

The Narrative Model Changes of Martial Arts Novels from "Old School during the Republican Period" to "New Breed of Hong Kong and Taiwan"

【作者】 宋琦

【导师】 张华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “民国旧派”和“港台新派”二者之间的关系一直是武侠小说研究领域的一个薄弱点。本文选取了“叙事模式”这一角度,将两个时期的武侠创作放置于中国武侠小说动态化发展的历史流变中,通过对每个时期代表性作家的作品解读及整理归纳,结合社会文化背景的分析,考察两个时期武侠作品中叙事模式的变迁过程,以期做出合理评价,为今后的武侠小说创作总结规律。本文不是对武侠小说叙事模式各个方面的整体研究,而是从形式方面选取了目前研究中的空白点——结构模式,从内容方面选取了当代武侠中较为典型的复仇模式、言情模式和成长模式这三种情节模式,以此来分析两个时期的叙事者是在怎样不同的文化环境下,以怎样相同和不同的方式来虚构武侠故事的。《绪论》中除了对相关概念进行界定,针对目前的研究现状提出研究思路外,还具体分析了中国古代武侠小说所形成的基本叙事模式。正文共分四章,分别从结构模式、复仇模式、言情模式和成长模式四个方面来研究两个时期武侠小说的变迁过程。第一章分析了武侠小说结构从“以事为中心”向“以人为中心”的流变轨迹,并将这一过程大致分为三个阶段:20、30年代以平江不肖生和还珠楼主为代表,仍延续了古代对众多侠客行侠故事的关注,采用了连缀性传记结构;40年代以宫白羽和王度庐等人为代表,能以某类具体事件为中心,其小说结构呈现出首尾连贯的较完整的形态,甚至出现了《卧虎藏龙》这样以人物为主的小说;50、60年代以金庸和古龙为代表,在结构上“以人为中心”的模式成为这个时期成功武侠作品的共同选择,其成熟的结构模式奠定了金庸在武侠小说史上至尊的地位,同时港台作家又受到侦探推理小说和影视剧的影响,在结构上作出了多方探索。第二章研究了武侠小说复仇反思之路的发展历程。反思开始于20年代,武侠作家在爱国主义的大框架下将对复仇的反思视为国民性反思的一部分;40年代武侠作家对复仇的合理性进一步反思,批判了江湖上“冤冤相报”的恶习,对复仇者的语言、行为等都进行了细腻描写,并对侠客消泯仇恨的心理过程做出了一定的探讨;50、60年代复仇情节逐渐淡化,侠客对“人道主义”、“善与恶”、“生命”、“爱情”、“自由”、“个人生存”等问题的思考已经超越了复仇意志,形成他们在复仇之外新的价值观和人生观,金庸、梁羽生、古龙三人从不同角度做出了共同的选择,其角度的不同体现了香港和台湾社会文化环境对武侠作家创作的影响。第三章探讨了言情模式在武侠小说中的演变轨迹。30年代顾明道和宫白羽出于“以情补武”的目的为武侠小说引入言情因素,言情与武侠真正结合;到40年代王度庐开创了“悲情武侠小说”这一文类,侠客的情爱世界受到前所未有的关注,爱情心理在各种矛盾冲突中得以细腻展现;50、60年代言情在武侠小说中的地位得到了普遍提高,成为展开小说情节所必须要借助的重要内容,言情模式的深度和广度也得到了进一步的发展,并不断融入现代因素,金庸以“爱情至上”的观念将武侠小说中的言情模式推向浪漫化的极致,言情模式在武侠小说中的地位一再攀升,而后进入被消解时代,其自由境界到达的指归与侠客的成长模式相一致。第四章根据武侠小说的文类特征,将成长模式分为侠客学艺、江湖体认和心灵启悟三个层次,民国作家在这三个层次上均已做出了有益开拓,奠定了武侠小说成长模式的基础。港台作家在此基础上不断创新,使成长模式发生了更突出的变化:从派系争斗、言情、复仇等模式中独立出来,成为部分小说主导性的情节模式;从“名师出高徒”发展到“名书出高徒”,强调了侠客学艺的机缘性,将侠客所习武功的特点与人物的性情和人生追求相结合;侠客对世界的认知逐渐超越正派为善、邪派为恶,善有善报、恶有恶报的绝对的二元对立模式;侠客个人也从复仇、言情等“人性的枷锁”中解脱出来,获得相应的心灵启悟,人生追求上升到为国为民、宽容博爱、自由洒脱的新境界。《结语》中对“民国旧派”和“港台新派”这两个时期武侠小说的地位、叙事模式的演变轨迹、影响其叙事特点和思想深度的几个因素做出了总结。本文试图打破目前研究陷入作家作品论或偏重宏观概括而忽视个案分析的现状,努力将对个案的定位与评价融入到武侠小说整体发展流变中,并在以下方面有所突破与创新:1.改变了目前研究界对武侠小说叙事模式静态研究的思路,转向动态研究,不仅关注武侠小说在不同时期叙事模式的发展变化,而且对单个作家的创作轨迹也进行了整理归纳。2.挖掘“民国旧派”武侠小说在叙事模式演进中的价值,弥补了此前研究界一直重“新派”而轻“旧派”、论述较为笼统的不足。3.弥补了武侠小说结构方面整体研究上的空缺,从深层意义上分析作家创作的结构意识,为其他模式的研究奠定了基础。4.对目前研究中存在的一些以偏概全的结论提出质疑,试图结合个案分析,从叙事模式的变迁角度重新进行合理定位。5.结合社会文化学方法,从地域差异、政治态度、文学接受和人生体验等方面探讨武侠小说叙事模式变迁的成因。

【Abstract】 The relationship between "Old School during the republican period "and" New breed of Hong Kong and Taiwan" has always been a weak and difficult area of martial arts study. This dissertation selects the perspective of the narrative mode, placed the two periods on the historical Change of the Chinese Martial arts novels. Through Interpretation and induction of representative fictions in each period, and analysis of social and cultural background,This dissertation studies The narrative model changs of Martial arts novels in both periods in order to make a reasonable assessment and Summarized some laws for martial arts novels in future.This dissertation is not a overall study on the narrative model of the Martial arts novels, but selected a blank spot in the current study - structural model from the form, and selected three typical models of contemporary martial arts novels -revenge model, romance model and growth model——from the Contents, in order to analyze how the narrator in the two periods made up a story by similar or different ways in a different cultural environment.In addition to define related concepts,,and put forward research ideas according to the current study situation, the Introduction also a analyzes in detail the basic narrative model of ancient Chinese martial arts novels.The body is divided into four chapters, study respectively the changes of martial arts in both periods from structural mode, revenge mode, romance mode and growth mode.The first chapter analyzes the evolution track of martial arts novel structure from the "event-centered " to "people-centered,", and divides this process into three stages: Biographical Structure represented by Pingjiangbuxiaosheng and Huanzhulouzhu in 1920s or 1930s, coherent-type beads fancy structure represented by Gong Baiyuin and Wang Dulu in 1940s, "people-centered" structure represented Jin Yong and Gu Long, and focus on their multi-exploration in the novel structure Under the influence of Detective fiction and television drama. The second Chapter study the development of the reflections on Revenge in martial arts novels. The reflection began in the 1920s, martial arts writers regarded reflection of revenge as a part of the national character reflection under the basicframework of patriotism; in 1940s martial arts writers further reflected the rationality of revenge, criticized the bad habits of "hate begets hate", and describe delicately the language, behavior and mental activity of the revenger; in 1950s and 1960s Jin Yong, Liang Yusheng and Gu Long selected " out of revenge " from different angles, and reach the road of peace and tolerance, which reflects the different impact of Hong Kong and Taiwan cultural environment on points of view of the martial arts Writers.The third Chapter discusses the evolution of romance model in martial arts novels. Gu Mingdao and Gong Baiyu introduced romance factor into martial arts novels on the purpose of "Love makes up for martial arts" in 1930s, then in 1940s Wang DuLu created the genre of "martial arts novels of Sadness,", finally in 1950s and 1960s Jin Yong pushed romance model of martial arts novels to the ultimate with the idea of "love supreme". The position of Romance model in martial arts novels has been more and moe important, and then enter the deconstruction times.Its means of freedom is consistent with growth model in martial arts novels.The fourth Chapter divided growth model into three levels according to genre characteristics of the martial arts novels:pursue the arts, understand Jiang Hu and get life-Insight. Writers in the Republican period have made a beneficial development at these three levels, and laid the foundation for growth model in the martial arts novels. Hong Kong and Taiwan writers continually innovate on the basis of it.They changed "Teacher Produce Outstanding Students" to "Book Produce Outstanding Students," stressed the opportunity for the chivalrous to learn his craft, combined feature of Kungfu with the temperament and the life pursuit of characters, and broke the dualism of good and evil.In their novels, the chivalrous grew toward freedom.This article attempts to break the current research which is involved in study of writers and his works,or emphasis on overall study but neglect of macro-case analysis. This article tries to integrate location and evaluation of the case into the overall development of the martial arts novels, and to achieve a breakthrough in the following areas:1. Change the current static research into a dynamic research. We not only concerned about the development of narrative model in martial arts novels at different times, but also summarized creative process of a single writer.2. Find the value of " Old School during the republican period" in the evolution of narrative models in martial arts novels,and make up for the deficiency of putting greater emphasis on "New School" than"Old School" and discussing too generally the later.3. Made up for the Vacanciesi of structural model in martial arts novels, analyze the structure consciousness of writers at a deeper level and laid the foundation for research of other models.4. Question some overgeneralized conclusions exist in the current study, and try to reasonablly reevaluate those conclusions from the perspective of the narrative model with macro-case analysis.5. With the method of Cultural Sociology,we analyze the cause of narrative models in martial arts novels from the aspects of geographical differences, political attitudes, literature, acceptance and life experience, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期