

Empirical Research on Green Brand Development Mechanism

【作者】 刘呈庆

【导师】 孙曰瑶;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国民经济学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 任,绿色认证在指示绿色购买过程中发挥独特的作用;被调查者绿色产品认证认知水平总体偏低,分布不平衡,认证计划宣传力度因认证市场结构不同而不同;绿色认证计划之间存在某种程度的竞争,使得消费者对绿色认证的认知模糊和混乱,提高了选择成本。本文认为,绿色消费是适应性学习型消费,消费者可以通过学习、改善条件,提高购买绿色产品的频率;企业应选择通过消费者信得过的、权威的绿色认证,提高绿色产品的质量水平,提高绿色产品的绿色品牌品类度,并运用正确的绿色品牌策略充分地展示给消费者,降低消费者绿色购买成本。本文对企业绿色品牌建设决策进行了分析,建立了企业绿色化水平最优决策解释模型,对于普通企业来说,绿色认证的政府监管是维系其真实绿色化水平的主要力量,而对于品牌信誉卓著的企业来说,除了政府监管,虚假绿色化之品牌信誉损失风险将抑制企业用传统产品假冒绿色产品的动机。品牌信誉卓著的企业虽然绿色化水平总体上可能不高,但与普通中小企业相比更可能采取真实绿色化策略。对绿色认证制度设立管理机构来说,为了保障绿色认证制度的有效性,首要的是要保证绿色认证计划对品牌信誉卓著企业具有吸引力。本文对企业绿色认证制度选择影响因素进行了分析,提出了应遵循的选择原则。本文以山东省绿色食品生产企业为调查对象,进行了绿色品牌建设调查,发现:企业制定实施绿色品牌战略的主要动因是提高持续竞争力和扩大市场份额,企业塑造绿色品牌是企业自主选择的超越政府规制的行为;企业绿色品牌建设策略选择中,主要策略就是寻求通过权威的第三方认证,其次为绿色广告、战略联盟等;企业在寻求绿色认证过程存在某种顺序规律性,在绿色管理体系认证方面,由于成本和程序的影响,企业一般先寻求通过ISO9000管理体系认证,然后是HACCP认证,再到ISO14001认证;在绿色产品认证方面,随着绿色安全性和认证费用的提高,呈现出较弱的从无公害农产品到绿色食品再到有机食品的顺序规律性;被调查企业往往采取的是局部绿色化策略,为绿色认证产品单独注册产品品牌的企业也很少;绿色认证监管频率非常低,获证企业绿色产品生产几乎完全依靠自觉主动性来超越强制标准,存在机会主义行为空间。第三方绿色认证具有信任属性,行业性的质量安全事故,给了我们考察该行业绿色认证制度是否有效的机会。本文通过对2008年乳制品行业三聚氰胺污染事件进行考察,以政府抽检到的奶粉生产企业为样本,搜集相关数据,运用定量分析方法,对相关认证制度在预防控制三聚氰胺污染方面的有效性进行了分析。研究发现,ISO9000质量管理体系认证、HACCP危害分析与关键控制点认证在降低三聚氰胺污染风险方面没有发挥明显的积极作用,ISO14001环境管理体系则提高了三聚氰胺污染风险。第三方管理体系认证制度的集体失效说明,中国认证认可监管工作需要进行进一步的革新和提高,政府应不失时机地对认证机构予以整顿,促使第三方认证机构担负起社会监管责任,与企业一道建立绿色管理体系和绿色产品体系。对于谋求建立绿色品牌的企业而言,更要处理好质量和发展的关系,控制盲目扩张冲动,不仅要严格遵守国家强制标准,而且要依据自愿选择的第三方认证标准进行实质认证、诚实贯标,建立严格的产品质量控制和流程管理体系,提供优质绿色产品,提高绿色品牌品类度,降低消费者的选择成本,在确保绿色安全的基础上,谋求竞争力提升和市场份额的拓展,最终实现绿色和发展的“双赢”。本文的主要贡献在于:(1)根据品牌经济学选择成本分析范式提出,绿色品牌是提高消费者绿色消费信任、降低消费者选择成本的手段,第三方绿色认证是绿色品牌发展的基础性制度安排,绿色品牌是绿色认证俱乐部品牌和获证企业品牌组成的联合品牌;(2)运用俱乐部理论和博弈分析方法,构建了垄断市场认证计划和竞争市场认证计划质量保证博弈模型,提出在发挥政府监管机制的同时,利用认证俱乐部品牌声誉来保证认证机构实施实质认证策略,保证绿色认证信号的质量;(3)提出消费者绿色购买不是单次决策而是频率选择行为,建立了消费者绿色购买频率选择模型,并对影响因素进行了实证检验;(4)建立了企业绿色化水平决策的最优选择模型,提出在政府不完全监管条件下,企业品牌声誉都能促进企业采取真实绿色化策略;(5)首次在行业层次上,对绿色认证制度的有效性进行了评价,利用二元选择模型对乳制品行业三聚氰胺事件的影响因素进行分析,发现各种绿色管理体系在降低企业三聚氰胺污染方面没有发挥积极作用,有的反而发挥了负面作用,提高了污染风险。本文的研究结论是,绿色品牌是企业的一个追求目标,完美的绿色品牌几乎不存在,通过建立可信的绿色认证制度和绿色信号发送机制,可以引导更多的企业走向绿色品牌的自由王国。

【Abstract】 It is a competitive choice for an enterprise to implement green brand strategy in a surplus economy and sustainable development era. The current researches on green brand focus in providing enterprises with procedural green branding strategies from the point view of brand management and green marketing. This approach overlooks the essence of green branding and its institutional environment. Drawing on previous researches as references, the paper probes the development mechanism of green brands in food industry from the point view of the paradigm of choice cost of brand economics, taking the green certification institutional analysis as the emphasis, integrating the analyses of green brand consumption and green brand decision, and by ways of comprehensive utilization of economic analytical methods. The main aim of the paper is to improve the institutional environment of green brand development, and help more enterprise build competitive green brands.Green brand is a brand more environmentally friendly than traditional ones. Environmentally friendliness have characteristics of crudence property, and according to the paradigm of choice cost of brand economics, green brand is a tool to improve the blieveness and reduce the choice cost of green consumption. Perfect third-party green certification can improve the believability of green signal to green consumers, improve product’s green brand categrility, and reduce the choice cost of green consumption. Effective green certification systems are the institutional base for green brand development, and a green brand is a brand with authoritative green third-party certification in practice and is a coalition of green certification club brand and certificated coporate brand. Game analysis shows that, a serious of collective action dilemmas from the club attribute of green certification defect the perfectness of third-party certification institution. The belivability of green certification signal is low, the promotion of green certification is short, and there is competition between different green certification schemes. All these factors lower the green brand categarility of the green certificated enterprise, increase green consumption choice cost, lower the effectiveness of green certification institution. Strengthening governmental regulation of green certification and building club brand and reputation of green certification body can help to improve the quality of green certification signal, establish a credible green certification scheme, fully play the incicative role of green brand and bridge green consumption and green production.Consumers’green brand consumption choice behavior analyis shows, green purchase and consumption is more likely a frequency propability behavior, and consumers’green product purchase frequency choice concept model is provided based on the analysis of factors influencing green product purchase frequency. A green consumption survey is conducted in some cities in Shandong Province, and the ordinal choice probit model is used to analyse the factors influencing green product purchase frequency, and the result shows that, the surveyee’s income level, environmental protection action willingness, green product certification recognition-adoption ratio, green product quality evaluation and green product recommendation are the crucial factors influencing green product purchase frequency and consumption. Survey results also shows, the surveyees believe more in the third-party green certification than other green branding approaches and green certification plays a unique role for consumers in green purchaseing; the surveyees’awareness of green certification schemes are generally low and not evenly distributed, the promotion of certification schemes are deferent by their structure; the competition between different certification schemes confuses most of consumers and increases their choice cost. The paper believes that green consumption is an adaptive learning process, and consumers can learn to increase the frequency of purchase of green products. For enterprises, choosing and passing credible and authoritative green certification, and displaying it fully to consumers will help them to improve green brand categority and lower green purchase choice cost.Corporate green branding decision is also analyzed. Optimum decision models are established to delineate enterprise greenness choice. The models show that governmental regulation is the main force to drive ordinary enterprises to fulfil true greening strategy. As for the brand reputable businesses, in addition to governmental regulation, the risk of brand reputation loss from false greening will prohibit them from using conventional for green products. Though the greenness of reputable brands may not be high, they are more likely to take real green strategy than ordinary small and medium enterprises. For green certification scheme establishers and operators, it is of utmost impotance to keep the attractivity of the scheme to reputable brands. This paper also analyzes the factors influencing corporate to choose green third-party certification schemes, and gives some guidelines. A survey on Green Food production enterprises is conducted to understand current green branding status. Result shows that, the main driving force of fulfilling green branding strategy is to improve sustainable competitiveness and enlarge market portion, and green branding is a self-choice behavior to exceed governmental regulation; enterprises rely firstly on the adoption of third-party geen certification, then advertising and other ways to build green brands; enterprise green certification adoption presents a certain regularity in the order, for management certification, from the ISO9000 quality management system certification to HACCP certification and then to ISO 14001 environmental management system certification step by step for cost or procedural reasons, and for green product certification, there is a weak certification order from Harm-free Agricultural Product certification to Green Food certification and then to organic product certification according to cost and safety; the surveyed enterprises mostly adopt part greening strategy, few of them register product brand solely for green product; the frequency of certification body monitor and governmental regulatory agency inspection is very low, that means green product manufacturing enterprises are almost totally dependent on conscious motivation to move beyond the mandatory standards, while this situation also gives the enterprises opportunistic action space.Third-party green certification is also of characteristics of crudence property. The outbreak of industry-wide quality accident gives us opportunity to test the effectiveness of green certification. This paper probes into the melamine contamination accident in dairy industry in 2008 China, takes the inspected dairy enterprises as sample, use quantitative analytical method and test the effectiveness of relative green certification schemes. The result shows the ISO9000 and HACCP schemes have no significant effect in reducing the contamination risk, and the ISO 14001 scheme increases the contamination risk. The collective failure of the third-party management system certification schemes shows that China’s certification and accreditation monitoring needs further innovation and improvement. The government should lose no time to straighten the certification bodies to promote third-party certification body to assume responsibility for social regulation, and to build green management systems and green products systems with enterprises. For green brand seeking enterprises, it is of great importance to deal with the relation between quality and development, and control intra-industry expansion impulse; not only abide by national coercive standard strictly but also adopt true greening strategy and establish strict product quality control and process management systems; provide high quality green product, improve green brand categority, lower green consumption choice cost, and gain win-win of green and development through green competivity improvement and market share expansion.The main contribution of this paper is:(1) according to choice cost paradigm of brand economics, the paper puts forward that, green brand is a tool to improve green consumption believeness and reduce choice cost, third-party green certification is a fundamental institution for green brand development, and a green brand is a coalition of green certification club brand and certificated coporate brand; (2) establishes certification scheme signal quality game models, and advances that while strengthening governmental supervision, third-party certification body building certification club brand and reputation can also help to improve the quality of the green certification; (3) argues that consumers’ green purchase is not a one-time choice behavior but a frequency choice behavior, and establishes green purchase frequency choice model, and test quantitatively the factors influencing green purchase frequency; (4) establishes enterprise greenness optimal decision model, and put forward that under the imperfect condition of governmental supervision, enterprise brand and reputation can guarantee adopting true greening strategy; (5) the effectiveness of green certification system is evaluated for the first time on the industry level, the influencing factors of melamine contamination in dairy product industry is analysed by using binary choice model, and find that all the three green management systems studied fail to play an active role to reduce melamine contamination, and some on the contrary play a negative role in increasing the risk of contamination.One of the most important conclusions of this paper is that, green brand is a goal for enterprise to pursuit, and perfect green brand almost non-existent, by establishing a credible third-party green certification system and green signaling mechanisms, more enterprises could be lead to go to the green brand realm of freedom.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F205
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1618
  • 攻读期成果