

On the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Government’s Image from the Perspective of Crisis Management

【作者】 任堃

【导师】 孔令栋;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 政府形象不仅是政府综合能力的反映,更是政府顺应社会发展以及社会公众需求而构建起来的与社会公众间的和谐互动关系,从这个意义上讲,政府形象所体现的是政府的有效性和合法性问题。政府形象的提升不仅意味着政府自身的完善与发展,更意味着以政府为主导的社会政治发展能力的增强和社会发展进程的有力推动。社会的危机环境,一方面加大了政府有效性实现和合法性基础巩固的难度,另一方面也基于危机的灾难性提升了社会公众对于政府能力的期望与要求,这对政府形象的构建就形成了极大的挑战。政府如果不能冲破这种非常态环境所给予的困难和阻力,有效地实现以其为核心主体的全面整合的危机管理,将面临因为自身执政有效性和合法性的丧失而导致的形象危机,并使得整个社会陷入危机的灾难与困境之中而无从发展。但是对于政府形象而言,危机不是只有单方面的负面效应的。危机状态使得政府形象问题备受关注,政府通过危机管理中形象构建问题的审视和反思,才能为自身的变革和发展找到合理的方向与归宿。而以此为契机所构建起来的良好政府形象,又可以成为政府危机管理的有效基础资源,有助于政府危机管理效能的提高,二者之间可以实现良性的循环。这也正是危机作为风险与机遇并存的共同体中所谓的机遇的价值所在。因而,博弈与互动作为危机管理与政府形象构建之间微妙关系的最好概括,构成了危机管理视角下政府形象构建问题研究的可行性前提。自从有文字记载的历史以来,人类社会始终面临着不同形态的多重危机的冲击,人类文明的发展过程是同时负载了对于各种危机挑战回应的过程,人类危机应对的经验在积累,在丰富,然而这并不意味着人类已经掌握了规避所有危机及风险的能力,危机逐渐淡出人们的生活。透视中国当前社会的危机形态、特点及爆发根源,不难发现,危机没有离人们远去,相反,在现代社会,多元利益的分化、多重竞争主体的存在以及民众自我意识的觉醒和参与欲望的上升均扩大了社会正常运转的裂隙空间,为本难以避免的公共危机提供了滋生的土壤,也就使得其发生的频率上升,以多样化的形式严肃拷问着人与自然、人与社会的关系,给社会带来了极大的冲击和影响。危机是对社会生活中存在的尖锐矛盾和冲突的有力揭示,政府如果不能在强大的压力之下迅速有效地回应危机,一方面会使得危机肆虐给社会造成极大的破坏与损失,另一方面会暴露政府执政不力的状况,而许多危机或是冲突问题的产生,恰恰与政府执政本身存在着密切的关联,这对处于危机环境中的社会公众而言,就难以给予政府以强烈的认同、支持及良好形象的确认。因而,相对于常态环境,危机管理视角下的政府形象构建,所面对的更多的是压力与困境:危机造成的社会失序对政府的社会秩序供给能力提出了更高要求;危机不可避免的社会威胁性使得危机面前社会公众的脆弱性凸显,从而对于政府危机管理效能的渴望和依赖就相应增强;危机对于价值的异化性影响使得政府的社会价值责任在此背景下更加突出和必要;危机造成的利益敏感性使得社会整体逐利性行为增加,社会公众自身的权益维护意识增强,从而给予了政府更多的话语及问责压力;全球化的背景极易造成危机更大范围的波及,从而对于整个国家和民族造成不利的影响,政府需要进一步强化自身的国家形象责任。在这种压力之下,有效的危机管理便成为政府形象构建的必然诉求。多种危机的不期而遇,使我国政府充分认识到了风险社会中抵抗风险、化解危机的能力对政府本身生存和发展的重要意义,结合危机的形态特点以及现有的危机管理机制架构,在有力汲取其他国家的相关经验和先进技术手段的基础上,力图实现旧有体制下成长的传统危机管理模式的创新和发展,建立起适应时代和社会发展需求的整合型的危机管理体制,努力营造起危机状态下有责、有勇、有谋的公众形象。但这并不意味着危机管理过程中政府在自身形象的塑造问题上已近乎完美,一些制约因素的存在,给危机管理视角下政府形象的理想预期平添了许多不尽如人意的地方,需要政府进一步的改革和完善,体现为相关法律、法规或政策缺位与执行的滞后造成的政府危机管理行为的法制约束能力弱化、危机财政投入及救助的不足导致的公众利益维护及保障的缺失、危机决策与危机管理效应的非理想化与滞后性造成的管理效能的低下、政府及公务员诚信品格的缺失而导致的自身形象的匮乏等等。这些问题的存在都成为政府危机管理能力提升的羁绊和困扰,形成危机管理视角下当代中国政府形象构建的不力状况。而对于这些制约因素存在根源的探析,在兼顾危机客观环境本身的特殊性的同时,更需要深入挖掘政府主观方面努力的薄弱,涉及到政府及公务员的危机意识淡薄、行政道德示范作用式微、有效公关欠缺、危机管理机制改革和创新动力不足等方面。危机的特性以及当前中国所处特定时代背景下危机管理所要面对的复杂形势,给危机管理过程中良好政府形象的构建造成了极大的阻力与困难,而与此同时,其本身又是社会对于政府形象诉求提升的一个必然前提和环境设定。因而,政府在危机状态下的形象构建必然是要冲破重重的阻碍和压力,突破宏观上的理论决策的探讨和研究、微观上的职能与制度的安排、意识层面上的价值取向、行为层面的具体运作等各个方面所固有的狭隘,来实现对于预期目标的有效追逐,即在有效实现社会沟通基础上的政府对于社会危机的有效应对和控制,并以一系列合理、合宪、合公共利益取向的政府实在体现来适应和满足社会组织及公众的需求,实现政府与社会公众间的有效互动,以提升政府的有效性和巩固统治的合法性,推动社会的良性有序发展。政府形象是政府、社会公众及其互动关系三个要素共同构成的有机体,而危机管理更是包括危机管理的价值理念、具体运作以及危机沟通在内的系统综合过程,危机管理视角下政府形象的构建,就是在结合二者特性的基础上适应危机特殊情境中社会公众及社会发展需要而进行的逐渐的调试和完善,包括价值、事实、对话三个维度。价值路径用以调控组织与利益相关者的价值关系,引导危机表象背后无形的“操纵之手”,事实路径用以明确危机的起因、过程和变化,缓解、遏制事态发展,传播路径用以协调危机之中的人能够达成相互理解、分享彼此的价值,共同回归常态秩序与规则。在此过程中,构建起强调民本、责任和绩效的政府危机管理的良性价值体系,建立危机意识强化、保障机制健全、体制建设完善、协同机制良好的现代危机管理体系,在提升危机管理效能的基础上开展必要的政府危机公关、推进政府形象传播,就成为危机管理视角下政府形象得以弥合、修复以及实现更高形象目标的必然的路径选择。

【Abstract】 The government’s image is not only the reflection of government’s comprehensive capacity, but also the harmonious interactive relation which the government adopts to social development and public requirements. In this sense, the government’s image embodies the issue of validity and legitimacy. The improvement of government’s image means the government’s perfection and development, as well as the enhancement of the social political developing capacity and the promotion of social development process in the government guidance society.The social crisis environment, adds the difficulties of the government effectiveness realization and legitimacy foundation consolidation on one hand, and promotes the public expectation and requirement to the government because of the disastrous crisis on the other hand. It becomes more challenging to the construction of government’s image construction. If the government cannot deal with difficulties and obstruction in the abnormal state, realize the government-core comprehensive crisis management effectively, it will experience the image crisis by the lost of self-administrative effectiveness and legitimacy, at last the whole society will endanger the disastrous crisis with no development. But for the government’s image, the crisis is not just the negative effects. Crisis state emphasizes the government’s image. According to survey and introspection of image construction in crisis management, the Government may find a reasonable direction and destination for their own reform and development. Fine government image which is built up by this opportunity can be valid basic resources for the government crisis management which improve the efficiency of crisis management. Therefore, the relation between struggle and interaction becomes the reasonable expression of the relation of crisis management and government’s image construction, which also forms the feasible basis of government’s image construction research from the crisis management perspective.Since the recorded history, human society experienced various crisis impacts. The history of human civilization is also the history of response to the crisis challenges. Even the experiences of crisis response are increased and enriched, the capabilities of crisis avoidance are not strengthened, and the crisis cannot disappear in human society. Through the study of Chinese modern society crisis’s state, characteristics and reasons, the crisis is not away from human, but occurs more frequently with its diversification to influence the relations between human and nature, as well as human and society, which brings critical impacts to the society. Crisis of social life that exist in a strong acute contradictions and conflicts revealed that if the Government can not, under strong pressure to respond quickly and effectively to a crisis state, it would cause great destruction to the society on the one hand, and on the other hand, the poor ruling condition will be exposed. Furthermore, a lot of crisis or conflict issues have a close relation with the government administration, and thus for the public in a crisis environment, it is difficult to give the government a strong recognition, support and fine image recognition. Therefore, compare to the normal environment, the construction of the government image faces more pressure from the crisis management perspective. The reasons are the differentiation of pluralist interest, the existence of multiple competitive participants, the appearance and promotion of public self-consciousness and the desire, which enhance the space rift of the social normal operation, and provide the unavoidable public crisis with conditions. The government’s image also experiences difficulties in the particular background. The social disorder caused by crisis needs more requirements to the government’s capability of social order supply. The unavoidable social minacity makes the foregrounding of public vulnerability, which enhances expectation and dependence of the government’s crisis management effectiveness. The alienation of value influenced by crisis makes the necessity of government’s social value responsibility under this background. The interest sensitiveness caused by crisis increases the social behavior of wealth pursuit, strengthens the public self-interest safeguard consciousness, which brings more pressure of social discourse and accountability to the government. It is easy for the spread of crisis in the international background, and then negatively influences the whole nation, so the government needs to reinforce the nation image responsibility. Therefore, effective crisis management becomes the necessity of the government’s image construction.The mixture of many kinds of crisis makes our government recognize the significance of capability in resisting and resolving risks to the existence and development of the government. The government combines the characteristics of crisis and current crisis management mechanism framework, draws on the foreign experience and techniques, makes efforts to realize innovation and development of the traditional management pattern and form a responsible, brave and smart image under crisis state, builds up an integrative crisis management system to meet the requirement of social development. On the other hand, there are also some problems of government’s image from the perspective of crisis management, which needs reform and perfection. The problems concern the reduction of government’s legal binding force caused by the lack of relative laws, regulations and policies and executive hysteresis, the deficiency of public interest safeguard caused by crisis financial supply and lack of salvation, the deficiency of management effectiveness, government and civil servants’ moral quality caused by unidealization and hysteresis of government crisis decision and management effect. The problems become the difficulties and obstructions for raising the government’s capability of crisis management, and form the deficiency state of government’s image construction. As for the analysis of the source of the existence factors, it is necessary to take into account of government subjective weakness as well as the special nature of the crisis objective environment. This involves government and civil servants weak sense of crisis, administrative and moral decline of a model, lack of effective public relations, crisis management mechanism reform and little motivation of innovation.The characteristics of crisis and the current complex background inflict the obstruction and difficulties to the process of government’s image construction, in the same time both become the necessary premise and environment in rising the government’s image. Therefore, the construction of government’s image under crisis state needs to break obstructions, breach the exploration and study of strategies from macroscopic and concrete operation in arrangement, conscious value and behavior of function and system from microcosmic, and effectively realize the expected target. It means that the government’s effective response and control to the social crisis are on the basis of effective realization of social communication. The government should be guided by a series of reasonable, legal and public interest value, satisfy the social organization and public needs, and realize the effective interaction between the government and the social public, which can promote the government’s effectiveness and legitimacy, and the social positive ordered development. The government image is an organism of three elements which are government, social public and their interactions. Crisis management includes the value of crisis management, specific operational and crisis communications. The construction of government image from crisis management perspective is based on the combination of the two properties to adapt to the special situations of social crisis and the public demands for social development. The fact is used to define the cause, process and change of the crisis in order to relieve or repress the crisis development while the communication path in crisis is for coordinating people to reach mutual understanding, share each other’s values and return to normal order and rules. The value path is for regulating the relations between organizations and stakeholders and guiding the invisible manipulation hand behind the crisis. In this process, the government should construct the positive value system, which emphasizes the responsibility, service and performance concepts in the process of crisis management, establish the modern crisis management system, which enhances crisis consciousness, ensure mechanism perfection, improve the system construction and maintain effective cooperation, and finally develop necessary government crisis public relation and advance the government’s image communication, which are on the basis of promoting the crisis management effectiveness. The measures above are regarded as the inevitable solutions to bridge and repair the government’s image, as well as realize the goal of a better image from the crisis management perspective.

【关键词】 危机危机管理政府形象构建路径
【Key words】 CrisisCrisis ManagementGovernment’s ImageConstructionPath
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期