

Organization Change of the European Social Democratic Party after the Cold War

【作者】 葛丽

【导师】 臧秀玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中共党史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 政党发展的历史同时也是各政党的变革史,政党的变革一般是在其外在环境变迁和内在因素发展的双向刺激下进行的。政党组织能否适应时代的变化作出相应的变革对于其功能能否充分发挥至关重要。社会民主党是欧洲政坛一支重要的执政力量,自诞生以来也一向锐意改革。冷战的巨大冲击使社会民主党不仅在理论上逐渐迷茫,在实践中也深陷执政危机,长期处于在野状态。在政党竞争十分激烈的欧洲政坛,长期不能执政是十分危险的。为此,冷战后社会民主党痛定思痛,在政治、经济等各方面进行了大幅度调整,其中对党的组织也进行了全面变革,以迎合选民的需求。20世纪90年代末,变革后的社会民主党终于迎来了党的“复兴”。本文应用结构功能主义和比较分析法,对社会民主党此次组织上的变革从理论、背景、内容、成效和启示五大方面进行了全面分析。全文着力论证和阐述了以下主要观点:一、社会分野理论、环境主义理论、制度变迁理论和政党竞争理论分别从不同角度阐释了政党组织变革的缘由,西方学者们也具体分析了政党组织变革的三种分析路径,即生命周期分析路径、系统层面分析路径和突变分析路径。但概括而言,政党组织的变革是政党对来自外界各种挑战的一种应对性回应。二、政党本质上是惰于变革的大型组织,但当党的生存环境发生巨大变化时,为保持党长久的生命力和强大的竞争力,进而保证党不被排除在政治体系之外,党不得不进行相应的变革,即政党组织的变革是有着一定的时代背景的。冷战后欧洲社会民主党组织的变革也有着其独特的国际、国内和自身背景,其中,全球化、信息化的发展、冷战的结束和民主社会主义的理论困境是其变革的国际背景:社会结构的变化和其它非主流政党对它的冲击是其变革的国内背景;党自身繁琐的组织结构设置、浓厚的阶级色彩、有限的政治参与渠道和复杂的政党文化不能适应时代发展的要求是其变革的内在因素。三、冷战后欧洲社会民主党组织的变革是一场全面的变革,在组织类型、组织基础、组织运作、组织机构、组织决策、组织纪律和组织目标等各个方面都进行了广泛的变革。其中,从组织类型上看,冷战后社会民主党的大众党特征进一步减弱,“全方位党”特征更为突出;从组织基础上看,冷战后的社会民主党更加淡化其阶级色彩,大力向中产阶级靠拢;从组织运作上看,随着媒体更深的介入,社会民主党成员的作用大大降低;从组织机构上看,冷战后社会民主党简化机构形式,强化中央权力;从组织原则上看,社会民主党在冷战后更加强调直接民主和基层民主的切实实现;从组织纪律上看,冷战后的社会民主党用更为严格的纪律对党实行更强有力的监督;从组织目标上看,冷战后的社会民主党反思其社会主义目标后,更为强调公正、自由、互助等社会民主主义核心价值观的主导作用。四、社会民主党组织的变革仍在进行之中,但就目前来看,其组织变革的近期目标,即重新执掌政权的目标已经基本实现,各国社会民主党纷纷得以上台执政或参政。但是我们也要看到,社会民主党内部深层次的矛盾仍未解决,仍面临着选民信任和认同危机、选举变数相对较大等各种问题,其组织特色因其政策的实用性也在逐渐消失。五、欧洲社会民主党组织变革的经验教训对中国共产党组织上的改革有着重要的借鉴意义,有助于我们进一步加大改革力度,在扩大民主决策、调整权力配置和巩固执政根基等各方面采取新的举措,以实现社会主义民主,成为真正能体现和代表民意的现代化政党。

【Abstract】 The development history of the party is also the reformation history of it. The reformation of the party usually is undergoing under the stimulation of external environment changes and inner factor development. Whether the party organization makes corresponding changes to the changes of times plays an important role in performing its functions.The Social Democratic Party was an important ruling power among Europe politics. However, due to the huge impact of the Cold War, it began to get lost in theory and sink into ruling crisis and thus had been out of political office for a long time. In the European political field where the competition is quite fierce, it is very dangerous to be out of office. Therefore, the Social Democratic Party learnt a lesson from its painful experience and began to make great full-scale reformations to meet the needs of the voters, and gained a "magical renaissance" with its efforts. Our article is to make a systematic analysis of the reformations of the Social Democratic Party from the perspectives of theory, background, content, effect and enlightenment with the methods of systematic analysis and comparative analysis. We will put special stress on the argumentation and elaboration of the following ideas:First, theory of social distinction, theory of system resources, theory of system change, and theory of party competition illustrate the reasons for the change of the party organization from different angles. Western learners also elaborated the three analysis routes of the change of the party organization, That is, the life cycle analysis route, system level analysis route and mutation analysis route. Generally speaking, change of the party organization is a coping reply to the external challenge of the party.Second, the party is in nature a large organization that is reluctant to make changes. But when the living environment changes greatly, it has to do so to keep its vitality and to ensure that it will not be expelled from the political system. That is to say, the change of the party organization is done under certain historical background. After the Cold War, changes of the organization of the European Social Democratic Party are also made under particular international, domestic and its own background, within which the development of globalization and information, the end of the Cold War and the crisis of the democratic socialism are the international background, the change of social structure and the impact of other alternative parties are the domestic background, and the setting of its fussy organization structures, its obvious social class tint, its limited political involvement channels and its particular party culture not suitable for the changes of the times are the internal factors for its changes.Third, changes of the organization of the Social Democratic Party after the Cold War are full-scale:they involve changes of the organization form, the organization basis, the organization operation, the organization structure, the organization decision, the organization goal, and so on. As for the organization form, the Social Democratic Party weakens its feature of mass party and projects the feature of "multi-faceted party" instead; as for the organization basis, the Social Democratic Party plays down its social class tint and strives to get close to the middle class; as for the organization operation, roles of the party members have weakened greatly due to the intervention of the media; as for the organization decision, the Social Democratic Party has put more emphasis on pure democracy and democracy at the grassroots level after the Cold War; as for the organization discipline the Social Democratic Party make rigid party discipline and reinforce the supervision of the party; as for the organization goal, the Social Democratic Party abstains from the socialism more and stresses the leading role of the values of democracy, freedom and equality.Fourth, changes of the organization of the Social Democratic Party are still in progress. At present, the short-term goal if resuming the political office has almost come true and the Social Democratic Parties of each country have taken office or have participated in government and political affairs. But we should be clear that the inner profound contradictions of the Social Democratic Party are not solved yet and the party is still faced with problems of the voters’ trust and identification crisis, comparatively big voting variation; its organization feature is fading gradually due to its policy practicability.Fifth, our Party can draw lessons from the changes of the organization of the European Social Democratic Party. We should intensify our reformation further, take new measures in expanding democratic decisions, reinforcing ruling basis to realize socialist democracy and make our party a modern party that can truly embody and represent the public will.

【关键词】 社会民主党组织变革
【Key words】 Social Democratic Partyorganizationchange
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期