

Guidance Technology of Maneuvering Ammunition Based on Spin-Stabilized

【作者】 李永博

【导师】 郭治;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 虽然高炮在防空作战中历史悠久,但是随着防空导弹的出现,曾几何时它似乎要淡出人们的视野,但无论是近几次的世界局部战争结果,还是从射击学原理的严格证明,高炮在防空作战中具有不可替代性!然而常规高炮命中精度十分低,只能靠集火射击来毁伤目标,这对后勤补给带来很大压力,因此如何在目前条件下,发掘高炮潜力是防空作战中亟待解决的问题,本文就是以此为出发点,在国防预研基金“×x××××”的支持下,对防空反导中普遍使用的高速高旋弹制导化做了相关研究,旨在当前技术条件下,提高命中精度和作战效率。基于旋转稳定的弹药制导技术由本课题组提出,定义为“机动弹药”,其主要特点是:利用高初速作动力,利用高自旋提供稳定功能,利用可控的底喷制导高低,利用可控的偏流制导方位。这是一种新型弹药,结合我国现有的技术储备和近年来国防预研成果而提出,对防空反导具有积极意义。本文就是以此为基点,探讨了底排和滑块机构用于机动弹药制导的可行性,结果表明这两种技术是有效的,进而对具体控制策略进行了研究,全文包含以下两个方面内容:(1)底排:主要是第2章。针对六自由度的底排弹模型,仿真分析表明点火时间和排气量两个因素对外弹道的影响明显,而且主要表现在高低,从而证明底排用于控制是有效的,但是由于火药燃烧的不稳定性,这种控制方式只能实现“粗调”高低;同时为了提高机动弹药的毁伤概率,研究了多发命中问题,提出了一种新的多重命中体制:基于底排的多重命中体制,可为机动弹药作战提供有益补充。对这种命中体制进行了理论分析,针对两个约束条件下求解两个控制参数的问题,给出了一种同频射击条件下的多重命中算法求解射角未知的两点边值问题,最终得到初始弹道射角和底排延时点火时间,并作了仿真研究,并将这种体制纳入到机动弹药的制导系统之中。(2)滑块机构:这是本文研究的主要内容(包括3-7章)。针对滑块机构作为控制方式的情形做了研究,结果表明滑块机构可实现对机动弹药高低和偏流的控制,但是其调节能力是有限的,所以这种方式属于“细调”。首先,提出了一种适合于机动弹药的滑块控制机构,建立了多体系统的动力学模型,对外弹道参数在滑块运动下的变化作了详细的仿真研究,得到在文中的机构设置下外弹道参数可控制的关键结论,同时给出了一种简化模型,并对模型的角速度和稳定性做了分析与仿真研究;其次,从控制角度对系统模型进行了分析,结果表明姿态控制器是核心,同时姿态回路的角速度和角度回路具有明显的多时间尺度特性,给出了控制器设计的总体思路;最后,对角速度的快时间回路建立了控制模型,并简化得到了状态空间形式,以满意控制理论设计了控制律来达到跟踪角速度的目的;对于角度的慢时变回路,同样建立了控制模型,采用逆系统方法设计了内环控制器,外环采用具有鲁棒性的PID控制器,在基于极点分布约束的条件下得到了外环控制器参数,并对这两种时变回路的控制效果进行了仿真。

【Abstract】 The anti-craft gun has an old history in aerial defense campaign. It has been thought to be out of date since the antiaircraft missile appeared. However, it has proved that the anti-craft gun is irreplaceable not only by the truth of last several local wars around the world, but also by the strict deduction according to the shooting theory. The ordinary anti-craft gun has a very low hit rate and could only cause damage to the targets by concentrated firing, which has brought about a very large pressure to the logistic supply. Therefore, it has become an urgent problem that how to explore the potential ability of anti-craft gun under the present conditions. Focus on this problem and supported by the national defence pre-study fund "××××××", in order to raise the hit rate and fight efficiency under the present conditions, this thesis deals with the guidance on high-speed and high-rolling projectile which is often used in air defense and antimissile.Guidance technology of ammunition based on spin-stabilized, which is defined as "maneuvering ammunition", is put forward by our studying team, "maneuvering am-munition" has the following properties:1) using the high initial speed as power; 2) using the high-rolling to provide stability; 3) using the controllable base bleed to control the high low; 4) using the controllable bias flow to control orientation. It is a new type of ammunition, which has been proposed by the present technology storage and the research fruits on the na-tional defence pre-study in the past few years, and it has a positive meaning to air defense and antimissile. Based on these, this thesis discusses the feasibility of applying the base bleed and the moving-mass framework in the guidance of maneuvering ammunition. The results have shown the effectiveness of the two proposed methods. Then the research on the detailed control strategies have been carried out. This thesis includes mainly the following two parts of contents:(1) Base Bleed:mainly in chapter 2The simulation about the model of six-freedoms model of base bleed shows that the lighting time and displacement volume have an obvious impaction on the exterior ballistic, which is mainly on the high low, hence demonstrating the effectiveness of controlling by base bleed. However, because of the instability of gunpowder combustion, such a kind of control strategy could only regulate the high low crudely. Meanwhile, in order to raise the damage probability of maneuvering ammunition, the problem of multiple hit has been investigated, and a new approach of the multiple hit system based on the technology of base bleed, which is a supplement to the fight by maneuvering ammunition has been proposed. Analyzing the hit system theoretically, focus on two problems about solving the control parameters with two constraints, under the condition of a type of the same frequency fire, multiple hit algorithm of solving the two points boundary problem with unknown fire angle has been proposed to obtain the initial fire angle and the time of ignitable time for base bleed. The simulation has been carried out and the system has been brought into the guidance system of maneuvering ammunition.(2) Moving-mass Framework:mainly in chapters 3-7The situation of using moving-mass framework as control style has been studied. The results show the moving-mass framework could control the high low and bias flow of ma-neuvering ammunition. However, it has a limited ability of regulation, which hence is called "fine adjustment".First, a moving-mass control framework suitable for maneuvering ammunition has been proposed to establish the dynamic model of multi-body system. Simulation of the variation of exterior ballistic parameters while the moving-mass is moving has been carried out de-tailed to obtain the key conclusion on the controllability of exterior ballistic parameters in the model proposed in this thesis. At the same time, a simplified model has been given and the analysis and simulation of the angular velocity and stability of the model have been car-ried out; Second, the system model has been analyzed in the control point of view, which shows that the attitude controller is key, and the loop of angular velocity and angle have ob-vious multiple time scale characteristics. The total strategy of controller designing has then been proposed. Finally, the controlled model of fast time scale loop for angular velocity has been firstly established and then simplified to a space form. Based on satisfactory control theory, the control law is designed to track the angular velocity. For the slow time scale loop of angle, the controlled model is also established, and then the inner loop controller has been designed by the method of inverse system, while the outer loop use the robust PID controller. The parameters of outer loop controller has been obtained under the constraint of pole placement. Simulation has been given for both of the two time varying loop.
