

Research on the Key Problems of Cross-Organizational Business Process Collaboration

【作者】 李晖

【导师】 王海洋;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会和经济的发展,人们的工作和生活模式发生了深刻变化,表现出了业务全球化、流程协同化、需求多元化和人员流动化等特点。越来越多的用户需求需要多个组织之间的人或者应用相互配合、协同工作才能实现,跨组织的业务流程协同应运而生。跨组织业务流程协同是借助信息技术手段,利用业务流程,使得一个组织内部或者几个组织之间的人和应用相互配合进行有序工作,共同完成一项任务。跨组织的业务流程协同有助于组织机构提升应对用户需求变化的能力和保护已有的IT投资。在同一个组织内,业务具备封闭、稳定和可控等特征,业务流程管理技术相对成熟。而跨组织业务流程协同面临的主要问题在于:应用的差异性、应用的自治性和协同的复杂性。上述问题导致了跨组织业务流程协同的开放、动态、难控、多变等特性。1、应用的差异性。每个应用在其组织内部都发挥着重要的作用,但是在跨组织业务流程协同环境中,不同组织的应用在服务对象、业务标准、技术基础和运行环境等方面都显现出了巨大的差异,这种差异对于跨组织业务流程协同会带来障碍,如何采用统一的描述方式屏蔽上述差异,是跨组织业务流程协同面临的挑战;2、应用的自治性。来自不同组织的应用是自治的,跨组织业务流程协同难以对来自不同组织的应用进行行为控制与明确的目标导向,包括应用的加入、退出和可用性等方面。如何对应用进行灵活的、动态的调用,进而实现跨组织业务流程协同,是跨组织业务流程协同面临的问题;;3、协同的复杂性。跨组织业务流程协同往往需要面对复杂的用户需求、在复杂的运行环境中、协同来自不同组织的应用,其中不可预测因素众多。以社会保障行业为例:社会保障涉及到的组织包括社保及其代理机构、医疗、社区服务和金融等多个领域内的不同组织机构,各个组织之间只有业务上的往来,没有管理与被管理的关系,呈现一种松耦合的关系。各个组织的应用存在分布、异构和自治的。目前社保行业内,一些现实的、迫切需要解决的全国范围的问题,包括全国范围内的劳动就业服务,跨社保经办机构的社会保险关系转移接续服务、医疗保险关系转移与异地支付服务、退休人员的社会化管理和异地居住服务等,因为涉及多个组织之间的业务协同,还处于手工或者半手工的工作状态中,这种状况还远远无法满足广大社会成员的需求。如何借助信息技术,在充分利用各个组织内现有的应用软件系统的基础上打破组织之间的壁垒,按需构造业务流程,做到合作组织之间应用的无缝集成、共享业务数据和联合进行调度管理,实现跨组织业务流程协同,为全体社会成员提供无缝协同的流程化服务,是信息技术领域面临的巨大挑战。为适应人们工作和生活模式的改变,研究人员在信息领域进行了大量研究,先后提出了面向服务的架构(SOA)、跨组织流程管理技术、分布式计算等新型的架构和计算模式,这些新型的架构和计算模式为跨组织业务流程协同提供了坚实理论基础和技术支持。本文以各种新型的架构和计算模式为基础,以业务流程协同为主线,研究跨组织业务流程协同中的若干关键问题,并且在关系国计民生的社会保障行业中进行了验证。目的是整合各个组织中的人和应用,为广大社会成员按需提供高效透明、互通互联的服务,使得信息技术更好地服务百姓,服务民生。本文的主要研究内容包括:1、作为跨组织业务流程协同的基础设施,提出了跨组织业务流程协同模型。为了实现跨组织业务流程协同,本文提出了跨组织业务流程协同模型。作为跨组织业务流程协同的基础设施,跨组织业务流程协同模型,从管理和业务两个方面对跨组织业务流程协同进行了建模,其中“管理模型”从组织、管理和部署角度,对跨组织业务流程协同进行建模,而“业务模型”从业务流程模型到可执行业务流程的逐级映射实现的角度,对跨组织业务流程协同进行建模。在“管理模型”中,跨组织业务流程协同采用了多管理中心的分布式架构,从管理的角度,跨组织业务流程被分为两个层次,服务节点层和管理节点层,服务节点负责管理一个组织的服务,并且隶属于一个管理节点。一个管理节点负责管理多个服务节点,同时还负责与其他管理节点之间的通信,服务节点和管理节点通过在每一个组织的Web服务器或者应用服务器安装轻量级的软件框架实现。“业务模型”以虚拟服务为核心,分为虚拟服务层、聚合服务层和Web服务层,本文分析了每一个层次和映射的作用,对于每一个层次和层次之间的映射给出了明确的定义,实现了业务流程模型到可执行业务流程的平滑过渡。2、为了充分利用各个组织已有的应用软件系统,研究了应用服务化,并在此基础上提出了基于语义的服务聚合。为了充分利用现有的应用软件系统,本文研究了应用服务化,通过本体系统,将纷繁复杂的底层应用抽象化,为跨组织业务流程协同提供相对简化的统一视图——Web服务。为了使得Web服务更好地适应跨组织业务流程协同,还提出了Web服务重写,即在不改变应用的前提下,通过对Web服务输出参数进行增删改等操作,使得Web服务更加服务跨组织业务流程协同的要求。在应用服务化的基础上,本文提出了聚合服务的概念,聚合服务是来自同一个管理节点内不同组织中的功能相似的Web服务的集合。聚合服务的功能在于提高虚拟服务实现的效率和提高Web服务选择的效率。为了实现聚合服务,本文提出了一种新的基于位置距离和属性距离的语义距离计算方法,借助新的语义距离计算方法和基于图论的聚类算法,实现了服务聚合。3、提出了跨组织业务流程动态构造方法。鉴于用户需求的多元性和变化性以及组织中应用的不可控的特性,业务流程动态构造是解决组织内部和组织之间应用协同的主要的技术手段。本文中的业务流程动态构造包括了从业务流程模型动态构造到可执行业务流程实现的全过程,这一过程保证了从虚拟服务到Web服务的柔性映射和平滑过渡。本文提出了业务流程动态构造方法,分析了引起业务流程模型发生变化的三大类十六种可能情况,并且本着业务流程模型结构不变的原则,对允许变化的情况提出了变化的对策,同时还提出了动态构造后业务流程模型验证算法,对变化后的业务流程模型进行验证。在业务流程模型动态构造完成后,通过基于状态变迁的虚拟服务/聚合服务映射,将业务流程模型中的虚拟服务通过实体的状态变迁柔性映射为具备相同语义功能的聚合服务,通过基于多QoS约束的聚合服务/Web服务映射,将聚合服务按照业务流程全局QoS最优的要求,选择Web服务,最终将业务流程模型平滑过渡为可执行业务流程。在聚合服务/Web服务映射过程中,本文将多QoS约束的Web服务选择过程归结为多目标优化问题,针对Web服务QoS指标的离散化和层次化的特征,给出了离散交叉算子和离散变异算子,弥补了现有的人工免疫系统研究中没有考虑离散变量的缺陷,提出了离散变量人工免疫系统,并且并进行了详细的仿真实验,实验证明了离散变量人工免疫系统在多QoS服务选择方面的有效性。4、分析了业务流程在跨组织环境下执行的特点,研究了业务流程跨组织执行的模式。跨组织业务流程协同是一个典型的分布式环境。本文分析了在跨组织环境中,业务流程的的执行与集中式环境中的不同,在此基础上,研究了基于划分的业务流程跨组织执行模式。通过划分算法,可执行业务流程形成了多个划分和划分之间的依赖表,划分按照依赖表在各个服务节点的Web服务之间传递,每个服务只需按照划分和依赖表,完成自己的工作,整个流程即可顺利执行。5、以社会保障行业为应用背景的一个实例,验证了本文研究的问题和相关的解决方案。社会保障行业是一个关乎国计民生、关乎千家万户的行业。本文以此为背景,将文章中研究的跨组织业务流程协同的关键问题和解决方案进行了验证,验证结果证明了本文提出方案的可行性。

【Abstract】 With the development of society and economy, both people’s working and living modes have undergone profound changes, which features globalization of business, collaboration of process, diversity of requirement, fluidity of personnel, and so on. More and more requirements proposed by users have to be implemented through the coordination and collaboration of people or applications from more than one organization. Cross-organizational business process collaboration therefore emerged as required.Through utilizing information technology and business process, cross-organizational business process collaboration enables people or applications from different parts within the same organization or from different organizations to cooperate in an orderly way so as to accomplish a task together. Meanwhile, cross-organizational business process collaboration also contributes to the improvement of organization’s ability to deal with changes of users’requirements and the protection of existing IT investment.Within the same organization, business possesses such characteristics as closure, stability and controllability and the management technology of business process is comparatively mature. Cross-organizational business process collaboration, however, is confronted with the following problems:discrepancy of application, autonomy of application, and complexity of collaboration. These problems result in such characteristics of cross-organizational collaboration as open, dynamic, difficult to control and inconstant.1 Discrepancy of ApplicationsEach application plays an important role in its own organization. However, the discrepancy that the applications of different organizations exhibit in such aspects as target of service, business standards, technical basis and operational environment hinders cross-organizational business process collaboration. So how to adopt uniform descriptive method to shield those discrepancies is a great challenge confronting cross-organizational business process collaboration.2 Autonomy of ApplicationApplications from different organizations are autonomous, so it is difficult for cross-organizational collaboration to control the actions of these applications and orient goals for them, including the addition, exit, serviceability of applications. So how to transfer applications in a flexible and dynamic way so as to implement cross-organizational collaboration is also a great challenge confronting cross-organizational business process collaboration.3 Complexity of CollaborationCross-organizational business process collaboration often has to deal with complex requirements of users and coordinate applications from different organizations under complex environment, the process of which is filled with many unpredictable factors.Take social security for instance:organizations related with social security include agencies, medical care, community service and finance. The relationship among these organizations is a loose coupling one in that they are only related on a business level rather than on a management level. The applications of these organizations are diverse, discrepant and autonomous. There are some nation-wide practical problems wanting to be solved in the trade of social security, such as nation-wide services of labor employment, cross-organizational services which deal with transference and continuation of social security documents, services concerning transference of medical care documents and inter-region payment, socialized management of retired people and services of inter-region residence. Since these services in need of cross-organizational collaboration are mostly accomplished by hand, it is far from satisfying the requirements of vast social members.So it has become a great challenge in IT field on how to, on the basis of making full use of current existing application software system, eliminate cross-organizational barriers and construct business process according to the requirements so as to achieve seamless integration of cross-organizational applications, community of business data and cooperation in transferring management. Only in this way can we implement cross-organizational business process collaboration and provide all social members with seamless collaboration.To adjust to the changes in people’s living and working modes, researchers, on the basis of massive studies, have proposed such new architectures and computing modes as service-oriented architecture (SOA), cross-organizational process management technology, distributed computing. These new architectures and computing modes provide solid theoretical basis and technological support to cross-organizational business process collaboration.With these new architectures and computing modes as basis and business process collaboration as main line, several key problems residing in cross-organizational business process collaboration are studied, and validate its feasibility through the application to social security which has a close bearing on the national economy and the people’s livelihood. We are motivated to integrate people and application of each organization and provide vast social members with efficient, transparent, interconnected services, so as to ensure the better services information technology provides to people and their livelihood.The following are the main contents in this paper: 1 The model for cross-organizational business process collaboration is proposed, which serves as its basic facility.In order to implement cross-organizational business process collaboration, in this paper, the model for cross-organizational business process collaboration is proposed. As the basic facility of cross-organizational business process collaboration, the model proposed is modeled from two aspects, namely, management model and business model. Management model models cross-organizational business process collaboration from the perspective of organization, management and disposal, while business model models cross-organizational business process collaboration from the perspective of implementation of successive mapping from logic model of business process to executable business process. In the management model, cross-organizational business process collaboration adopts distributed framework in multi-management. Cross-organizational business process are categorized into two levels: service peers and management peers. Service peers are responsible for managing the services within an organization and are subject to a management node. A management node is responsible for managing several peers and at the same time, responsible for the communication with other management peers. Service peers and management peers are implemented through installing lightweight software framework on web servers or application servers of each organization. Business model, which centers on virtual service, falls into four levels and three stages of mapping. The functions of each level and mapping are analyzed, and the explicit definitions are given, so as to realize smooth transition from logic model of business process to executable business process.2 Aiming to make full use of existing application of each organization, the application service are studied and then on this basis put forward service convergence based on semantic. In order to make full use of existing software system, the application service is studied. By applying ontology system, complex lower applications are abstracted, which provides cross-organizational business process collaboration with a comparatively simplified and uniform view---Web service. For the purpose of a better accommodation of Web service to cross-organizational business process collaboration, the concept of rewriting of Web service is proposed, that is, on the premise of not changing applications, performing such operations as adding or deleting output parameters of Web service. On the basis of application service, the concept of converging service is proposed, which is a set of Web services which have similar functions but come from different organizations subject to the same management node. The function of converging service lies in the improvement of the efficiency of both virtual service implementation and Web service choice. To implement converging service, a new method to calculate semantic distance based on position distance and attribute distance is put formard. Converging service is therefore implemented with the aid of new semantic distance computing method and clustering algorithm based on graph theory.3 The method to dynamically construct cross-organizational business process is proposed. In the light of the diversity and variability of customers’requirements and uncontrollable characteristics of cross-organizational applications, the dynamic construction of business process is the key technological means to solve application collaboration within and between organizations. The dynamic construction of business process in this paper includes the whole process from individualized customization of business process to implementation of executable business process. This process is able to ensure the gentle mapping and smooth transition from virtual service to Web service. firstly the method to customize individualized business process is proposed and 16 kinds of possibilities (3 main categories) when logic model of business process may be changed are analyzed. Furthermore, on the principle that logic model of business process remains constant, we propose strategies to deal with the cases when changes are permitted. At the same time, verification algorithm of business process after individualized customization is put forward, which can verify the logic model of business process after changes. When individualized customization of business process is accomplished, via virtual service/converging service mapping based on state transition, virtual services in the logic model of business process will, through entity state transition, be gently mapped into converging services with similar semantic functions. And via converging service/virtual service mapping based on multi-QoS constraints, logic model of business processes will finally be transited into executable business process after converging services are chosen to satisfy Web service according to the requirement that business processes must be of optimal QoS among the whole. In the mapping of converging services/Web services, the choosing process based on multi-QoS constraints to the optimization of multi-purposes is proposed. And aiming at such characteristics of QoS index of Web services as discrete and hierarchical, discrete crossover operators and discrete mutation operator are gived, which compensate for the limitation that no discrete variables have be taken into consideration in current research on artificial immune system. Artificial immune system of discrete variable is proposed and detailed simulation experiment is preformed, which proves that artificial immune system of discrete variable is effective in choosing multi-QoS services.4 The characteristics that business process have displayed when operated in cross-organizational environment is analyzed and the cross-organizational executive mode of business process is studied. Cross-organizational business process collaboration is a typical distributed environment. The differences between execution of business processes in distributed environment and that in centralized environment are analyzed. Cross-organizational executive mode of business processes based on partition is thus studied. Via partition algorithm, executable business processes form several partitions and a dependency table of these partitions. Partition transmits between Web services of each service node according to dependency table. The whole process can be smoothly executed as long as each service finishes its work according to partition and dependency table.5 The instance in which we take social security as applying background versifies the problems studied in this paper and the related solutions. Social security is a trade that has a close bearing on the national economy and the people’s livelihood, as well as thousands of households, under such background, The key problems in cross-organizational business process collaboration and the related solution are versified. The verifying results prove the feasibility of our proposal.

【关键词】 跨组织业务流程协同服务
【Key words】 cross-organizationalbusiness processcollaborationservice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1113
  • 攻读期成果