

Research on Performance Evaluation of Parent-subsidiary Corporations Based on Cooperative-network

【作者】 李彬

【导师】 潘爱玲;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着信息技术的广泛应用与知识经济的快速发展,传统科层制企业集团开始网络化变革,但随着而来的集团网络环境的复杂性使得集团内部信息不对称、组织关系僵化失效等治理问题愈发严重,母子公司间缺乏有机联系,专业化分工与协调性较差,进而导致许多企业集团竞争力不强,难以发挥协同效应。因此,在网络环境下,母公司如何有效地管控子公司成为新的治理难题,而母子公司业绩评价系统作为重要的信息来源和决策依据,已成为企业集团提升管控水平、发挥组织优势的关键之一。因此,在合作网络视角下研究母子公司业绩评价问题,具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。但是,目前关于业绩评价的研究主要集中于单一企业,少数关于企业集团业绩评价的研究成果要么是针对集团整体业绩的分析,要么仅是单纯地将子公司等同于普通单一企业进行评价,在一定程度忽视了企业集团子公司业绩的特有属性,无论是评价指标,还是评价方法、评价标准等方面均没有显著差异。尤其是随着网络化进程的不断加快,子公司业绩结构不再简单地仅仅局限于常规的财务业绩与非财务业绩,企业集团网络中的组织间关系会对子公司业绩产生显著影响,财务与非财务业绩仅是这种复杂关系影响下的现实产物与经济产物,二者在一定程度上已难以准确衡量子公司的价值贡献和未来发展趋势,更难以满足业绩评价作为预测工具满足母公司后续决策的需求,这不仅限制了企业集团管理控制等理论的进一步丰富与发展,也使得母子公司业绩评价难以在实践中得到有效地应用与检验,不利于业绩评价系统在集团治理中发挥其应有的作用。基于此,本研究选择合作网络视角对企业集团母子公司业绩评价问题进行深入剖析,通过对目前母子公司业绩评价现状及问题的分析,结合不断发展的国内外业绩评价理论和方法,寻求在新型网络环境中母公司能够有效评价子公司业绩的有效方案,以充分发挥业绩评价系统该有的作用和功能,提升企业集团综合治理能力与核心竞争力。概括本研究的主要内容,包括以下五方面:第一,系统分析企业集团的网络属性,结合其演进路径概括主要特征,为母子公司业绩评价系统的构建提供合理的组织基础。随着技术的完善与竞争的加剧,企业集团化、集团网络化已成为现代组织发展变革的趋势之一,网络组织以其特有的竞争优势得以广泛应用,企业集团也开始了从传统层级制向网络化的转变,这种转变更是契合了企业集团本身的组织特性,如天生的强异质性、普遍的信任合作机制、大量的内部交易等等,这种吻合也从侧面进一步加快了企业集团的网络化进程,并使其呈现出新的不同的组织特征,如合作的普遍性、关系的重要性等等。这种变革对企业集团管理控制系统提出了更高的要求,而母子公司业绩评价作为管控系统重要组成部分和决策信息来源,为了适应这种新型组织环境,创新也就成为必然。第二,在合作网络视角下从业绩本质出发,重新界定并建立完整的子公司业绩结构。本研究根据企业集团网络组织特性以及组织间关系、人力资源等相关理论,采用社会网络分析中主流的“结构—关系”维度,对子公司业绩构成进行梳理,按动因及本质特征的不同将其分为结构业绩和关系业绩。其中,结构业绩涵盖了传统的财务业绩与非财务业绩,强调业绩个体性、结果性的一面;关系业绩则是为了重点衡量组织中复杂多样的关系对业绩的影响而设置的,强调业绩关联性、行为性的一面,二者相互影响、缺一不可,共同构成了子公司综合业绩。此外,重点分析了子公司关系业绩的理论基础和实践方式:企业集团组织效应之所以存在并发挥作用就是因为组织间关系的存在,这种关系资源是影响业绩的关键动因;关系业绩的表现形式是多种多样的,既包括各种各样的内部交易,也包括各种财务上难以衡量的其他合作行为。通过此分析,以强化对这种新型业绩的认识,为评价系统的构建奠定基础。第三,系统总结影响母子公司业绩评价系统的权变因素,将其归纳为企业集团外部层、企业集团层以及子公司层等三个层面,并完整分析各要素的影响机理;以此为基础,结合企业集团网络组织特性及其对评价系统的内在要求,按照一定的原则与程序,构建全新的合作网络视角下的母子公司业绩评价系统,包括评价主客体、评价目标、评价指标等七大要素,并重点分析了评价目标和评价标准:在平衡记分卡目标体系的基础上加入了“创新”与“合作”目标,将母子公司业绩评价的多元化目标体系分为普遍性目标和特殊性目标两类,并通过“合作”这一关键桥梁搭建了两者间的关系;对于评价标准,不仅明确了母子公司业绩评价标准设置的基本原则,如一致性、可操作性、激励性等,同时还就目前三种典型的评价标准—历史标准、行业标准及预算标准进行了对比,确定了预算标准第一选择的地位。第四,根据子公司业绩结构的划分,在严格的理论基础和原则的指导下,采用合理的开发程序,构建科学完整的母子公司业绩评价指标体系。本研究将合作网络视角下的母子公司业绩评价指标分为结构业绩评价指标(具体分为财务业绩和非财务业绩评价指标)和关系业绩评价指标。其中,财务业绩评价指标的构建分别从偿债能力、运营能力、盈利能力及发展能力四个方面进行,非财务业绩评价指标主要反映子公司的市场与顾客、学习与成长、组织与流程以及知识与创新等四个方面;关系业绩作为关系资源的直接体现,在评价时按照关系属性分别设置评价指标,其中交易型关系业绩的评价较为简单和直接,由交易价格的公允与否来决定如何调整,非交易型关系业绩的评价是重点也是难点,采用主观评价法从合作范围、合作程度及合作稳定性等三个方面来进行。第五,通过实地访谈及问卷调查获取一手数据,一方面实证分析权变因素对结构业绩指标采用程度和重视程度以及对关系业绩的影响,另一方面进一步检验本研究所构建的评价指标体系的价值相关性。一般说来,子公司结构业绩指标的采用程度和重视程度以及关系业绩值均与子公司的战略重要性、规模、竞争程度、生命周期及内部关系成显著的正相关关系;子公司结构业绩评价指标(包括财务指标和非财务指标两类二级指标)的采用程度越高、涉及利益相关方越多,子公司业绩就越好;子公司关系业绩(包括合作范围、合作程度及合作稳定性等二级指标)与其综合业绩成正相关关系。本研究的创新点,主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,在合作网络这一新型组织背景下,重构了子公司的业绩结构,这不仅有助于全面认识企业集团的业绩属性,也有助于建立更具针对性的评价系统,以更好地发挥母子公司业绩评价系统调配资源、优化提升的功能。具体来讲,根据企业集团网络组织的基本特性以及业绩的本质概念,将子公司业绩由传统的“财务—非财务”类升级为“结构—关系”类,以充分反映合作网络视角下子公司业绩的新形态,也为构建新的评价系统和评价指标体系奠定基础。传统业绩评价仅仅局限于财务业绩和非财务业绩两方面,网络化企业集团中的子公司业绩动因与表现更为复杂,不仅仅局限于财务与非财务两个方面,由于集团网络组织间关系的重要性和多变性,使其成为子公司业绩的关键因素,会极大地影响子公司的业绩结果,因此,为了更加准确全面地评价子公司业绩实现情况,也为了更加有效地服务于母公司管控系统的需要,本研究将子公司业绩分为“结构业绩—关系业绩”这两大类,其中结构业绩具体又分为财务业绩和非财务业绩,关系业绩主要包括交易型和非交易型两种。第二,在系统分析企业集团网络组织特性及子公司业绩结构基础上,构建了全新的母子公司业绩评价系统。在主要评价要素方面,均进行了不同程度的拓展和创新,如多元化评价目标体系的建立,在传统的平衡记分卡式目标体系的基础上引入了“合作”目标,并将其分为共性和个性两类;特别是评价指标体系的设计,不仅融合了财务指标和非财务指标、客观指标和主观指标等多维指标,更是创新性地将关系业绩评价指标包含在评价系统中,构建了新型的“结构—关系”评价指标体系。具体来讲,财务业绩指标包括偿债能力、运营能力、盈利能力及发展能力等四个方面:非财务业绩指标包括市场与顾客、学习与成长、组织与流程及知识与创新等四个方面;交易型关系业绩则要根据内部交易价格的公允程度来选择适当的评价方法与指标;非交易型关系业绩则需要从子公司的合作范围、合作程度以及合作稳定性等三个方面进行评价,这在很大程度上丰富了母子公司业绩评价的内涵,使评价工作更加全面完整,评价结果更加公正、可接受。第三,在理论研究的基础上,通过实地访谈和问卷调研所获取的第一手资料对相关问题进行分析,实证检验了一系列研究结论,通过这种理论与实践的结合进一步地对相关问题予以论证和强化。具体而言,本研究一方面实证分析了主要权变因素对结构业绩指标(包括采用程度和重视程度)与关系业绩指标的影响机理,另一方面则重点分析了本研究所构建的评价指标体系的价值相关性,以明确其有效性,为母子公司业绩评价系统的自评提供支持,服务于该系统的后续改进和优化,以保证其持续高效。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the enterprise groups have been transforming from traditional bureaucracy to networking, with the wide use of IT and the rapid development of economy. But the complexity of the internal network results in information asymmetries, rigid organizational relationship within the group, which becomes more serious. So there are not enough organic links between parent and subsidiary companies, and specialized division of labor or coordination is also poor, causing a number of enterprise groups being less competitive. And it is difficult to achieve synergistic effect. Thus, in the networked environment, how to manage and control the subsidiary companies effectively has become a new governance challenge for the parent company. While the parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation system, which is the important source of information and decision-making basis, plays an important role in enhancing the level of management and control, so the research on the performance evaluation of parent-subsidiary corporations based on cooperative-network has important theoretical significance and practical significance.However, the current researches on the performance evaluation focus on a single enterprise mainly. Though some of them are about the enterprise group performance evaluation, there is a question that most of them result either for the analysis of the Group’s overall performance, or just simply be equated with a subsidiary of a single enterprise, ignoring the specific properties of the Group subsidiaries performance, regardless of the evaluation indicators, or evaluation methods, evaluation criteria, etc. Especially with the accelerating process of networking, the performance structure of subsidiary is no longer simply confined to the financial performance and non-financial performance conventionally, which is the product of the complex network relationships. So only evaluating the financial and non-financial performance has been difficult to accurately measure the value of a subsidiary of the contribution and future development trend, and also difficult to meet the parent company decision-making needs as a predictive tool. This not only limits the further enrichment and development of the theory of enterprise group management control, but also makes the parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation system being difficult in practice to be effective in application and inspection, which hinders the system to play its due role.For this reason, this study chooses the subject on parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation based on cooperative-network. Through the analysis of the current parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation’s present situation and problem, combining with the continuous development of the theory and methods of performance evaluation at home and abroad, we try to seek an effective proposal for parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation in new network environment, to help the system play an more and more important role in enhancing the management capacity and core competitiveness of enterprise groups.We can summarize the main contents of this study to the following five parts:First, we analyze the network properties of enterprise groups systematically, and summarize its main features, to provide a reasonable organization basis for the performance evaluation system. As the technology improving and competition intensifying, enterprise grouping and group networking has become a modern trend of the organizational development. Network organization has been widely used because of its unique competitive advantages, so enterprise groups have also started to transform from the traditional hierarchical system to the network changes, which is even more fit for the enterprise group’s own organizational characteristics, such as the strong natural heterogeneity, universal trust and cooperation mechanism, a large number of insider trading, etc., which further accelerates the enterprise group networking process from the other side, and presents new and different organizational characteristics, such as the importance of the relationship. This change puts forward higher requirements to enterprise group management control systems. While the parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation system as an important component of it and decision-making information sources, it is inevitable for the performance evaluation system to innovate to adapt to this new organizational environment.Second, based on cooperative-network, we redefine and build the performance structure of the subsidiary from the performance nature. This study uses the "structure-relationship" dimension of social network analysis to divide the subsidiary performance into task performance and contextual performance, based on their motivation and the nature of the different characteristics. On one hand, the task performance covers the structure of the traditional financial performance and non-financial performance, emphasizing on the performance nature of individuality and result; on the other hand, the contextual performance focuses on the impact of complex group internal relationship, emphasizing on the performance nature of relativity and ethologisch They affect each other and constitute the integrated performance of a subsidiary. In addition, we analyze the theoretical basis and practical results of the contextual performance:the inter-organizational relationships result in the enterprise group’s synergistic effect, which is the key motive to the contextual performance. And its manifestations are varied, including kinds of internal trades and other cooperative behaviors that are difficult to measure. With this analysis, we want to strengthen the understanding of this new type of performance, in order to lay the foundation for building the evaluation system.Third, in this part, we sum up the main influence factors of the parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation system, and divide them into three parts:the part of external layer of enterprise groups, business groups and subsidiary layer. Then, basing on analyzing these elements mechanism, we build a new parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation system according to the certain principles and procedures, combining with the group network organization characteristics and its inherent requirements to the evaluation system. The system includes the evaluation objectives, evaluation indicators and so on, and we focus on the analysis of the evaluation objectives and evaluation criteria:we add the "innovation" and "cooperation" objective to the BSC target system and divide it into universality and particularity of targets. Besides, we not only make clear the question that how to choose the evaluation criteria, such as consistency, workability, and incentives, etc., but also compare historical standards, industry standards and the budget standards that are popular at present. We get the conclusion the budget standard is our first choice. Forth, according to the classification of the performance structure of the subsidiary, following the strict theoretical basis and using the scientific principles and process, we build the parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation index system. The study divides the subsidiary performance into task performance evaluation indicators (divided into financial performance and non-financial performance evaluation indicators) and contextual performance evaluation indicators. Among them, the financial performance evaluation indicators include debt paying ability, operation capacity, profitability and development capacity; and the non-financial performance evaluation index mainly reflected subsidiaries markets and customers, learning and growth, organization and processes, and knowledge of and innovation in four aspects. As the contextual performance is the direct reflection of the relationship, we should set the indicators in accordance with the relationship type. It is relatively simple and straightforward to evaluate the performance of transactional relationships based on the transaction price fair or not to decide how to deal with; while the non-transactional relationship performance evaluation is difficult. We often evaluate it from cooperation scope, cooperation level and cooperation stability using the subjective evaluation method.Fifth, based on the first-hand data we getting through field interviews and a questionnaire survey, on one hand, we make the empirical analysis between contingency factors and performance indicators (including task performance evaluation indicators and contextual performance evaluation indicators); on the other hand, we also make the empirical analysis between performance indicators using and its performance. Generally speaking, the using and valuing of task performance indicators is a significant positive correlation with its strategic importance, scale, level of competition, life cycle and internal relations, so is task performance indicators. The significant positive correlation also exists between task performance indicators using (including the financial performance evaluation indicators and the non-financial performance evaluation indicators), contextual performance indicators (including cooperation scope, cooperation level and cooperation stability) and its performance.The innovation points of this research include the following three aspects: First, we reconstruct the subsidiary’s performance structure based on cooperative-network, which will help us not only fully understand the performance properties of the enterprise group, but also build more targeted evaluation system. More specifically, according to the characteristics of enterprise group network organization and the nature of the performance concept, we upgrade the subsidiary’s performance structure from the traditional "financial-non-financial" category to "task-contextual" category, in order to fully reflect the performance of cooperative networks and build the basis for a new evaluation system and the evaluation index system. Traditional performance evaluation is limited to financial performance and non-financial performance. But in the networking groups, both the subsidiary performance’s agent and show are different. Resulting from the relationship importance and complexity, which makes it become the key point for the subsidiary performance and affect it more and more. Therefore, in order to be more accurate and comprehensive assessment of the achievement of a subsidiary performance, but also to serve the parent company controls system needs more effectively, this research divide the subsidiary performance into task performance(covering financial performance and non-financial performance) and contextual performance(including transaction type and non-transaction type).Second, based on the systematic analysis of enterprise group network characteristics and subsidiary performance structure, we build a new parent-subsidiary corporation performance evaluation system and carry out varying degrees of expansion and innovation on the main evaluation elements. For example, we add the "cooperation" objective to the Balanced Scorecard traditional target system. Especially the evaluation index system designing, we not only make the integration of the financial indicators and non-financial indicators, objective indicators and subjective indicators and task indicators and the contextual indicators, etc., but also build the contextual indicators innovatively. More specifically, the financial performance indicators include solvency, operational capacity, profitability and development capacity; the non-financial performance indicators include market and customers, learning and growth, organization and processes and four aspects of knowledge and innovation and so on. We can evaluate the performance of transactional relationships based on the transaction price fair or not to decide how to deal with; while the non-transactional relationship performance evaluation is often evaluated from cooperation scope, cooperation level and cooperation stability using the subjective evaluation method. This enriches the connotation of parent-subsidiary corporation performance largely, so that a more comprehensive evaluation is completed and the result of evaluation is more just and acceptable.Third, based on the theoretical study, we design the interviews and questionnaire survey to obtain first-hand information, with which we can make analysis and empirical testing to the anterior conclusion. Through this combination of theory and practice, we have demonstrated and reinforced the relevant issues. In brief, on one hand, we make the empirical analysis between contingency factors and performance indicator using and valuing; on the other hand, we also make the empirical analysis between performance indicators using and its performance to clarify its effectiveness, in order to provide supporting services for the system follow-up improvement and optimization, and ensure its continued efficient.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期