

Chinese Telecommunication Profession Administration Monopoly and Competition Policy Research

【作者】 杨秀玉

【导师】 于良春;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国民经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在我国社会主义市场经济建立和完善过程中,行政垄断问题引起了社会各界的普遍关注,成为我国当代经济学的研究前沿领域之一,也成为我国政治体制改革和经济体制改革的焦点。行业性行政垄断是计划经济的产物,大多发生在关系国计民生的基础设施性行业,带来的后果是效率低、服务差,缺乏竞争性,甚至限制了新技术的开发和应用。电信行业是一个国家国民经济的重要组成部分,覆盖全国的电信网络是保证其它行业顺利发展的主要基础设施之一。因此,电信行业的发展状况对其它行业乃至整体经济产生的影响不可小视。长期以来人们一直把电信行业视为自然垄断行业,认为电信服务的基础性、网络的完整性、固定资产的沉没性以及电信运营的规模经济决定了电信行业自然垄断特性。但是在我国,电信行业一直是在政府的严格控制之下发展的,带有明显的行政垄断色彩。电信行业的行政垄断造成了很多的不利影响,制约着电信行业的健康发展,所以,对电信行业行政垄断问题的深入研究和探讨具有较强的理论价值和现实意义。本文运用理论与实践相结合、抽象与具体相结合和比较分析的方法,以电信行业行政垄断为研究对象,以产业组织理论和西方规制理论为基础,结合我国电信行业发展改革历程,对电信行业行政垄断问题进行了全面深入的分析,提出了电信行业行政垄断程度的测算指标体系,并对行政垄断对电信行业造成的影响进行了实证分析,通过博弈模型分析了电信行业价格竞争和非价格竞争情况,最后,提出打破电信行业行政垄断、促进竞争格局形成的政策建议,以期推动我国电信行业的健康、快速发展。本文主要可分为七章,第三、四、五和七章是论文的主要部分:第一章主要介绍论文的研究背景和意义,国内外学术界对行政垄断问题和行政垄断对资源配置效率的影响的研究现状及其存在的主要问题,在此基础上,说明了本文的学术价值。接着论述了论文的研究思路和方法,最后提出了本文各章节的逻辑体系与主要内容及论文的创新点。第二章为中国行业性行政垄断形成原因及作用机理分析。论文从体制成因和经济主体原因两方面分析了我国行政垄断形成的原因,通过对市场失灵、政府规制和规制失灵相关理论的回顾,提出行业性行政垄断的形成机理。并在新产业组织理论的基础上,将政府因素内生到是整个系统中来,构成对行政垄断分析的G-SCP研究框架。其中,G表示政府的有关政策和行为;S表示由一系列参数指标构成的产业特征矩阵;C表示在位垄断厂商的行为;P表示绩效。第三章主要是介绍我国电信行业的发展现状,各运营商的发展前景,分析我国电信行业发展面临的机遇与挑战,并运用统计方法预测未来几十年的电信业务量,并结合我国电信行业的发展实情,对我国电信行业存在的垄断类型进行了判断,分析了其形成的原因和造成的后果。第四章为中国电信行业行政垄断程度测度。首先回顾了国内外学者在垄断程度测度方面的研究现状,提出本文的测算方法。然后运用G-SCP分析框架,设置政府、结构、行为和绩效四大类的指标,在四大类指标下分设12个二级和33个三级指标,建立测量电信行业行政垄断程度的指标体系,并测量出1990~2008年我国电信行业行政垄断程度。第五章为中国电信行业行政垄断造成的影响分析。分别从电信企业的经营绩效、电信行业技术进步、电信行业经济效率和社会福利四方面分析行政垄断对电信行业资源配置效率造成的影响。电信企业经营绩效方面,我国电信行业的网络技术水平、设备先进性已经超过了不少发达国家,但运行效率、运行质量和经济效益则相差太远,我国电信运营商在高利润的背后是高成本,高浪费,并且缺乏国际竞争力。电信行业技术进步方面,电信行业行政垄断程度对全要素生产率贡献率的贡献系数为-1.327,负面影响较大。电信行业经济效率方面,当电信行业垄断程度降低时,全要素生产率的增长速度放慢,前沿技术进步加快,相对前沿技术效率降低,资源配置效率加强,规模总报酬递增,规模经济性改善降低。社会福利方面,从电信行业的垄断福利、管制机构非正常开支、电信企业的寻租成本以及行政垄断造成的社会净福利损失四方面考察了电信行业行政垄断造成的社会福利影响。第六章为中国电信行业竞争政策研究。论文结合我国电信行业的竞争现状,运用价格博弈模型和非价格博弈模型进行分析,认为价格竞争带来的结果是恶性的价格战,长期而言对大家都是不利的,只有紧跟技术进步,不断推陈出新,通过服务和产品的升级换代来满足消费者的新需要,从长期动态发展的角度寻找各自不同竞争优势的竞争战略,才能促进整个电信行业有效竞争格局的形成和整个行业竞争力的提升。最后通过对国外电信行业在促进竞争方面的经验的介绍,提出对我国电信市场竞争格局形成的启示。第七章为结论、政策建议与研究展望。对本文的主要观点和结论进行了总结,根据前文研究提出了几点打破电信行业行政垄断、促进竞争格局形成的政策建议。最后,在此基础上明确了下一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 In the process of establishing and improving the socialist market economy, administrative monopoly has drawn widespread attention from all sectors of society. The study area of administrative monopoly has become one of the research frontiers of China’s contemporary economics and the focus of political and economic reforms. The professional administrative monopoly is the planned economy’s product, mostly occurs in the infrastructure profession relating national economy and the people’s livelihood, brings the consequence of low efficiency, bad service, less competition, even limits the new technical development and application.The telecommunication profession is an important part of the country national economy, the telecommunication network is one of the main infrastructures which guarantee other profession develop smoothly. Therefore, the telecommunication profession’s development condition influences other professions and even the overall economy. Becaue of its service’s foundation, network’s integrity, fixed asset’s submersion as well as operation’s scale economy, people have regarded the telecommunication profession as the natural monopoly profession for a long time. But in our country, the telecommunication profession has been develops under government’s strict control, and has obvious administrative monopoly color. The many adverse effefts of the telecommunication profession’s administrative monopoly restrict the telecommunication profession healthy development, therefore,the issues of administrative monopoly of the telecommunication profession in-depth study and discussion with a strong theoertical and practical significance have been conducted in this paper.In this paper, theory and practice, combining abstract and specific research methods and comparative analysis, have been studied in the telecommunication profession’s administrative monopoly problems, with the theory frames of the Industrial Organization theory and Western Regulatory theory, according to our country telecommunication profession development reform course, carried on the comprehensive thorough analysis to the telecommunication profession administration monopoly question, proposed the reckoning indicator system of the telecommunication profession administration monopoly, and ananlyzed its influence empirically. Through gambling model analyzing the telecommunication profession price competition and non-price competition situation. Finally, the paper proposes policy and suggestion to break the telecommunication profession administration monopoly and form competition pattern, the goal is to promote our country telecommunication profession’s development healthly and fastly.This paper can be divided into six chapters, the third, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth chapers are the mainstays.The first chapter mainly introducs the paper’s research background and significance, the domestic and foreign research situation, based on this, explains this paper academic value. Then elaborated the research mentality and method, finally proposes the various chapters logical system, the primary coverage and the innovation spots.The second chapter analyzes the reason and the action mechanism of the Chinese professional administration monopoly. The paper analyzes the reason of our country administration monopoly from the system origin and the economic subject reason, reviews the market malfunction,. the government regulations and the regulations malfunction, proposes the professional administrative monopoly formation mechanism, and constitutes the administrative monopoly analysis G-SCP research frame based on new Industrial Organization theory. Among them, G indicates government policy and behavior; S indicates matrix of industrial feature; C indicates behavior of the monopoly manufacturer; P indicates performance.The third chapter mainly introduces our country telecommunication profession’s development situation, and various operators’development prospect, analyzes the opportunities and challenges of our country telecommunication profession development facing, forecasts the telecommunication business volume using statistical method, and judges the monopoly type of our country telecommunication profession according to its development truth, and elaborates its reason and consequence.The fourth chapter measures the telecommunication profession administration monopoly. Firstly, article reviews the domestic and foreign scholars’research present situation in the monopoly degree measure aspect, proposes the reckoning method of this article. Then using G-SCP analysis frame, establishing government, structure, behavior and perforence four broad heading target,12 second-level targets and 33 third-level targets, establishing the indicator system to survey telecommunication profession administration monopoly degree.The fifth chapter analyzes the influence of the telecommunication profession administration monopoly from four aspects:telecommunication enterprise’s management performance, telecommunication profession technology advancement, telecommunication profession economic efficiency and social welfare. The telecommunication enterprise’s management performance aspect, our country telecommunication profession networking level, the equipment sophistication has already surpassed many developed countries, but the operating efficiency, the movement quality and the economic efficiency are differently, our country telecommunication operator is the high cost, high waste and lacking international competitiveness behind high profit. The telecommunication profession technology advancement aspect, the contribution coefficient which the telecommunication profession administration monopoly influences the total factor productivity is-1.327, and the negative influence is very big. The telecommunication profession economic efficiency aspect, when the telecommunication profession monopoly degree reduces, the total factor productivity’s rate slows down, the frontier technology progress speeds up, the relative frontier technology efficiency reduces, the resources deployment efficiency strengthens, the scale total reward increases progressively, the scale efficiency improvement reduces. The social welfare aspect is mainly from the telecommunication profession’s monopoly welfare, the regulatory agency’s unusual expenditure, the telecommunication enterprise’s rent-seeking cost as well as the social only welfare loss. The sixth chapter is the Chinese telecommunication profession competition policy research. The paper carries on the analysis using the price gambling model and the non-price gambling model according to our country telecommunication profession’s competition present situation, thinks that the price competition only brings the malignant price war, which is disadvantageous to everybody for a long time, only follows closely to the technology advancement, finds something new in what is old unceasingly, meets consumer’s new needs through the generation of the service and the product, seeks for the competition strategy of the respective different competitive advantage from the long-term dynamic development’s angle, can promote the entire telecommunication profession effective competition pattern formation and the entire profession competitive power. Finally, through the introduction of the overseas telecommunication profession’s experience in the promotion competition aspect, the paper proposes the enlightenment to form our country telecommunication market competition pattern.The seventh chapter is conclusion, policy suggestion and research forecast. It summarizes the major point and conclusion, proposes several policy suggestion to break the telecommunication profession administration monopoly and promote competition pattern formation according to the preamble research. Finally, it puts forward the next step study direction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期