

An Analysis of Business Model Applied by Third Part Logistics Company Based on Market Segmentation

【作者】 叶伟龙

【导师】 孙光圻;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当今的中国物流业正在发生深刻的变革。这种变革,集中体现为企业获取和创造价值方式的变革。由此导致第三方物流企业所面临的竞争,不再是传统物流企业关注的运输、仓储、供应链或简单的扩大规模和市场份额的竞争,而是供应链整合价值创新能力和拓展生存空间的竞争。因而,具有创造性的、能整合一系列内外部要素能力的商业模式设计是第三方物流企业在新的经营战略中寻求竞争优势的关键。以往,人们对第三方物流企业经营战略的认识,大多集中在资源依赖、能力依赖的视角上,忽略了企业经营的整体性和系统性。著名管理学大师彼得·F·德鲁克说:“当今企业之间的竞争,不是产品之间的竞争,而是商业模式之间的竞争”。商业模式的竞争,已经成为企业竞争的战略利器。通过对第三方物流企业商业模式的研究,可以把企业经营战略实现的形式凸现出来,这有助于企业竞争战略从这些传统视角转向重视企业经营组成中的各部分之间的联系,转向重视经营活动结构的整体性。这样,就能从纷繁复杂的商业模式中找到第三方物流企业创造和获取价值、实现竞争优势的新路径。为此,本文尝试着在理论研究的基础上,探索出一种基于细分市场的第三方物流企业商业模式,以期为第三方物流企业拓展经营和管理的价值空间提供理论和实践的重要支撑。首先,论文从当前国内外对商业模式的研究文献出发,通过分析和评价,梳理出当前理论界对商业模式研究的脉络,导出商业模式作为企业创造和获取价值的逻辑,是企业经营战略执行系统的概念。这一概念的确定,对于认识商业模式的设计作为企业战略的利器,在市场竞争中的地位和作用至关重要。其次,企业作为市场的主体,必须从市场中寻找其所适宜经营的价值区域,这是企业安身立命的关键。为此,本文应用细分市场理论,为第三方物流企业寻找价值源泉,扩展了市场选择的空间。在对市场要素的分析中,通过抽取关键性指标,建立了基于细分市场的物流市场评估模型,从而为第三方物流企业的市场定位和价值区域的确定提供了理论依据。再者,在筛选出具有潜在价值的物流市场后,如何使这些潜在的价值为第三方物流企业所捕捉和获取,无疑是第三方物流企业商业模式的定位和设计的首要问题。为破解此题,本文从实现细分市场与商业模式的对接入手,提出了将价值定位作为连接细分市场与商业模式的桥梁的新观点,并在此基础上,分析了第三方物流企业商业模式的构成要素及其内在关联进行分析,勾勒出其普适的图景。最后,在上述理论研究的基础上,本文对中远物流的商业模式设计进行实证分析,通过对其所面临的经营环境考察和自身能力的评估,界定了细分市场下的中远物流的市场价值定位,建立了细分市场下个性化的中远物流商业模式,并以汽车物流为例,对其商业模式的设计和相关的保障措施提出了自己的见解和论证。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the industry of logistics in China is undergoing profound changes, which has embodied in the change of corporations’acquiring and the value of creation. Hence, it causes the competitions for third-party logistics corporations, no longer as simple as the competitions of expanding the scales and the proportions of the market, but the competitions of creative ability for value integration and the development of marketing. Therefore, the essential factor for third-party logistics corporations to achieve competitive advantages is to create a series of internal and external integration for the capacity of business models’ design. In the past, the understanding of third-party corporation management concentrated in the perspective of resource dependence and capability dependence and paid less attention on the integrity and systematic of corporation management.A well-known management consultant Peter Ferdinand Drucker once said, the competitions of enterprises nowadays was not the competition of products, but the business models. So, the competition of business model has already become the strategical method amongst enterprises. Through the research of business model in third-party corporations, it can be analyzed the form of business strategy. This also helps us to swerve the focus of enterprises competition from traditional perspective to every part of the connections of business management, and to the integrity of business activities’structure. In this way, we can seek the creation of third-party corporations and the value of gaining in the complicated business model to access the new path of competitive advantages.Therefore, this project is based on theoretical research to explore the market segmentation on business model in third-party corporations. The references below will show the view of expanding the value of third-party logistics enterprise, and enhancing competitiveness.First of all, this project starts from the documents that related to domestic and international research of business model. Via the analysis and evaluation, to tease out the theme of the current business model and to gain the logic of enterprise creation and values are the strategical methods in marketing competition. Business model suppose to be the strongest weapon in business strategy. The orientation and design need to bring up to this stage.Secondly, enterprises, as the alternative of the market, must be found their ranges of value, which is the reason of existence. So that, this project shows the theory of segmentation market in order to seek the source of value to third-party corporations, and to develop the choice of market. In the analysis of market factors, we have established the evaluation of logistics market by market segmentation through extracting the key indicators. Consequently, the ranges of values are provided to the third-party logistics.Thirdly, after selecting the potentially valuable logistic market, how to achieve these potentials has become the essential problem of orientation and design of the business model for third-party logistics. In order to obtain market segmentation and business model docking, the design of business model in third-party logistic corporations must be value-oriented. On this basis, this project has analyzed the elements of third-party logistics business model and its interlinkage and outlined the model. To further related interpretations, it also draws the design, implementation and protection of business model.Subsequently, according to the theory that has mentioned, taking COSCO Logistics as an example, from the evaluation of environmental analysis and own capacity that faced by COSCO Logistics, this project is on the basis of design business model, and in accordance with the developing strategy of COSCO Logistics to analyze the general model of COSCO Logistics. And later on, taking market segmentation in vehicles logistics as an example, I will evaluate vehicles logistics in COSCO and the market of vehicle logistics to expand the business model of COSCO vehicle logistics and to bring up related guarantee steps. At the last part of the essay, I have completed the summary and future plans
