

Influnce of New Period Literary Trends on Movie

【作者】 赵慧娟

【导师】 张学军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本论文主要探讨新时期文学思潮对电影的影响,通过梳理新时期电影中文学思潮的流变过程进一步挖掘二者之间的深刻关联。文学思潮是为适应一定历史时期政治经济变革和社会思潮运动的发展而在文学创作和文学思想上形成的一种共同潮流和趋向。新时期以来,文坛先后出现了多种文学思潮,从伤痕文学思潮、反思文学思潮、改革文学思潮到寻根文学思潮、先锋文学思潮和新写实文学思潮,再到新世纪的底层文学思潮,中国文学不断从现实主义与人文主义两方面进行着自身的发展与提升。新时期文学思潮对电影的发展有着深远的影响。首先体现在文学思潮对电影审美风格与艺术追求的启发与引领。电影导演以引起轰动的文学作品为母本进行改编,同时吸收了文学作品的艺术风格和文化内涵,电影借助文学要素提升其艺术价值。其次还体现在文学思潮的每一次更迭交替都会引起电影创作的变化,随着文学思潮的变更,电影界也出现了伤痕、反思、改革、寻根、新写实等电影思潮。因此说文学思潮对电影的影响是多方面的。文学思潮作为一定历史时期文学思想与创作的共同潮流和倾向,对其它各种艺术形式都有着或多或少的影响。电影艺术受文学思潮的影响尤为深远。原因在于“文化大革命”结束之后,电影艺术遭受重创,这一现状使它急需借助文学的力量来发展自身。而新时期文学思潮的蓬勃发展不仅促进了文学创作的复苏,还把文学提升到主流意识形态与社会现实的高度上,确立了文学的中心地位。同时,许多优秀的文学作品也引起了强烈的反响,这就为电影的发展提供了契机。电影不仅直接改编已经成名的文学作品,而且借鉴和吸收一定历史时期文学思潮的精神内核,从选材主题、人物塑造、审美风格等方面与之相呼应。当文学思潮随着时代不断发展变化时,电影艺术则顺应文学思潮的变动,自觉调整创作思想。本论文试图以文学思潮这一重要的历史视角为出发点,从整体上把握新时期电影的发展脉络。探讨各种文学思潮对电影的不同影响和带动,深入挖掘二者之间在思想内涵和艺术追求上的共同之处,厘清电影艺术的嬗变规律,从文学思潮的角度整体把握文学与电影的关系。这一研究对新世纪文学与电影的发展走向也具有一定的现实意义。绪论部分主要针对目前的研究现状提出研究思路,简单梳理了新时期以来文学思潮与电影之间的对应关系。正文共分三章,分别从回归现实文学思潮、寻根文学思潮、新写实文学思潮和底层写作思潮四个阶段来研究新时期以来文学思潮与电影关系的变迁。第一章以回归现实主义创作传统为依据,分析新时期之初多种文学思潮对电影创作的主导作用,主要从伤痕、反思和改革文学思潮的角度来观照电影创作的发展。新时期之初的文学思潮都具有强烈的关注当下现实的入世精神,并且有着对人文主义和人道精神的自觉艺术追求。本章侧重分析这两大特征在电影创作中的贯彻和体现。首先,运用文本细读的方法分析这一时期电影导演对文学作品的改编方式,他们主要采用把文学作品电影化的近似式改编,本着高度尊重原著的精神着手改编。文学对电影从选材主题、思想感情以及拍摄手法等方面起着主导作用。同时以备受争议的谢晋模式作为切入点,通过对谢晋影片的成就和不足进行深入分析,进一步指出谢晋模式的形成与新时期电影过分倚重文学存在直接的关系。这一时期电影创作的总体特征是文学价值较高,并且故事性较强。第二章分析了寻根文学思潮对新时期电影走向世界不可忽视的作用。寻根文学思潮对传统文化的深入反思与电影理论界关于“电影民族化”讨论结合在一起,共同促进了新时期电影的辉煌。第一部分通过探讨寻根文学对新时期电影在文学价值取向和审美选择上的影响,指出寻根文学对电影的独特贡献。同时,这一时期也是文学思潮与电影积极互动的时期。一方面,文学为电影提供高质量的母本,寻根文学强烈的文化意识也渗透到电影的创作中,内化为导演的艺术自觉。另一方面,寻根电影以鲜明的文化价值取向和强烈的视觉冲击力进一步推进了寻根文学的大众化传播。同时指出电影在第五代导演手中逐渐恢复自身特性,开始有选择的借鉴文学作品来丰富自身的发展。第二部分分析了寻根文学对传统文化“断根”与“续根”的不同价值取向在电影创作中的表现和变化,并对两种价值取向所代表影片进行分析,进一步指出寻根电影的地位与价值。第三章探讨了新写实文学思潮对电影的影响。本章主要从两个方面进行梳理:一是从新写实小说对人物真实生活状态的描摹这一特征出发,采用作品比较研究的方法,归纳出第五代、后五代以及第六代导演对真实生活的不同表达,进而梳理出现实主义创作传统在电影中的发展脉络。论证了文学在市场化大潮的冲击下逐渐走上边缘,文学思潮对电影影响力渐趋衰弱的发展过程。同时,也论及了电影艺术立足自身特性深入探索所取得的成绩与突破。二是论述新生代作家与第六代导演作品之间精神气质上的相通之处,尤其是在对成长主题的反复阐释上表现更为明显。个人化书写侧重展示个性化的成长体验,而第六代导演也热衷在作品中用影像的方式对成长历程进行不断的探索与回顾。这部分内容主要包括:“文化大革命”作为不断出现在第六代导演影像中的成长背景,这一现象引起的思考。同时通过第六代导演对于自身创作的认识与反省,并对他们集体转型的原因和背景给予分析,认识到他们集体转型背后对国内体制的认同与回归。关注第六代导演创作中对成长主题的反复阐释与创作转型之间的关联。本章最后一部分分析了底层写作与电影之间的互动关系。并将它们之间的关系变化大致分为三个阶段:第一个阶段以王朔小说与电影为铺垫,王朔作品中精英意识的锐减,与之对应的是知识分子地位的下降和文学边缘化。这一时期的文学与电影都开始关注之前被忽视的群体,从而实现了新时期以来文学视点的下移。第二阶段是新写实小说对普通人物生活中喜怒哀乐的真实记录与展示,作家以强烈的平民意识对庸常小人物的生存状态给予关注。这也是新时期以来文学地位边缘化的体现,同时也预示了人文精神的失落。第三阶段是底层写作的影响。新世纪以来文学视点进一步下移,文学对底层民众生活状态的关注和记录饱含着深切的人文关怀。分析了文学与电影两种不同艺术形式之间相似的创作倾向,并且详细阐释从平民视角到底层关怀的发展轨迹。本论文试图从文学思潮角度宏观把握新时期电影艺术发展历程,对中国当代文学思潮与电影之间的关系给予系统的梳理与整合,分析新时期三十年文学与电影之间关系与地位的流变。着重从文学思潮与电影之间艺术追求的对应程度以及作品改编方式两方面来进行分析,探讨不同时期文学思潮对电影在题材主题、思想内涵以及表现手法等方面的影响。文学思潮对电影创作的影响力逐渐减弱的过程,也正是电影艺术形式自身不断发展壮大的过程。从新时期之初文学思潮对电影的主导作用,到上世纪90年代电影对文学的借鉴选择,一直到新世纪以来文学思潮衰微更加弱化了文学对电影的影响。而电影由弱到强,逐渐发挥它自身的大众化、娱乐化特征,并渐渐开始对文学起到一定程度上的反作用。本文从文学思潮代表作品本身出发,勾勒出文学思潮在电影中的演进轨迹,以期对新世纪电影和文学的发展提供一定的现实借鉴。

【Abstract】 This paper basically studies the influnce on movie by new period literary trends. Literature ideological trend connect inseparably with Cinema in new period. The supersession of Literature Ideological trend will result in the change of Cinema creation, and there is a sharp-cut relationship between them. As the common tendencies of ideology and creation, Literature Ideological trend affected more or less different forms of various arts. Cinema, as a certain art, connect so closely with Literature that it is affected deeply by Literature Ideological trend. Cinematics, after the’Cultural Revolution’, suffered seriously, which require urgently it to develop itself by the force of Literature. The flourishing development of Literature Ideological trend in new period not only promote the recovery of Literature creation, but also upgrade literature to the height of the mainstream ideology and social reality and establish a center status of Literature. At the same time, many outstanding literary works also cause a strong reaction, which provide for the development of cinema. Cinema refer to and absorb the spirit kernel of Literature Ideological trend in certain historical period, and echo it through selecting theme, characterization, aesthetic style etc, as well as adapt directly famous literature worksWhen the Literature Ideological trend changes along with the period, Cinematics adapt to the changes in literary thoughts in creative ideas. Thus, the role of Literature Ideological trend of the cinema can not be ignored. This paper attempts to capture the whole development in the new period cinema through the important historical perspective of the Literature Ideological trend. It explores the different effects of various kinds of the Literature Ideological trends to cinema, seek thoroughly out the common ground in ideas and artistic pursuit between them, clarify the evolution law of Cinematics, and capture the whole relationship between Literature and Cinema from the perspective of the Literature Ideological trend.This study plays a practical role to the trend of the development of the new period Literature and Cinema.The’Introduction’section, according to recent research actuality, put forward mostly the research way, clarify simply the corresponding relationship between the Literature and Cinema in the new era. The text is divided into four chapters, and it, respectively, research the vicissitude of the relationship between the Literature and Cinema in the new era from four stages, which contains Return to Real Literature, Root Literature, New Realism Literature, and the Bottom Writing Thoughts.The first Chapter, based on Returning to Realism composing, analyse the main affection, which is caused by multiple Literature Ideological trends in new era. It is mainly contemplate the development of film-making from the perspective of wounds, reflection and reform, which have strong concerns about the present reality of realism and the Consciously artistic pursuit to humanism and humanity. This chapter focuses on analysis of the implementation and embodiment of these two features in the film-making,and explores,from both sides, the affection of the dominant position of literature in this period in the film-making.It use close reading method to explore the impact way of films in this period on the literature adaptation. It mainly by adapting the novel for the screen approximately to emphasize the leading role of literature on subject selecting, thoughts and feelings, shooting technics of films, and so on. At the same time, it’s a controversial access from the perspective of Xie Jin Model to point out the New Period Film over-reliance on literature directly related to the Xie Jin Model. The overall characteristic of films in this period is the highly regarded literature value and the good stories.Chapter II explores the affection, which can not be ignored, of Root Literature in the trend of film-making in new era. And the combination, of the traditional culture reflection form Root Literature and the discussion about ’Nationalization of Movies’from film theorists, promote together the refulgence of film in new era. It reveals that it is a positive interaction period on Literature and Film, when Literature provides high-quality female parent for film while the refulgence of film advances the popular of Root Literature. It also analyzes, in film-making,the different performance and changes of the various value, which is caused by Roots of literature on traditional culture’to quit’ and’continued root’.The paper optimizes the different expressions of the actual life from the fifth generation directors, the sixth generation directors, and the last five generational directors. It further clears the development trend of the realistic creational tradition during the films. It also demonstrates that the literatures are relegated to the sidelines gradually by the shock of marketization, and the influence of literature trends on films was gradually declined. At the same time, it discusses the achievements and breakthrough by further exploring the own characteristic of the film arts.Chapter III discusses the affection of New Realism Literature on Film. It mainly investigate in two aspects:the different expressions on the fine portrait of real living state in the works of several generation directors,and the common growth perspectives of personal creative writings and works of the Sixth Generation directors’,and then the transformation of the sixth generation director’s own. It also demonstrates that the literature is gradually marginalized under the impact of the market tide, and that the affection of Literature Ideological trend on film is gradually weak. At the same time, It discussed its own features in-depth film arts base to explore the breakthrough.The personalization written emphasis on the individual formative experience, and the sixth generation director kept exploring on it by means of films. This part mainly include:the significance presented by making the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as the historical context during the films crated by the sixth generation director. It also includes that the sixth generation directors began to recognize the return and recognition of domestic system after they had a collective transition through analyzing own formative experience and transition. During the creation, it interpreted repeatedly to the growing-up theme and transition of the sixth generation directors themselves.During the first stage, the novels and movies of Wang Shuo are as the background. In his works, the elite consciousness weakened sharply which corresponded that the status of intellectuals were declining and marginalized. The literatures and movies during this period began to concern the group neglected by the mainstream ideology and finally realized the decrease of literature viewpoint since the new period. During the second stage, the joys and sorrows of the common people during their life were truly recorded and documented in the new realistic novel. The authors with strong civilian consciousness paid close attention to the ordinary people. It presented that the status of literature was relegated to the sidelines since the new period, and also predict the lost of Humanistic Spirit.The relationship between the changes in them can be divided into three phases:Wang Shuo’s novels and films emphasize particularly on figure of the general real-life characters; displays on ordinary emotions of life affected by New Realism Literature;Since the new century, literary perspectives further down; concerns and notes of underlying population’s living condition are full of deep humanistic. It,then, in-depth analyses the similar creative tendencies between the literature and film, and elaborate the development from a civilian perspective to attention on subalternThis paper attempts to grasp the development process of New Period Film Art macroscopically from the literature trend of angel. It objects to clear and integrate the relationship between Chinese contemporary literatures trend and films, and to analyze the relationship and position evolution between 1930s New Period literatures and films. It discussions the correspondence degree of artistic creation pursuit between them and the adaption manner emphatically. It outlines the evolution path of literature trend in the film from the representative work own, and objects to provide a practical reference for the development of New Century Film and literatures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期