

A Study on the Formation Mechanism of Retailer Brand Equity Based on Customer’s Perspective

【作者】 沈鹏熠

【导师】 胡正明;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在过去数十年,品牌化已经成为营销学术界的顶级研究课题和方向。它不仅成为制造行业决策者思维中的一个主要战略驱动因素,而且也成为服务行业中的决策者要考虑的一个重要元素,品牌化正从制造业向零售业转移。零售品牌化是零售业中的主要趋势之一。尽管,品牌资产被广泛地视为衡量品牌化战略有效性的指数,但直到近年来,零售商品牌资产概念才陆续出现在营销文献中。零售商品牌类似于产品品牌,也拥有资产,零售商品牌资产是零售品牌化理论的重要内容。构建品牌资产是零售商面临的一项重要战略议题,有助于零售企业建立长期竞争优势。虽然零售品牌化理论在学术界逐渐得到重视,但零售商品牌资产的相关研究尚未形成一个完善的理论框架和系统结构,特别是有关零售商品牌资产的形成机制问题仍处于模糊状态。并且,国外关于零售商品牌资产的研究结论是否适用于中国零售市场还需作出进一步的本土化检验。因此,本文以零售商品牌资产形成中的影响因素及其作用关系作为研究的核心问题。通过明确零售商品牌资产形成过程的关键驱动因素,对这些驱动因素的结构维度进行测量,并运用实证研究方法分析不同驱动因素间的影响机制,目的是为零售商品牌资产建设和管理能力的提升提供有益启示。为解决这一问题,本文对相关研究成果进行了系统梳理和评介,明确了零售商品牌资产形成过程中的关键驱动因素及其作用关系,从顾客视角构建了零售商品牌资产形成机制研究模型。并且,以济南市大型百货商店的消费者为调查对象,采用SPSS16.0和AMOS7.0软件对研究模型进行了分阶段实证分析。主要研究内容如下:首先,通过对现有文献的梳理,回顾了品牌资产理论的研究成果和不足,对零售商品牌资产的内涵、结构、测量及驱动模型进行了阐述。然后,对商店形象的概念、形成过程、结构维度、测量方法以及影响因素和作用结果进行了梳理。并且,对消费者购物价值理论进行了系统回顾,分别就顾客价值的定义和分类,购物价值的结构及其内涵,购物价值的影响因素,以及购物价值与零售产出的关系进行了总结。其中,笔者对所涉及到的研究变量之间的内在关系进行了客观评介。其次,在文献综述的基础上,进一步对零售商品牌资产形成机制进行理论分析,目的是为后续实证研究概念模型及其研究假设的提出夯实基础。首先,从环境心理学、认知心理学、线索利用理论、购物体验理论、服务业顾客忠诚理论上分析零售商品牌资产形成过程中部分研究变量间的作用依据。然后,通过对零售商品牌资产形成的动因、表现模式和战略价值解析,为零售商品牌资产形成的整合分析框架的构建提供要素来源和理论参考。最后,构建出零售商品牌资产形成机制整合分析框架,形成了基于顾客视角的零售商品牌资产形成机制简化模型,并对简化模型中研究变量结构维度的后续应用进行了界定。再次,根据文献综述和理论分析结果,提出了基于顾客视角的零售商品牌资产形成机制的整体研究模型,并将其分解为两个子概念模型,针对子概念模型中外在潜变量和内在潜变量间的不同路径关系,提出了系列的研究假设。最后,分别就商店形象对顾客情绪与购物价值影响的概念模型,以及购物价值对关系质量与零售商品牌资产影响的概念模型进行了实证研究。笔者首先进行实证调研问卷的设计,通过文献研究和访谈研究的方式获取模型中各构面的具体测量题项,并形成初始问卷。其次,通过小样本的调研,进行探索性研究。通过信度分析和效度分析,进一步纯化测量题项,并形成正式调研问卷。然后,以正式调研问卷回收的数据为基础,分别对商店形象维度、购物价值维度和零售商品牌资产维度进行了本土化实证检验,并比较了购物价值维度与零售商品牌资产维度在不同人口统计特征变量下的差异。同时,利用AMOS7.0软件对概念模型中的假设关系进行检验,并就关系质量对购物价值与零售商品牌资产关系间的调节效应进行了分析。通过理论分析与实证检验,取得的研究结论如下:第一,从顾客视角识别出影响零售商品牌资产形成的关键要素。本文通过文献回顾和理论分析,指出影响零售商品牌资产形成的因素包括零售企业营销环境因素、零售商营销策略、竞争零售商营销策略、顾客感知和评价系统要素、顾客特征与情境因素,并创造性地建立了零售商品牌资产形成过程的关键路径—零售商品牌价值链。在此基础上,剔除掉消费者调查中难以控制和难以衡量的驱动因素,从顾客的研究视角出发将零售商品牌资产形成机制研究模型的主效应进一步聚焦于零售商营销策略、顾客感知和评价系统要素、顾客心智的零售商品牌资产间的作用关系上,并最终识别出商店形象、顾客情绪、购物价值和关系质量作为零售商品牌资产形成过程的关键驱动要素。第二,将商店形象划分为商品形象、服务形象、设施形象、氛围形象、便利形象和促销形象六个维度,并在实证研究中得到支持。尽管学术界关于商店形象维度的识别和划分较为丰富,但本文提出了不同的商店形象六维度分类体系。通过零售市场的消费者定性访谈,对原有商店形象测量题项进行了补充和发展,开发出新的商店形象测量量表。然后,在中国大型百货商店研究情境中对商店形象测量量表进行了实证检验,最终证明了商店形象六维结构有良好的信度和效度。第三,将消费者购物价值分为功能性、享乐性和社会性购物价值三个维度,并在中国大型百货商店研究情境中得到证实。本文尝试着将社会性购物价值作为一个重要的研究变量纳入零售商品牌资产形成机制研究变量的测量维度中,并通过消费者的定性访谈进一步补充和发展了社会性购物价值的测量题项。然后,在中国大型百货商店研究情境中对消费者购物价值测量量表进行了实证检验和分析,最终证明了消费者购物价值三维结构具有良好的信度和效度。第四,将西方零售商品牌资产四维度分类体系应用到中国零售市场的研究中,并得到实证支持。零售商认知、零售商感知质量、零售商联想和零售商忠诚作为基于顾客的零售商品牌资产结构维度已经得到国外实证研究的支持。本文再次将这一结构维度体系纳入中国百货商店的研究情境中,实证研究表明,零售商品牌资产的四维度分类体系具有很好的信度和效度,从而也证明了它们具有较好的跨文化适应性和稳定性。第五,对商店形象、顾客情绪与购物价值关系的作用机制进行了实证研究。从实证检验结果看,商店形象的所有维度对顾客的愉悦情绪有显著正向影响,而对唤起情绪有显著正向影响的商店形象维度只有服务形象、氛围形象和促销形象。同时,顾客的愉悦情绪对购物价值的所有维度都有显著的正向影响,而顾客的唤起情绪只对享乐性和社会性购物价值有显著的正向影响。第六,对购物价值、关系质量与零售商品牌资产关系的作用机制进行了实证研究。从实证检验结果看,购物价值的所有维度对顾客满意有显著正向影响,而对顾客信任有显著正向影响的购物价值维度只有社会性购物价值。同时,顾客满意和顾客信任对零售商品牌资产的所有维度均有显著正向影响。第七,关系质量对购物价值与零售商品牌资产关系的调节作用部分成立。基于层次回归分析的实证分析表明,关系质量对购物价值与零售商品牌资产间的调节作用部分成立,其调节效应较弱。其中,顾客满意对享乐性购物价值与零售商认知的关系,以及功能性购物价值和零售商感知质量的关系有较弱的正向影响。而顾客满意对功能性购物价值与零售商忠诚的关系有较弱的负向影响,顾客信任对享乐性购物价值与零售商忠诚的关系有较弱的负向影响。第八,人口统计特征对购物价值与零售商品牌资产的显著影响部分成立。实证研究表明,顾客的性别、惠顾频率和消费金额对消费者购物价值有显著的影响。其中,性别对消费者享乐性购物价值有显著影响,惠顾频率对享乐性购物价值和社会性购物价值有显著影响,消费金额对社会性购物价值有显著影响。顾客的年龄、职业、收入、惠顾频率和消费金额对零售商品牌资产有显著影响。其中,年龄对零售商认知和零售商忠诚有显著影响,职业对零售商认知和零售商忠诚有显著影响,收入对零售商认知和零售商忠诚有显著影响,惠顾频率对零售商认知、零售商联想和零售商忠诚有显著影响,消费金额对零售商认知和零售商忠诚有显著影响。本论文研究工作及其结论的创新性主要体现在以下五个方面:(1)系统构建了基于顾客视角的零售商品牌资产形成机制整体研究模型。本文通过文献综述和理论分析,构建出包含商店形象、顾客情绪、购物价值、关系质量和零售商品牌资产变量的整体研究模型。(2)构建并验证了商店形象对顾客情绪与购物价值影响的概念模型。通过运用来自大型百货商店的现场调查数据,实证验证了该模型的可靠性和有效性,以及多数研究假设的成立。同时,不同人口统计特征的消费者群体在购物价值上的感知差异也得到部分验证。(3)构建并验证了购物价值对关系质量与零售商品牌资产影响的概念模型。通过运用来自大型百货商店的现场调查数据,实证验证了该模型的可靠性和有效性,以及多数研究假设的成立。同时,关系质量对购物价值与零售商品牌资产关系的调节作用,以及人口统计变量对零售商品牌资产结构维度的直接影响作用也得到了部分验证。(4)在中国零售商业环境中重新开发并验证了商店形象的六维度分类体系及其测量量表。(5)在中国零售商业环境下提出并验证社会性购物价值是消费者购物价值的一个重要维度。以往关于消费者购物价值的研究主要聚焦于功能性和享乐性购物价值,较少涉及到社会性购物价值。本文的实证研究表明,社会性购物价值作为一个重要的消费者购物价值维度在中国大型百货商店购物环境中是成立的。

【Abstract】 Over the past few decades,branding has become the top research topic in marketing academics.Branding has not only become the main strategic driving factor of policy-makers thinking in manufacturing industries,but also is a important factor that the policy-makers in service industry has considered.Hence,branding is being transferred from manufacturing to retailing,and retail branding is one of the main trends in retail industry.Although brand equity is widely regarded as the index to measure the effectiveness of branding strategy,the concept of retailer brand equity is finally able to appear in the marketing literature until recent years.Retailer brand is similar to product brand,which also has assets.Retailer brand equity is an important content of the branding theory.Building brand equity is an important strategic issue of retailers,which will help retail enterprises to establish long-term competitive advantage.Although there is an increased emphasis on retail branding theory in academics,the research of retailer brand equity has not yet formed a complete theoretical framework and system architecture, particularly the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity is still in ambiguous state.And the research conclusions of retailer brand equity abroad need to be further tested in China.Hence,the paper considers the influencing factors of retailer brand equity and their relationship as the core research problem.By making clear the key driving factors in the formation process of retailer brand equity and measuring the structural dimensions of these driving factors and using empirical research method to analyze the affecting mechanism between these different driving factors,the purpose of the paper is to provide useful implications for the constructing of retailer brand equity and its management capability.In order to solve this research problem,this paper systematically reviews some relevant studies,and makes clear the key driving factors and their relationship in the formation process of retailer brand equity,and build the research model of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity from the perspective of customer.Furthermore,this paper considers the customers of large department stores in Jinan City as the respondents,and uses SPSS 16.0 and AMOS7.0 software to analysis empirically the research model.Main research contents are as follows:First,this paper reviews the existing literature of brand equity,and analyzes the connotation,structure,measurement and driving model of retailer brand equity.Then,the concept,formation process,dimensions,measurement method,influencing factors and results of store image are reviewed and discussed.Furthermore,the theory of consumer shopping value is systematically reviewed.This paper summarizes the the definition and classification of customer value,the structure and connotation of shopping value,the influencing factors of shopping value,the relationship between shopping value and retail outcome.Thereinto,the relationships among research variables are objectively reviewed.Second,this paper analyzes theoretically the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity in order to reinforce the foundation of the research hypotheses and conceptual model.This paper analyzes the relationship among some variables in the formation process of retailer brand equity from environmental psychology theory,cognitive psychology theory,clue utilization theory,shopping experience theory and service loyalty theory.By analyzing the causes,performance mode and strategic value of the formation of retailer brand equity,this paper provides the source and theoretical reference for the building of the formation framework of retailer brand equity.Finally,the paper builds a analytical framework of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity,and forms a simplified model of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity based on the perspective of customer,and defines the follow-up application of the structural dimension of research variables in simplified model.Third,according to the literature review and theoretical analysis,the whole research model of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity based on the perspective of customer is proposed.The whole research model is divided into two sub-conceptual model,and this paper brings forward series of research hypotheses based on the relationship between external latent variables and internal latent variables in conceptual model.Finally,the paper does two empirical studies on the conceptual model about the effect of store image on customer emotion and shopping value,and the conceptual model about the effect of shopping value on relationship quality and retailer brand equity.The auther does firstly conduct empirical research questionnaire design,and obtains the specific measurement items of all dimension through literature and interviews study,and then forms the initial questionnaire.Secondly,the auther carries out exploratory research through the small sample of the research,and further purifies the measurement items through the reliability analysis and validity analysis,and forms a formal survey questionnaire.Then,the dimensions of store image,shopping value and retailer brand equity are empirically teseted based on data collected from a formal survey,and compares the differences of shopping value dimensions and retailer brand equity dimensions under different demographic characteristics.Meanwhile,the paper uses software AMOS7.0 to test the hypotheses in conceptual model,and analyzes the moderator effect of relationship quality on the relationship between shopping value and retailer brand equity.Through theoretical analysis and empirical testing,findings obtained are as follows:First,To identify the key factors that affect the formation of retailer brand equity from the perspective of customer.This paper points out that the influencing factors of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity include retail enterprises’marketing environmental factors,retailer marketing tactics,competitive retailer marketing tactics, the system elements of customer perception and evaluation,customer characteristics and situational factors,and establishes creatively retailer brand value chain which is the critical path of the formation of retailer brand equity.On this basis,the paper weeds out these driving factors that are difficult to measure and control in consumer survey,and foucuses on the relationship between retailer marketing tactics,the system factors of customer perception and evaluation and customer-mind retailer brand equity,and identifies finally store image,customer emotion,shopping value and relationship quality as the key driving factors of the formation of retailer brand equity.Second,store image is divided into merchandise image,service image,facility image, atmosphere image,convenience image and promotion image,and these dimensions are supported in empirical research.Although the research on the identification and division of store image dimensions is more abundant,this paper puts forward different classification system about six dimensions of store image.The original measurement items of store image is added and development through qualitative consumer interviews,and the new measurement scale of store image is developed.Then,the measurement scale of store image is tested empirically in the context of China’s major department store,and the six dimensions of store image are proved to be reliability and validity.Third,consumer shopping value is divided into utilitarian shopping vlaue,hedonic shopping value and social shopping value,and these dimensions are supported in the context of China’s major department stores.The paper attempts to put forward social shopping value as a important measurement dimension in the study variables of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity,and further develops the measurement items of social shopping value through qualitative consumer interview.Then,the measurement scale of consumer shopping value is tested and analyzed empirically in the context of China’s major department store,and the three dimensional structure of consumer shopping value is proved to be good reliability and validity.Fourth,the classification system of four dimensional retailer brand equity from the western countries is applied into the study of China’s retail market,and which is empirically supported.The structural dimensions of customer-based retailer brand equity which include retailer awareness,retailer perceived quality,retailer association and retailer loyalty have been supported by empirical research abroad.The paper applies again these structural dimensions into the context of China’s department store,and the empirical study shows that the four dimensional classification system has good reliability and validity,and thus prove that they have a better cross-cultural adaptablity and stability.Fifth,the interaction mechanism between store image,customer emotion and shopping value is studied empirically.The result shows all dimesions of store image affect positively customer’s pleasure,but only service image,atmoshpere image and promotion image affect positively arouse.Meanwhile,customer’s pleasure affects positively all dimensions of shopping value,but customer’s arouse only affects positively hedonic shopping value and social shopping value.Sixth,the interaction mechanism between shopping value,relationship quality and retailer brand equity is studied empirically.The result shows all dimensions of shopping value affect positively customer satisfaction,but only social shopping value affects customer trust.Meanwhile,customer satisfaction and customer trust affects positively all dimensions of retailer brand equity.Seventh,the moderator effect of relationship quality on the relationship between shopping value and retailer brand equity is partially supported.Hierarchical regression analysis shows that the moderator effect of relationship quality on the relationship between shopping value and retailer brand equity is partially supported,and the moderator effect is weaker.Thereinto,cutomer satisfaction has a positive impact on the relationship between hedonic shopping value and retailer awareness,and cutomer satisfaction has a positive impact on the relationship between utilitarian shopping value and retailer perceived quality.Meanwhile,customer satisfaction has a weaker negative impact on the relationship between utilitarian shopping value and retailer loyalty,and customer trust has a weaker negative impact on the relationship between hedonic shopping value and retailer loyalty.Eighth,the effect of demographic characteristics on shopping value and retailer brand equity is partially proved.The result shows that customer’s sex,patronage frequency and the amount of consumption have positive impact on consumer shopping value.Thereinto,sex affects positively hedonic shopping value,and patronage frequency affects positively hedonic shopping value and social shopping value,and the amount of consumption affect positively social shopping value.Customer’s age,occupation, income, patronage frequency and the amount of consumption have positive impact on retailer brand equity.Thereinto,age affect positively retailer awareness and retailer loyalty,and occupation affects positively retailer awareness and retailer loyalty,and income affects posititively retailer awareness and retailer loyalty,and patronage frequencey affects positively retailer awareness,retailer association and retailer loyalty,and the amount of consumption affects positively retailer awareness and retailer loyalty.In this paper,the conclusions of the study and its innovation are mainly reflected in the following five aspects:(1)The whole research model of the formation mechanism of retailer brand equity based on customer’s perspective is systematically built.Based on literature review and theoretical analysis,this paper builds the whole research model which includes store image,customer emotion,shopping value,relationship quality and retailer brand equity.(2)The conceptual model about the effect of store image on customer emotion and shopping value is built and tested.Through using the field survey data from large department store,the auther tests empirically the model’s reliability and validity,and the result shows that many research hypotheses are supported.Meanwhile,the positively effect of different demographic characteristics on shopping value is partially supported empirically.(3)The conceptual model about the effect of shopping value on relationship quality and retailer brand equity is built and tested. Through using the field survey data from large department store,the auther tests empirically the model’s reliability and validity,and the result shows that many research hypotheses are supported.Meanwhile,the moderator effect of relationship quality on the relationship between shopping value and retailer brand equity,and the direct effect of demographic variables on the structural dimensions of retailer brand equity are partially supported.(4)The classification system and measurement scale of the six dimensional store image is developed and confirmed in China’s retail business environment.(5)That social shopping value is a important dimension of consumer shopping value is put forward and tested in China’s retail business environment.The previous studies about consumer shopping value focuses mainly on utilitarian shopping value and hedonic shopping value,but the study on social shopping value is ignored.The empirical study shows that social shopping value is a important dimension of consumer shopping value in the shopping environment of China’s large department store.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F274;F717
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1802
  • 攻读期成果