

The Folk Art Industry Development Research of Shandong Province

【作者】 刘昂

【导师】 江奔东;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 世界各国的民间艺术体现了每个国家的文化传统,它是延续、彰显民族精神“血脉”的重要载体。随着我国从传统农业社会向现代工业社会转型,人们的生产、生活方式发生了极大改变,民间艺术赖以生存的乡土语境遭遇到新的情况,发生了深刻变化。一些民间艺术品类正濒临消亡,一些民间艺术的创作主体正在边缘化、老龄化。然而,值得注意的是在民间艺术整体衰落的语境下,一些民间艺术形式却得到了长足发展,不仅形成了更为独特的艺术风格,还在市场经济大潮中走向了民间艺术产业化发展的道路。现代社会中民间艺术究竟往何处去,是专家学者和民间艺术工作者共同关注的热点。本文以民间艺术产业开发立论,力图探索山东区域内民间艺术产业持续发展的模式、路径,以期为民间艺术产业开发提供理论和实证指导。本文选取山东民间艺术产业化为研究对象,跳出了对于民族文化书斋式研究的框护,以文化经济的视角重新审视民间艺术在当下社会的传承、发展与应用,对于民间艺术的传承、保护和发扬光大具有一定的理论和实践意义。本文研究框架为三部分。第一部分,即第一章,阐释民间艺术产业开发的相关理论依据;第二部分,即第二、三、四章,讨论山东民间艺术资源的存量、分布状况,并对它们进行评估,做产业开发的SWOT分析;第三部分,即第五、六章,讨论山东民间艺术产业发展战略及可持续运营问题。下面是每章的要点:第一章民间艺术产业开发的理论依据生存于村落文化视野下的民间艺术一直起着满足审美需求、丰富艺术生活、抚慰乡民心灵、营造民俗氛围的重要作用。民间艺术的创生流变、历史衍化的进程昭示了现实社会中民间艺术的式微状态是历史发展的必然。当代文化产业的蓬勃发展为民间艺术产业化提供了良好契机,也为民间艺术指明了产业发展的现实路径。民间艺术产业开发,以文化资本理论、比较优势理论、资源配置理论作为理论依据,是打造民族文化产业品牌,提高文化竞争力的有益资源,也是实现区域经济跨越式发展的有生力量,从而切实实现民间艺术的可持续发展。本文以此立论,目的为推进山东民间艺术产业化,从而更好地传承、保护和发扬光大宝贵的齐鲁民间艺术遗产。第二章山东民间艺术资源赋存脱胎于原始艺术的山东民间艺术,在独特文化地理环境浸润下,是山东地域文化的鲜明代表,它以灵活的方式和丰富的艺术特质成为山东经济的有效补充,具有存量丰度高、品类全,文化地域差异性大,传承性强、影响广泛,濒临消失和产业开发两种状态并存等特点。根据民间艺术不同的表现形式,山东民间艺术资源分为民间演艺艺术和民间工艺美术两主类,民间音乐、民间舞蹈、民间戏曲、民间曲艺、民间杂技、民间年画与绘画、民间剪纸纸扎与镂刻、民间游艺玩具、民间印染织绣、民间草条皮编、民间雕刻镶塑、民间陶瓷琉璃等12亚类。本章对山东境内180种主要民间艺术资源从分类、名称、传承地、历史价值、传承人、留存状态、非物质文化遗产等级7个方面进行了专题式归纳和立体性细描,勾勒出了山东民间艺术资源的清晰面貌,为山东民间艺术资源的综合评价准备数据资料。第三章山东民间艺术资源综合评估山东民间艺术资源评估是依据一定价值标准对山东民间艺术资源的自身价值、文化价值和经济价值等因素进行综合评判的过程。民间艺术资源评估的目的和作用是为民间艺术产业开发提供数据参照,也是对民间艺术保护和运营的全面考量。民间艺术资源评估受到资源、产业环境、技术、需求和制度等因素的影响。本着系统性、代表性、可操作性、定性和定量相结合的原则,本文构建由民间艺术资源品相要素、文化价值、经济效用和产业开发要素4个一级指标,20个二级指标,29个指标指示因子组成的山东民间艺术资源评估指标体系,利用菲什拜因-罗森伯格模型,引入层次分析法对山东民间艺术资源进行了综合评估。定性分析和定量考察相结合是本指标体系的突出特点。确定了各指标要素的权重,为山东十七市的民间艺术产业开发潜力排序,潍坊、淄博、济宁、菏泽等4城市属第一类;济南、临沂、滨州、聊城、青岛、烟台、威海、泰安等8城市属于第二类;枣庄、莱芜、日照、东营、德州等5城市属第三类,为山东民间艺术产业开发战略的制定提供科学依据。第四章山东民间艺术产业开发SWOT分析SWOT分析是普遍用于对企业本身的竞争优势、竞争劣势、机会和威胁的综合分析方法。山东民间艺术产业开发现状是优势与制约因素、机遇与挑战并存。山东文化产业发展迅速,民间艺术及关联文化资源丰富,民间艺术产业开发渐成规模,民间艺术内需市场强大,共同构成山东民间艺术产业开发的竞争优势。但同时也存在民间艺术资源生存环境缺失,民间艺术资源开发整合力度缺乏,品牌影响力不足,人才匮乏等制约因素。国家积极的文化产业政策、山东省宽松的产业环境、非物质文化遗产保护工作的助推力是山东民间艺术产业开发面临的战略机遇,而金融危机、体制障碍等也使其遭遇挑战。SWOT分析为山东民间艺术产业开发战略的制定提供了现实依据。第五章山东民间艺术产业开发战略民间艺术的区域比较优势必须要与区域文化经济发展水平、区域特色等指标相结合,才能转化为现实优势,成为加快区域生产力发展的“催化剂”。山东民间艺术产业开发战略目标是着力打造具有山东地域特色的具有国内领先地位的民间艺术品牌,发挥产业关联和区域联动作用,形成多层次、多产业、多规模、多区域的发展态势,延伸民间艺术文化产业链,拓展经营网络,从而实现民间艺术产业开发的规模效应。实现战略目标必须坚持可持续发展、资源整合、创意开发、抢占市场的原则。在战略目标指引下,确定层次开发模式、特色区域联动发展模式、支柱型产业拉动模式为主要发展模式,选取旅游业、手工艺品业、演艺业为战略重点,三种模式和战略重点形成区域、产业、层次的相互关联和交叉,服务于民间艺术产业开发的战略目标。第六章山东民间艺术产业的可持续运营山东民间艺术可持续运营要通过创意研发、品牌建设、市场营销、人才培育、政府规制等五个环节来实现:创意是民间艺术产业开发的源动力,它贯穿于理念、生产、传播、销售的整个产业化过程;品牌是民间艺术产品的生命力,结合区域文化经济特点,打造省域、县域等不同层次的产业品牌;将整合营销传播理论引入山东民间艺术的市场营销,提出山东民间艺术市场营销策略;人才培育包括民间艺术传承人的保护和山东民间艺术人才智库建设两个方面,既要加强传承人的保护,也要培养既具民间艺术基础,又懂经营、善管理的创新经营人才;民间艺术产业开发的政府规制从行政导向、经济规范、法律保护三个方面为山东民间艺术产业廓清道路,从而使民间艺术产业化能够依据市场规律健康发展。本文的主要研究方法包括:理论阐述和实证分析相结合;定性分析和定量分析相结合;问卷调查法。本文创新点:(一)以民间艺术的产业开发为主题,选定山东为研究个案,并提出山东民间艺术产业开发的整体思路和对策。目前,学界对于民间艺术产业化的研究著述很多,但是建构在特定区域基础上,对于民间艺术产业化理论到实践的系统研究尚属首次。本文将民间艺术产业开发建构在山东区域内,是对民间艺术产业发展的学理性补充和地方化验证,为山东民间艺术保护和开发提供现实路径,这对山东文化产业发展具有理论和实践意义。(二)对山东民间艺术的专题式归纳梳理。近年来,政府、专家、学者对山东民间艺术资源的生态普查、梳理做了大量工作。本文在田野调查和参阅文献基础上,从产业开发角度对山东民间艺术资源重新分类,进行了专题图表式整理和归纳。此前学术界还缺乏类似的工作,因而本文的努力就具有一定创新意义。(三)对民间艺术资源进行综合评估。由于民间艺术的不确定性等特征,目前尚无对民间艺术资源的综合评估研究。本文以对山东民间艺术资源的规范梳理为基础,以对民间艺术资源保护和开发利用为目的,构建了山东民间艺术资源评估指标体系,并对其进行综合评估。引入层次分析法,对民间艺术资源的综合评估研究在国内研究中尚属首次,是本文的难点,也是本文重要的创新点。(四)在实践层面上探索山东民间艺术产业的独特发展模式。以民间艺术可持续发展为理念统领,结合民间艺术比较优势和山东区域特色,提出了山东民间艺术产业开发的不同发展模式和战略重点。

【Abstract】 The folk art of different countries reflects every country’s cultural tradition, it is an important carrier to continue and manifest the "blood" of national spirit. As our country’s transformation from traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial one, the people’s style of production and life changes greatly, the local context which keeping the folk art survival encounters some new situations and has been remarkably changed. Some kinds of the folk art are on the verge of extinction, and some folk art creation subjects are marginalized, aging. But, it is to be noted that in this context of the overall decline of folk art, some of the folk art forms also have a rapid development, they not only formed a more unique artistic style, but also get on the road of folk arts industry development in the wave of market economy. Where should folk art go in modern society? This is the common focuses of attention which concerned by scholars and the folk artists. This paper is based on the theoretical folk art industry development, tries to explore the mode and route of sustained development of folk art in Shandong, in the hope of provide theoretical and practical guidance for the industrial development of folk art.This paper selects the folk art industrialization in Shandong province as the research object, and jumps out from the traditional way that do the research of folk art only inside the library., to review with the perspective of economic and cultural about the inheritance, development and application of folk art in modern society, that has some theoretical and practical significance for the protection, inheritance, and carrying forward of folk art. The research framework of this paper is divided into three parts. Part One, as chapter one, illustrate the relevant theories of the exploitation to the industrial development of folk art. Part Two, as chapter two to chapter four, discuss about the quantity and distribution of folk art resources in Shandong province, and make an evaluation, analysing the SWOT of industrial development about folk art; Part Three, as chapter five and chapter six, discuss the Industrial development strategy and the sustainable operation of folk art in Shandong Province。 Here are the main points of each chapter:Chapter One, the theory basis of the development of folk artThe folk art which survives in the perspective of village culture always plays an important role in meeting the aesthetic needs, richening the artistic life, comforting the villagers’ soul, and creating a folk atmosphere. The process of the folk art’s creation and historical development declares that the folk art’s decline of state in the real world is the historical necessity. The flourish of contemporary cultural industries provides a good opportunity to the industrialization of folk art, And points out the realistic methods to the industrial development. The folk art industrial development which takes the theories of cultural capital, comparative advantage and resource allocation as basis is an useful resource to create culture industry brand and enhance the cultural competitiveness, is also an effective strength to achieve great-leap-forward of economic development, thus to effectively achieve the sustainable development of folk art. Taking this as state of point, this paper aims at promoting the industrialization of Shandong folk art, thus inheriting, protecting and carrying forward the valuable heritage of Qilu folk art.Chapter Two, The reside of folk art resources in Shandong ProvinceShandong folk art, born out of primitive art, infiltrated by the unique cultural geography in Shandong, is the typical representative of Shandong regional culture. It has become an effective complement to the economy of Shandong because of its flexible manner and rich artistic qualities. It has such characteristics as abundant stock, full category, great differences of the regional culture, strong heritage, extensive influence, and the coexistence of disappearing and industrial development. According to the different forms, Shandong folk art resources can be divided into two main categories including folk performing art and folk Arts and Crafts and 12 sub-categories including folk music, folk dance, folk drama, folk acrobatics, folk paintings, folk paper-cutting and carving, folk toys, folk embroidery printing and dying, folk leather articles, folk sculpture and ceramic glazed. This chapter conducted a special induction and three-dimensional description of the 180 types of Shandong folk art resources from 7 aspects like classification, name, heritage places, historical value, inheritors, retained state, outlining clearly the look of Shandong folk resources, and preparing data for a comprehensive evaluation of Shandong folk art resources.Chapter Three, The evaluation of folk art resources in Shandong ProvinceShandong folk art resource assessment is a process which based on certain values comprehensively evaluate the self-values, cultural values and economic values of Shandong folk art resources. The purpose and role of the folk art resource assessment is to provide data for the folk art industrial development and a comprehensive consideration for folk art protection and operation. Resource assessment can be affected by such factors as the resources, industrial environment, technology, demand and system. In line with systematic, representative, operational, qualitative and quantitative principles, this article build a Shandong folk art resources evaluation system by 4 first-level indicators with the elements of folk art resources, cultural values, economic utility and industrial development,20 secondary indicators, and 29 indicator direct factors. With Fishbein-Rosenberg model and the introduction of AHP, the author conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the folk art resources in Shandong. The combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative study is the outstanding feature of this index system. Weighing the significance of each index provides a scientific basis for the ranking of the folk art industrial development potentials in 17 Shandong cities and the formulation of industrial development strategy. The first category includes Weifang, Zibo, Jining and Hez; the second are Jinan, Linyi, Binzhou, Liaocheng, Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai, Tai’an; the third are Zaozhuang, Laiwu, Rizhao, Dongying and Dezhou.Chapter Four, The SWOT analysis of industrial development about folk art in Shandong ProvinceSWOT analysis is a comprehensive analysis method commonly used in the competitive advantage, competitive disadvantage, opportunities and threats of enterprises. Shandong folk art industrial development has advantages and constraints, opportunities and challenges. The competitive advantages are the rapid development of Shandong cultural industry, the rich resources of folk art and associated culture, the gradual scale of folk art industrial development, and the strong domestic market demand for folk art. At the same time, there are such constraints as the lack of living environment, the lack of efforts for development and integration, the lack of brand influence and talent shortage.State positive cultural industry policy, relaxed industrial environment in Shandong Province, and protection of non-material cultural heritage are the strategic opportunities which Shandong folk art industrial development are facing, while financial crisis and structural barriers are challenging it. SWOT analysis will provide a realistic basis for the development of industrial strategy of Shandong folk art.Chapter Five:The Industrial development strategy of folk art in Shandong ProvinceRegional comparative advantage of folk art should be combined with regional culture and economic development level and regional characteristics and other indicators so as to turn into real advantages, thus becoming the "catalyst" to speed up the development of regional productivity. Shandong folk art industrial development strategic objective is focused on creating China’s leading brand of folk art with regional characteristics of Shandong, playing the role of industry associations and regional linkage to form a multi-level, multi-industry, multi-scale, multi-state regional development, extending folk arts and culture industry chain, expanding business network to achieve the scale effect of the development of folk art industry. To achieve the strategic objective we must be to adhere to sustainable development, resource integration, creative development, market grabbing principle. Under the guidance of the strategic goals, we should determine the level of development model, characteristic regional linkage developmcnt mode, pillar-based industries pulling mode as the main mode of development, select tourism, arts and crafts industry, the performing arts industry as the strategic focus. The formation of three models and strategic focus promote the inter-relation and intersection of the region, industry and level. Thus achieving the strategic objectives of the development of folk artChapter Six:The sustainable operation of folk art industry in Shandong ProvinceThe sustainable operations of Shandong folk art can be realized through innovative research and development, brand building, marketing, personnel training, government regulation. Creativity is the source of the industrial development of folk art, which runs through concept, production, dissemination and sales process. Brand is the vitality of folk art product, we should combine features of the regional culture and economy to create brands of provincial, county and other different levels. We should also propose marketing strategies of Shandong folk art with the introduction of the IMC to Shandong folk art marketing, Personnel training includes the protection of bearers of folk art and the building of think tanks of Shandong folk art talents. It is necessary to strengthen the protection of human heritage, but also cultivate innovative business talents with basis of folk art and also understanding of business as well as good management ability. The government regulation for the development of folk art industry should clear the roads for the development of Shandong folk art industry from administrative, economic norms, and legal protection three aspects so that the industrialization of folk art can develop healthily based on market principles. In this paper, the research methods include:theoretical elaboration and empirical analysis; qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis; questionnaire.The innovation points of this essay1.Selection of the Folk Arts industrial development as the theme, and Shandong as the case study and proposition of the overall ideas and measures for the development of Shandong folk art industryAt present, in the academic community, there are a lot of writings on the study of the industrialization of the folk art, but on the basis of certain area, the systematic study of the folk art industry from practice to theory is the first time. This article’s focus on the industrial development of folk art in Shandong is rational supplement and local verification of the development of the folk art industry, which will provide a realistic path to the protection and development of the folk art in Shandong. This has theoretical and practical significance to the development of the folk art in Shandong.2.Subject induction and sort of the folk art in Shandong. In recent years, the government, experts, scholars have done a lot of work in ecological survey and sort of the folk art in Shandong. By making field investigation and referring to the documentations, the paper re-classifies the folk art resources of Shandong from the perspective of industrial development and conducts a special chart classification and generalization. There has been a lack of similar work in the academic community, so the endeavor really deserves the innovative meaning to a certain degree.3.Comprehensive assessment of the folk art resources.Because of the uncertainty of the folk art, there has been no comprehensive assessment of the folk art resources. Based on standard sort of the resources of Shandong folk art, the paper builds the assessment system of the folk art resources in Shandong and makes comprehensive assessment. for the purpose of the folk art conservation and utilization. The Comprehensive assessment study of folk art by means of AHP takes the lead in the domestic study, which is the difficult point as well as the innovation point of this paper.4.The exploration of the unique development model of the folk art industry in Shandong from the practice level.With sustainable development of the Folk Arts as the concept guide, and the combination of the regional comparative advantages and characteristics of Shandong, the paper proposes different development models and strategic focus for the development of Shandong folk art industry。

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期