morality problems. Therefore, we could not accept post-modernism, also could not approve the modernism, the only choice should returns to Ancient Virtue tradition.Therefore, before he saved the ethical crisis of the modern west, MacIntyre began to restate the western ethical tradition of virtue. He described the historical development of virtue theories. He recounted in oder Homer’s virtue, Athens’ virtue, Aristotle’s virtue and the medieval times’virtue. MacIntyre was not simply duplicates Ancient Virtue tradition to the modern morals linguistic environment. Macintyre’s principle was the historicism critic, thus realized breakthrough on the theory. MacIntyre proposed distinctive train of thought to return Ancient Virtue tradition: Namely, to carry on the moral inquisition by the traditional narrative way, to reconstruct community, and to restructure teleology. Why to return Ancient Virtue tradition? Macintyre thought that in Ancient Virtue tradition, there were able to find the resources which to solve questions. In addition, the human was the dependent rational creature. Macintyre proved that the human needed the virtue from person’s biology subject significance. But, because of Circumstances changing with the passage of time, could we return to Ancient Virtue tradition? Macintyre thought that once ideological prop collapsed with“God died”, so, the people must seek for the new ideological prop. Ancient Virtue tradition showed to pursue and affirm for the supreme good, it exactly could achieve this point, thus became the basic reason and the powerful for returning Ancient Virtue tradition.MacIntyr’s attempts to get rid of the modern moral dilemma was worth discussing, moreover the plan cannot necessarily accepted in real life, but Macintyre’s modernity critique had its theory value. They show mainly: (1) to criticize which individualism over expansion of the modern West causes the Relativism; (2) to wake up which extremely growing hedonism of the modern West results in person’s intrinsic energetic value lost; (3) to surmount the modern West ethics abstract speculative mode by traditional narrative inquisition way. However, its Classicism tradition standpoint resulted in its critique is as a whole the Conservatism. They showed mainly: (1) MacIntyre’s moral philosopy theory was idealism; (2) MacIntyre theory’s Utopia fantasy was obvious; (3) MacIntyre’s theory only was to patch capitalist system.Obviously, MacIntyre’s anti-modernity issues were extremely rich, regarding capitalist system’s critique was without doubt profound, but its critique lacked the feasibility because of its conservatism. However, Marx’s anti-modernity dissertations had“the direct practice significance”in anti-capitalism theory. Because Marx’s care for the human happy question based on his paying close attention to realistic misery destiny of the human. He was a revolutionary and thinker who took the emancipation of mankind as his own duty , he lifetime devoted in“the extant world revolutionization”. For this reason, Marx undoubtedly held the special status. The modernity indirect diagnosis was hidden his insight into the capitalism. However, Marx’s routes to get out of plight were out of the ordinary, namely to take“the practice”as the origin, and analyze that“talienative labour”reasons for the modernity moral dilemma , and then point out that“union united by free individuals”was the basic object of the modernity moral dilemma.

【关键词】 现代性道德德性共同体实践批判
【Key words】 the Modernity moralityVirtuecommunitypracticecritique
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期