

Study of Wang Jinggong Style

【作者】 张锡龙

【导师】 刘乃昌; 王培元;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 王安石是中国封建社会中伟大的政治改革家、思想家,同时,也是一位独树一帜的文学家,是唐宋八大家之一、开一代风气的诗坛巨匠。他的文学才能历来备受赞扬,就连他的政敌也对他个文学艺术成就称赞有加,特别是对其诗歌评价甚高,宋代著名史学家李壁曾为王安石诗歌作注解,近代梁启超为王安石立传,并对其文学与诗歌成就给予肯定。建国以来,王安石诗歌作品更加受到重视,研究者更是络绎不绝,研究成果甚丰,对王安石诗歌艺术特色有了深刻而准确的把握。笔者认为,对于王安石这样一位诗坛巨擘来讲,当前的研究仍然不够深入,特别是对“荆公体”的研究仍然存在不足之处,对“荆公体”的内涵的认识存在争议,主要有文章风格说、晚期绝句说、诗歌风格说、集句诗体说等四种观点。笔者认为,所谓“荆公体”就是对王安石诗歌艺术特征的指称,是对其诗歌艺术特质和风格的总体概括,而非单纯指晚期绝句、晚期诗歌或集句;既包括艺术风格、表现技巧,也包括思想内容,而非单纯指形式或内容。王安石诗歌文体数变,风格多样,多样化与个性化并存,但是,工巧、奇崛、深婉的风格贯穿王安石诗歌创作始终,王安石诗歌合理地解决了工巧与自然、平淡与奇崛、浅易与深婉、质朴与精雅、闲淡与悲壮的矛盾,将这些诗歌风格有机地揉和到一起,寻找到了这些矛盾风格的最佳结合点,产生了不同于东坡体、山谷体、诚斋体的艺术特质,从而形成了独具特色的“荆公体”。本文希望通过对“荆公体”的研究,探讨王安石诗歌艺术特色,分析王安石政治变法、经学思想、禅宗老庄等对其诗歌创作影响,对王安石其人、其学、其诗乃至整个宋代的诗歌发展和文化变迁,获得一个更加全面与清晰的把握。在综合前人研究成果的基础上,深入研究王安石在理趣、诗歌技法、以才学入诗、以议论为诗、以文为诗、以俗为雅、营造意境等方面的发展及影响,形成对“荆公体”的总体认识。本文对“荆公体”的研究,既是对王安石诗歌艺术特色研究的一种拓展与深入,同时也是对宋代诗歌尤其是北宋诗歌艺术发展脉络的分析,来进一步展示宋调的形成过程,探讨宋诗对于中国古代诗歌发展所作出的成绩和贡献。本文在写作过程中,力求既注重材料的搜罗与考辨,不作无根之空谈;也注重义理的发挥与文学规律的探索。绪论主要介绍了论文选题的原因、目的和意义。其一,体派的繁荣是宋代诗坛的重要现象,从体派角度入手是研究宋代诗歌的崭新视角,对宋代诗歌史研究具有十分重要的意义;其二,王安石诗歌开启宋代诗歌新面目,对宋调的形成和发展承上启下,在宋代诗歌发展史上具有举足轻重的作用;其三,当前学界对王安石诗歌研究有待深入,特别是对“荆公体”的认识存在争议,亟需进一步厘清,从而使我们更深入地了解宋诗的风格流变以及诗歌发展演进过程,对梳理诗歌发展脉络具有重要意义。同时,还介绍了当前王安石诗歌研究概况,特别是对“荆公体”研究的概况;对“体”的概念和内涵进行了分析阐释,为下文分析“荆公体”奠定理论基础。正文共分四章:第一章:阐述“荆公体”产生的社会文化背景。分析北宋诗坛思潮的主要特点和发展规律;阐述王安石的生平经历和学术思想;分析王安石的诗学观,探寻“荆公体”产生的根源。第二章:考察王安石诗歌中对仗、用典等艺术技巧的使用及特点,同时将其集句诗作为特例,分析其集句诗中的对仗和用典艺术,展示其诗歌工巧、典雅的个性化特征。第三章:探讨王安石诗歌创作实践中对自然美与奇崛美并重的追求,分析其诗歌如何创意生新,如何不落俗套、脱去陈言,如何调合“奇崛”和“平淡”两种截然相对的风格,展示其平淡中见出硬语雄奇之美、自然中见出奇崛之美的个性化特征。第四章:探究“悲壮之气”是蕴含贯穿王安石诗歌的一种精神面貌,是形成王安石深婉含蓄诗风的重要原因,从托物咏志、意境浑然和禅思禅趣三个方面,分析其诗歌中深隐曲折的描写手法,探讨其含蓄蕴藉、回味无穷的艺术效果,展示其深婉的个性化特征。本文之创新与意义:第一,本文从“体”的角度,对王安石诗歌艺术进行分析和阐释,深入探讨和研究了王安石诗歌的艺术特色,丰富和深化了当前王安石诗歌研究理论成果,这是当前宋代文学研究的新视角、新思路;第二,本文以考察“荆公体”为背景,对王安石的诗学观进行了梳理与阐述,得出了一些新的结论,有所创新,如:王安石既强调诗歌的经世致用功能,同时也注重诗歌的艺术形式;王安石前后期诗歌理论具有一致性和连续性;王安石诗歌创作讲究“法度”,重视诗歌艺术的“中和之美”,追求“浑然天成”的完美艺术境界。第三,本文通过对“荆公体”的分析与阐述,对“荆公体”的内涵和王安石诗歌的艺术特色进行了总结,提出了一些新的见解,如:“荆公体”是王安石诗歌艺术特质的指称,而非集句诗;“荆公体”的艺术的特质主要体现在王安石诗歌的工巧、奇崛、深婉等方面;“荆公体”的风格是连贯的、持续的,而非仅局限于晚年;“荆公体”是王安石诗歌思想性、抒情性与艺术性的统一体。第四,本文通过对“荆公体”的研究,在对诗歌艺术特色的解读中深化了对王安石诗歌的认识;并以“荆公体”研究为个案来审视宋代诗歌发展中的一些规律性现象,揭示宋调产生、发展和成熟的历程。

【Abstract】 Wang Anshi is not only a great political reformer and thinker in Chinese feudal society but also a unique litterateur,one of the Eight Major Schools of Tang and Song Dynasties,and the great master who created a new generation of poetry. His literary talent has always been appreciated,and even his political opponents had to recognize his literary and artistic achievements,especially his poetry. It can be said that Wang Anshi’s poetry has been the world’s attention for a long time. Since the famous historian Li Bi commented on his poems in the Song Dynasty.In mordern times, Liang Qichao wrote biography of Wang Anshi, affirming his literary and poetic achievements. Since liberation, more and more scholars have paid much attention to Wang’s poems and they have got great achievements and had a deep and clear understanding of Wang’s artistic features.However, I believe that, for such a poetry giant as Wang Anshi, the current study, especially "Wang Jinggong style", is insufficient has not penetrated deeply. There are still disputes about the connotation of "Wang Jinggong style", including four theories, namely articles’ style theory, later couplets theory, poetic style theory and centonical poems theory. As far as I am concerned, the so-called "Wang Jinggong style" refers to Wang Anshi’s poetic artistic features, generalizing his poetic particularity and style rather than later Quatrain, poetry or cento only, not only about his artistic style, presentation technique but his thoughts rather than form or content only.In spite of Wang’s varied styles and his possession of diversification and individuation, the style of exquisiteness, peculiarity and circumbendibus runs through Wang’s poetic creation, which reasonably resolves the contradictions of exquisiteness and naturalness, wateriness and peculiarity, superficialness and circumbendibus, plainness and elegance, insipidity and solemness. He mingles these styles up, finds their best bounding point and produces his artistic feature which distinguishes from Dongpo Style, Valley Style and Chenzhai Style, and forms his unique Jinggong Style.Prolegomenon mainly introduces the reason, purpose and significance of the topic and the overview of the current research on Wang Anshi’s poetry,especially the study of "Wang Jinggong style" and analyzes and explains the connotation and definition of "style" and establishes the theory foundation of "Wang Jinggong style". Firstly, it is a new angle and meaningful to study the poetry in the Song Dynasty from the angle of styles, the prosperity of which was one important phenomenon at that time. Secondly, Wang’s poetry opens the new look of poetry in the Song Dynasty, signals and links Song Style’s formation, and therefore has great significance in the developing history of the poetry in the Song Dynasty. Thirdly, nowadays the studies on Wang’s poetry still need penetrating into, especially understanding and clarifying Wang Jinggong Style, which has great significance in combing the venation of poetry’s development. Meanwhile, it introduces the reviews on Wang’s poetry, especially on Wang Jingong Style and analyzes the definition and connotation of style and bases the analysis of Wang Jingong Style.The text is divided into four chapters.Chapter I deals with the social and cultural backgrounds on which "Wang Jinggong style" came into being.It analyzes the main features and developing rules of the Parnassus in the Song Dynasty,Wang Anshi’s life experiences and ideas as well as his poetic view,and explores the root of "Wang Jinggong style".Chapter II reviews the use and features of some artistic skills like couplet and allusions, meantime, takes his cento as an example, analyzes its arts of couplets and allusions, and presents the poems’ individuation features of exquisiteness and elegance.Chapter III discusses Wang’s pursuit of both natural beauty and circumbendibus beauty in his poetic creation, analyzes how his poems are created originally and how concocts the two different styles of wateriness and peculiarity, and displays its individuation feature.Chapter IV deplores that solemness is a spiritual appearance which runs through Wang’s poetry and an essential reason that forms Wang’s poetic style of circumbendibus, analyzes the poetry’s devious description technique from three aspects of holding thing to speech will, natural imagery and Buddhist interests, discusses its artistic effect and implied, pleasant aftertaste and presents its individuation feature of circumbendibus.Innovation and significance of the dissertation is as follows.Firstly, the dissertation gives an analysis and illustration of Wang Anshi’s poetic art, explores the artistic characteristics of his poetry, and enriches and deepens the study of Wang Anshi’s poetic theory,which is a new perspective of the current study of the literature in the Song Dynasty.Secondly,using exploring "Wang Jinggong style" as the background,the dissertation combs and elaborates Wang Anshi’s poetic view and draws a new conclusion. For instance, Wang Anshi emphasizes poem’s function of pragmatism (Jing Shi Zhi Yong),meanwhile,focuses on poem’s artistic forms. Wang Anshi’s poetic theory is consistent and continuous in his earlier and later stages. He emphasizes "moral standard" in poetic creation,stresses "neutralization beauty" in poetic art and pursues a perfect art realm of "natural beauty".Thirdly, through the analysis of "Wang Jinggong style",the dissertation makes a summary of the connotation of "Wang Jinggong style" and Wang Anshi’s artistic features,brings forward some new ideas. For instance,"Wang Jinggong style" indicates Wang Anshi’s poetic artistic characteristics,which is mainly reflected in his peotry’s exquisiteness,peculiarity and circumbendibus rather than centonical poems. "Wang Jinggong style" is consistent and continuous in its style,not just confined in his later life. It is a unity of ideological nature,lyricism and artistic quality.Lastly,the dissertation deepens the cognition of Wang Anshi’s poetry through the study of "Wang Jinggong style" and the analysis of his poetic artistic features. Meanwhile,it examines some regular phenomena of the development of the poems in the Song Dynasty and reveals the process of Song Style’s formation,development and maturity.

【关键词】 宋代王安石诗歌风格荆公体
【Key words】 the Song DynastyWang Anshipoetrystyle"Jinggong style"
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期