

The Content Production and Marketing Innovation of Reality TV in China on Internet Time

【作者】 李冬梅

【导师】 胡正荣; 王育济;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 真人秀是一种非虚构类的电视节目,没有剧本,纪实性地描述现实事件,通常是普通人而非专业演员通过行动展示人们的个性心理的节目。由于制作速度快和成本低的缘故,电视真人秀节目在电视制作公司和播出机构开始流行。在国内电视荧屏上,不少电视真人秀节目是省级卫视或地面频道的品牌节目,因此对于扩大电视频道的影响力非常重要。电视真人秀节目和观众有着广泛的互动,极大地满足了观众的多方面的心理需求,在电视产业链运营造方面具有独特的优势。目前国内电视真人秀节目模仿国外的优秀节目的居多,缺乏原创,这说明电视人还没有有效地整合相关资源。因此他们需要转变观念,追求创新。另一方面,以受众为中心的传播理念还没有完全落实到电视人的行动中,有些优秀节目由于缺少营销和宣传,没有获得很好的观众市场和广告市场,更不用说产业化开发了。电视真人秀节目的先行创新可以带动电视业的创新实践,因此电视真人秀节目的研究具有一定的现实意义。1948年的《隐藏的摄像机》可以说是最早的真人秀电视的雏形,尽管当时这样的节目被称为“纪录片”。早期的真人秀也包括那些回答问题赢取奖金或奖励的游戏秀节目。自从1999年《老大哥》出现后,真人秀节目迅速兴起。网络推动着那些真人秀节目称为社会事件。人们在网络上讨论各种与电视真人秀节目有关的话题,年轻观众喜欢通过电脑、手机和其他工具与真人秀节目互动,双屏娱乐已经成为一种趋势。在国内,以2000年的《生存大挑战》和2001年《走入香格里拉》节目的播出为代表,中国的电视真人秀节目开始迅速发展,更多地运用网络技术,包括网络报名、网络投票、网络报道、网络评论等。2005年的湖南卫视《超级女声》更是将整合营销推进到了新的高度。从国内的学术文献来看,目前国内研究电视真人秀的论文有200多篇,硕士论文28篇,没有博上论文。但从选题来看,基本上没有从电视与网络的关系的角度进行研究的。同样,目前国内研究电视真人秀的两本论著对这个领域也没有深入探讨。因此这篇论文研究的是电视真人秀与互联网间的融合关系这个空白研究领域,重点分析电视真人秀节日的内容生产与营销的创新。第一章当代中国电视真人秀节目的发展现状。在这一部分首先梳理了电视真人秀节目的发展历程,其次对当代中国电视真人秀节目的类型及形态特征做了分析,与国外电视真人秀节目进行比较,从中发现国内的电视真人秀节目尽管数量较多,但类型较为单一,更多地局限在才艺表演的真人秀节目,因此应该拓展节目内容生产和类型研发的思路,进行观念创新。最后分析了当代中国电视真人秀节目的传统营销模式,包括传统媒介营销、网络营销,线下活动营销、广告营销等,从中发现国内电视真人秀节目传统营销中的潜在问题。第二章当代电视真人秀节目的媒介融合环境。本章首先整体上分析了全球媒介融合的大趋势,探讨了电视真人秀节目的媒介融合环境,分析了它与网络在时间、技术上的契合点和文化理念上的相似性。在21世纪初,出现了博客、微博客、播客、网络社区、邮件、即时通讯等网络社会媒体,视频网站出现竞合的趋势,网络消费方式的多元化、三网(包括电信网、广播电视网、互联网)的融合,这些都为电视真人秀节目的发展带来了机遇。另外从文化相似性来看,真实与拟态、偷窥与观察、广泛参与性和互动性等特性使得电视真人秀和网络可以很好地融合在一起。第三章阐述了电视真人秀节目的创新指标。本文提出了四个关键的评价指标,即观众注意力、网络影响力、节目竞争力和节目的原创力。还对2009年的20档省级卫视电视真人秀节目的网络影响力做了实证研究,对这些节目的网络关键词搜索记录数、相关新闻量、相关视频量、博客博文数、贴吧发帖数等进行了详细的数据统计和对比分析。第四章讨论了电视真人秀节目的类型。真人秀节目的类型多样,一个国外的研究认为电视真人秀节目分为13个类型,尹鸿教授认为可以分为9个类型,研究者胡波则提出有4个类型。本文尝试用系统观和层次论,对电视真人秀节目删繁就简,认为应该从四个不同层次即个体、家庭、组织和社会来研究节目选题,分析了四种典型类型的节目——才艺表演类、生活服务类、职场工作类、公益类真人秀,分别阐述了其制作理念和形态创新的方法,并强调真人秀节目必须关注普通人的个性心理和真实生活,满足观众的心理需求。第五章分析了电视真人秀节目的内容生产创新。首先指出了电视真人秀节目的克隆成风有很多弊病。其次提出电视节目制作人应该完善电视真人秀节目制作的创新流程,强调了策划环节的团队合作。然后分别谈到了头脑风暴法、戈登法、默写式头脑风暴法(635法)、电子会议法、借助外脑法等征集创意的方法。最后提出电视人在节目制作中应该重视创造思维的被忽视的多种思维形式,比如发散思维、形象思维、逆反思维、批判思维、联想、灵感、直觉等,可以使用多种创造思维方法,如列举法、组合法、类比法、移植法、逆反法、联想法、信息交合法等。第六章探讨的是电视真人秀节日的网络营销。电视真人秀节目的营销可以分为节目营销和广告营销。在网络时代,网络营销对电视真人秀节目的营销非常重要,也是创新的领域。本章分析了不同的网络营销方法,如新闻营销、病毒式营销、节目网站营销等。第七章阐述的是电视真人秀节目的广告营销。本章首先阐述了网络传播对电视真人秀节目的广告营销的五个方面的影响,然后以湖南卫视2009年的《快乐女声》的广告营销为典型个案,分析了电视真人秀节目的硬广告的特点。最后探讨了植入式广告营销的模式。本文的创新之处在于研究对象、研究方法和研究结论的创新。一、研究对象创新目前国内对电视真人秀节目研究的课题主要是从电视节目制作观念、节目元素、形态结构、道德价值、文化背景等进行分析和评价。本研究选取的“网络时代中国真人秀节目的制作与营销创新”是相对较新的研究领域。媒介融合是目前世界媒体发展的大趋势。在国家推进三网融合的背景下,中国电视业与网络业走向竞争与合作并存的竞合。本文研究的是网络时代的中国电视真人秀节目的内容生产与营销的创新,目前属于较新的研究领域。二、研究方法创新1、调查法。本研究对一些电视媒体机构进行了调查,笔者作为现场观众实地观看节目,与节目制作人、编导进行电话和邮件沟通交流等,获得了关于电视媒体的第一手资料。同时通过参与培训和实地考察,对央视索福瑞的媒介调查技术有所了解。另外在笔者的教学过程中,对244名山东艺术学院大学生进行了调查,了解了他们对于当前国内电视真人秀节目的态度。虽然由于调查范围小,代表性较弱,但从一些数据也反映了年轻人对国内电视真人秀节目的客观的评价。2、内容分析法。Ole Holsti (1969)认为:内容分析法是一种对于传播讯息进行客观、系统和定量的描述从而得出推论的研究方法。本文使用内容分析法对网络上与电视真人秀节目有关的信息进行了搜集整理和分析,涉及新闻、博客、贴吧、文章、视频、广告、网站等。通过定量分析和定性研究的结合,对电视真人秀节目的网络影响力问题、节目的制作方式、节目的营销模式等问题有了清晰的认识。3、实验法。笔者对网络意见领袖如何影响电视媒体的效果进行了小范围的实验研究。实验的方法是通过与一些电视栏目的制作人员和博客博主电话沟通与邮件联系,验证是否影响了电视栏目的制作与宣传。这验证了一个假设,即一些电视媒体人正在开始重视意见领袖的建议。4、跨文化比较和多学科的分析方法。中国的电视真人秀节目走自主创新之路不能闭门造车。在全球化背景下,中国电视节目制作人更应该学习借鉴国外的优秀节目。笔者对国外的相关节目视频、网站、相关资料进行对比分析,以发现中国电视节目制作与营销的不足,提出创新的办法。本文尝试采用多学科交叉的分析方法,包括电视学、创造学、心理学、广告学、市场营销学、传播学等。三、研究结论创新1、在媒介融合背景下,电视与互联网互动的“双屏”时代已经到来。电视网络提供的各种便利条件对真人秀节目的制作与营销非常有用。电视人应该重视互联网用户,增强节目的网络影响力,维护广告客户的利益,从而实现双赢。2、克隆国外节目对国内电视真人秀节目的发展有不少危害。电视人在节目的制作创新中,除了头脑风暴法外,可以运用多种创造思维方法,并有效利用网络资源。3、电视真人秀节目的创新在于理念创新和形态创新。电视人应该吸收心理学的一些研究成果,展示人的个性心理和个体差异性,了解观众的多种心理需求。突破电视真人秀节目既有的类型说的定势思维,除了才艺表演类节目,未来真人秀节目应该在生活服务类、职场工作类节目和公益类节目方面不断创新,推出更多亚类型的节目。4、网络营销是电视真人秀节目营销的创新点。电视真人秀节目的网络营销应该使用各种网络营销模式,致力于通过“沟通”与“对话”的关系营销增进与受众的关系,从而实现真正的“受众中心”。5、植入式营销是电视真人秀节目广告营销中的创新点。植入营销的模式包括口头、实物、标志、情境和机构形象的植入。本文的不足之处是:限于篇幅和能力,国外的一些最新资料没有完全反映到研究中。研究提出的内容生产和营销创新的方法也有待实践检验。

【Abstract】 Reality TV is a genre of nonfictional television programming that presents unscripted dramatic, records the actual events, and usually features ordinary person instead of professional actors and shows people’s personality.The speed and low costs of production have made the genre popular with both TV production companies and TV Station. In the domestic television screen, many Reality shows are branding programs of provincial satellite TV stations and terrestrial channels. So they are very important to expand the influence of TV channels. Reality TV has an extensive audience interaction, greatly satisfied the audience in a wide range of psychological needs. It also has special advantage in the TV industry chain operations.On the one hand, some current domestic Reality TV mimics the excellent programmes abroad and lacks of original programme. The TV producers have not effectively consolidate related resources. They need to change the ideas and seek innovation. On the other hand, the audience-centric concepts have not yet fully implemented to television human actions. Owing to lack of marketing and publicity, some excellent programmes did not get great audience market and advertising market, not to mention the industrialization. The advanced innovation of Reality TV can stimulate the innovative practice of television industry. Therefore, the study of Reality TV also has certain practical significance.The series Candid Camera in 1948 is often credited as the first Reality TV although it was called televised documentary. The early reality TV also existed in the game shows which involve answering questions or solving problems usually for money or prizes. Reality television has expanded significantly since Big Brother first aired in 1999. The internet has devoted to the Reality TV which seems to be a social event. People talk about all kinds of topics of Reality TV through the web site. The younger viewers like to use a computer, mobile or another device to interact with Reality TV program. Two-screen entertainment has become the trend.After Suvival Challenge in 2000 and Go to Shangri-la in 2001 making in China, the domestic Reality Shows made full use of network technology, such as enroll, vote, report, discuss on Inernet, etc. The reality shows like "Super Girls" was an integrated marketing success.In Chinese academic studies of Reality TV, there are more than 200 papers, but few papers on the topic of the relationship of Reality TV and network. The two books about Reality TV have not discussed the topic enough. This study investigates the intimate relationship between Reality television and Internet activism. The important parts of the analysis of Reality TV should consist of the innovation of the content production and marketing.Chapter one discusses the status of development of the Contemporary China Reality TV. First, the paper studies the development of Reality TV in China and abroad. Second, the paper analyzes the contemporary Chinese Reality TV programme morphological characteristics and types. With the compare to the foreign Reality TV shows, the types of Chinese Reality shows is single, confined in the talent show of Reality TV. So the TV professionals should try to innovate ideas as well as improve program content production and create new type. The final part analysis the problems of the traditional marketing modes of the contemporary Chinese Reality TV, including the traditional media marketing, inernet marketing, offline activities marketing and advertising marketing.Chapter two tries to describe the media converfence trend and the time, technology and culture relevance between Reality TV and the network. In the early twentieth century, social media can take many different forms, including blogs, microblogging, email and instant messaging, etc. The video websites are facing the trend of co-operation. The network consumption patterns are multiple. The combination of three networks including the mobile communication network, the broad & television network and the worldwide web. These are the development opportunities for the Reality TV. The culture similarity, such as the existing of reality and fictitious, peeping and watching the world, extensively participating and interaction, can integrate the Reality TV with the network.Chapter three discusses the quotas of Reality TV innovation. The paper has mentioned the four key factors, the attentiveness of audience, the internet influence, the program competitiveness and the program originality. The paper does empirical studies of 20 Reality shows on the provincial-level satellite TV, count and analysis the number of web page, the news, the videos, the blogs, the TieBa on the Reality TV.Chapter four refers to he formats of Reality TV. The range of reality shows is wide. A study indicated that there are thirteen forms of Reality TV on an abroad research. Yin Hong listed nine forms of Reality TV. Hu Bo believed in four forms of Reality TV. Under the systemic view and hierarchical theory, the study believes n ur basic systems, the individuality, the family, the organization and the society. The chapter discusses the innovation ideas and patterns of four forms of Reality TV, such as the talent shows, the living services, the professional working, and the public welfare. Reality TV should analyse the ordinary people’s personality and their real lives, satisfy the audience’ psychological needs. Chapter five studies the content production innovation of Reality TV. First, imitation without paying for the copyright has quite a few drawbacks. Second, the producer should improve the production process of the Reality TV. A teamwork is necessary for the planning. Third, the creative methods, such as Brainstorming (BS), Gordon Method, Silent Brainstorming (635), electronic meetings and making use of external brain can be used to collect the creative ideas. Finally, the TV programmer should pay more attention to divergent thinking, inverse thinking, critical thinking, association, imagination, inspiration and intuition which have been ignored in the producing. This paper provides many creative thinking methods of programming, such as listing, combination, analogy method, transplantation, inverse, association, synthetics method.Chapter six examines the Internet Marketing of Realty TV. The marketing includes the program marketing and advertisement marketing. In the Internet time, the Internet Marketing is important and innovative task. This chapter analysis the news marketing, viral marketing and the website marketing.Chapter seven focuses on the Advertisement Marketing of Reality TV. First, the chapter summarize the five factors in the Advertisement Marketing of Reality TV with the influence of Internet. Second, this chapter discusses the Hard-Sell Advertising in Reality TV through the case study of ads in the program Happy Girls that was produced by HuNan satellite station in 2009. Finally, the product placement styles of Realty TV includes verbal, material products, symbol and sign, environment.The innovation in this paper includes study object, study methods and study conclusion.First, the study of the innovative program and marketing of the Reality TV in China is a relative new field. Media convergence is at present the international media development trend. With the combination of three networks in China, the TV industry and network industry face the coexistence of competition and cooperation. The Chinese academia have not studied the convergence of Internet and TV enough. This paper refers to a relatively new field of the program and marketing of Chinese Reality TV in Internet time.Second, Quantitative and Qualitative research were carries on in this study. In the investigation on TV media organizations study, the researcher watched many programmes as the viewer, communicate with the producers and director by telephone and emails, thus collect a lot of firsthand material. At the same time, the researcher learned many media research technology of CSM through the training and visiting. In teaching process, the researcher surveyed on 244 students in Shandong College of Art to learn about their attitude about the current domestic Reality TV. Although the scope of the survey is small and the representation is weak, the dates indicate that young people gave the objective evaluation on domestic Reality TV.In this paper, content analysis method is used to collect the internet dates about Reality TV, including news, blogs, TieBa, articles, videos, advertisement, websites, and so on. With regard to methodology combines quantitative study and qualitative study, the Internet influence on Reality TV in China, the program methods and marketing mode are becoming clear.Some small experimental researches on the opinion leaders’effect on TV media were carried out. The experiment method is communicating with the program producers and bloggers by telephone and email. The experiment proved to affect the TV program and propaganda. This-verifies the hypothesis that some TV medias are starting to pay attention to the advice from the opinion leaders.Cross-cultural comparison analyzes and multi-disciplinary analysis method were used in the study. Independent innovation does not mean that Chinese Reality TV should be divorced from the world. In globalization, the Chinese producer should learn from foreign programmes. The researcher studied overseas program video, Web sites, and other materials, try to find the shortcomings of Chinese TV programing and marketing.This paper attempts to adopt multi-disciplinary analysis method, including Television Science, Creation Science, Psychology, Advertising, Marketing, Communication theories, etc.The paper containts the following views.With Media convergence background, the double screens time for TV and Internet interaction has come. The conditions the internet provide is useful to Reality TV programme production and marketing. TV producer should pay attention to the internet users, enhance programme network impact, protect the advertiser’s interest, aim for the mutual benefit.Chinese Reality TV clone foreign programmes have many hazards. In the working of program, the producer should make use of many creative thinking methods beside Brainstorming. They should make full use of internet resources.The key creative factors of Reality TV lie in the idea innovation and morphological innovation. The TV producer should learn from psychology research, show the person’s personality and individual differences, analyse audience’s psychology needs. Except of the talent shows, the living services, the professional working and the public welfare are the innovative forms of Reality TV.Internet marketing is innovation point of Reality TV marketing TV reality show network marketing should use a variety of internet marketing mode, committed to a "communication" and "dialogue," promoting the relationship with the audiences, seeking the true "audience Center".The product placement is innovation point of Reality TV Advertisement marketing. The product placement styles of Realty TV includes verbal, material products, symbol, environment and organizational image.The last part of the paper is the downside of the study. Due to the limited research level and the limited paper space, the latest research on foreign countries Realty TV is not fully reflected in the study. The innovative content production and marketing methods should be tested by practice in the futhur.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期