

The Rural Community Governance on the Perspective of Social Capital

【作者】 张国芳

【导师】 毛丹;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 村民自治虽然在很大程度上促进乡村民主的发展,但在某种程度上日益形式化、行政化、内卷化,农村基层需要用新的机制去凝合。社会资本则是一种“凝合剂”,它可以促成理性的集体行动,良好的社会资本可以达成集体行动中的协同效应。社会资本可以从微观、中观、宏观层次,即个体、组织、制度层面来考察和分析,其基本要素是普特南所强调的普遍信任、合作互惠宽容同情等规范、公民的参与网络,其中最重要的要素是信任。社会资本对乡村社区治理有诸多层面的影响。个体社会资本的差异性会加剧精英治理模式的分化,从而构成村庄的多元精英治理模式。组织社会资本是村庄集体行动能力的一个体现:原子化的村庄几乎无集体行动能力;强家族、宗族类型的村庄,具有一种同质性关系社会资本,能够形成一定的集体行动能力,但仅限于血缘与地缘层面,并加剧村庄的派系斗争;宗教型、功能性、娱乐性的民间组织体现的是一种异质性关系社会资本,这类社会资本能够培养村民对差异性的容忍和认同,培养宽容和协商的精神;村庄和村庄之间消除了隔离的联系、共同决策、促进一致性行动则可以用链合性关系社会资本来解释。制度社会资本对村庄可持续发展产生影响,制度性社会资本不仅仅体现为国家成文制度的制定,还体现为制度的执行方面。关于社会资本的理论来源,有社会中心论和制度中心论两种解释。社会中心论认为公民态度的发展和解决集体行动困境的能力是存在于各种社会形式的,尤其是面对面的社会交往中;制度中心论认为社会资本的生长需要制度的嵌入,与正式的政治制度和法律制度相联系,公民发展合作的网络和建立社会信任的能力深受政府制度和政治影响。就政治实践中村庄层面的社会资本的生长而言,普遍的社会信任与政治信任是最重要的,信任既包括人际间的信任,也包括对政府的信任,对基层政府和村干部的信任,这是村民愿意参与公共事务的前提条件之一。

【Abstract】 As an important mechanism of rural community governance, although the system of village autonomy promotes the development of village democracy in large measure, it gradually turns into be a formalization bureaucratic and involution system. In this sense, peasants need their organizations and a new mechanism of coherence in their organizations for the expression of their own interests. Social capital can be a mechanism of coherence that promotes reasonable collective actions, positive social capital promotes synergy in collective action.Social capital can be explained in micro-, meso-or macro-level, that is the levels of individual, organization and system, while the core elements, are the rules of generalized trust, cooperation, and the network of citizen participation. Social capital affects the governance of rural communities. Individual social capital intensifies the diversification of the model of elite governance, which leads to the differences and imbalances of individual capital that constitutes village power structure of the model of plural elite governance. Organizational social capital reflects the capacity of village collective action. Atomized village shows inability in collective action; Village of strong family and clan, in the opinion of western scholars, retains bonding-social capital, which is limited in blood and geo-relationship and intensified factional struggles in village governance. Religious, functional and recreational organizations possess bridging-social capital, which bridges differences by citizens’patience and identification, and cultivates the spirits of tolerance and consensus among citizens. When villages break out isolation to make mutual-benefit decisions and take actions of consensus, they cherish linking-social capital, which is embodied in regional citizens’collective action of meeting the higher authorities. Institutional social capital, which is not only reflected in the stipulations of contextual institutions, but also in the performance of institutions, and more in the construction of state itself, produces sustainable influences on village governance.Theory of the growth of social capital contains society-centered and institutional-centered point views. The former explains the development of citizen attitude and the ability of breaking out the dilemma of collective action lies in varieties of face-to-face communications. The latter explains that the growth of social capital embed in institutions and relate to the establishment of formal political and legal institutions, which affect the development of the network of citizen cooperation and the establishment of social trust. In political reality, the most important aspect of the growth of village social capital is generalized trust that contains inter-personal trust and trust-to-government, which is an indispensable element in any kind of collective action. Trust to grass-roots government and village cadres is one of the prerequisites of the citizens’willing to take part in public affairs. While trust is a production of civil society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 02期