

Study on Visitor Behaviors in Museums Based on Symbolic Encoding and Knowledge Learning

【作者】 蔡祥军

【导师】 朱宪辰;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 系统工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 营销学提出,经济形态已经进入体验经济和知识经济时代,竞争的不再是品质的讲究,生产者需要从消费者的角度出发,更进一步要提供独特的经验。博物馆所提供的是提炼编码过后的文化内涵,正是在体验经济时代所需重视的。本文经过由博物馆提高国民素养、培养科学探索精神这一特殊且重要社会教育功能发挥引出现实问题,针对中国绝大部分博物馆利用率低、知识编解码水平较低的特点,我们将博物馆展览设计和观众参观行为作为重要考察对象,主要考察上述两者如何影响参观者的主观效用体验过程。引用现有消费者行为研究、认知学习理论,构建博物馆知识传播与观众参观学习行为简化模型,本文的工作主要包括如下内容。(1)观众知识获得和学习行为分类研究参考符号传播理论和认知学习理论,引入现代学习行为理论中学习机制的差异作为分类标准,以认识论和学习理论两个维度,我们针对博物馆观众对展品的解读以获得知识的行为特征,将博物馆展览和观赏过程视为编解码过程,将参观观众分成四类:发现式学习、传统学习模式、行为主义学习模式和知识建构型学习模式。并且,进一步针对现实中观众不同的体验行为特征和学习机制,为博物馆策展方设计不同的展览模式和推广策略。根据既定的四种观众新知识的习得机制,通过聚类分析方法对受访观众进行分类。(2)观众在参观展览过程中因主观体验而获得的主观效用度量及影响因素从展览编码和观众解码学习以获得知识角度,建构本研究提出的博物馆知识传播与观众参观学习行为简化模型假设,完成对观众在参观展览过程中因主观体验所获得主观效用的测度。发现影响该体验主观效用过程的主要因素——观众预期效用、观众感知价值、观众知识结构、观众解读学习模式、观众体验效用和博物馆设计的参观情境、博物馆展览编码技术等,并揭示其影响作用的一般性。本文选择因子分析、结构方程模型等数据处理手段调查所得数据进行挖掘和深入分析,以检验上述假设的真伪。(3)博物馆展览模式的分类测度和评价相对应地,采用应对不同学习机制对博物馆展览的不同模式加以区分,将博物馆展览的组织设计者作为这一具体场景知识的传播者,而将博物馆的参观访问者(消费者)作为这一知识的学习者,则可以得到四种博物馆展览类型:发现式展览、系统化展览、组织有序的展览和建构知识型展览。根据编码过程对观众接受、学习行为的影响,初步给出评价一次展览社会效果的几个方面。此外,本文开发设计了博物馆观众参观体验的知识习得行为量表,尤其注重从观众认知行为和作为编码过程的展览设计模式的角度考察博物馆整个展览的逻辑过程,不同于已有博物馆观众研究所采用的量表。并通过实证数据对量表的效度和信度进行了检验,这既是本项实证研究所必需的前提,同时也为后续其它相关实证研究建立可操作化的基础。

【Abstract】 With the opinion that our economic formation coming into experience economy and knowledge economy in marketing theory, what they competing with is not quality, producers should provide more unique experience instead. What museums can supply is culture connotation that refined and encoded, is just the one that concerned in experience economy.This article introduced its issues from the developing of museums’social education that improving peoples’literacy and exploring scientific spirit. Aiming at the current situation that low utilization ratio and low level of symbolic coding in museums’operation, we made the exhibition designing and visitors behavior in museum as researching object, explored how the two influence visitors’subjective utility experiencing process.Applying research achievement of consumer behavioral process and cognitive learning theory, this paper explored the simplified model based on visitors’knowledge acquirement. The main work of this paper is as following.(1) Study on classification of visitors’knowledge acquirement and learning behavior.Referencing symbolic communication and cognitive learning theory, we introduced the difference of learning mechanism as classification standard, made epistemology and learning theory as two dimensions. Reviewing the characteristics of its encoding and decoding process, we classified the learning model of visitors’knowledge acquirement during visiting the exhibition in museums according to the two dimensions. They were Discovering Learning, Traditional Learning, Behaviorism Learning and Constructivism Learning. Furthermore, here we designed different exhibition model and marketing strategies for museums aiming at visitors’ different learning mechanism and experiencing features. According to the classification standard, we make empirical study with cluster analysis.(2) Measuring visitors’subjective utility and its influencing factors in the process of visiting and experiencing in museum.From the perspective that exhibition encoding and visitors decoding to learning knowledge, we constructed a simplified model on museum knowledge communication and visitors learning behavior, and measured visitors’subjective utility and its influencing factors in the process of visiting and experiencing in museum. Then we discovered the main influencing factors in this process:visitors’expected utility, perceived value, knowledge structure, decoding and learning model, subjective utility, visiting situation and exhibition technology of encoding, and show their general influence.Here we used factor analysis and Structural Equation Modeling to analyze data from questionnaire survey, to exam these hypothesis.(3) The category measurement and evaluation of the pattern of the exhibition.Accordingly, different learning mechanisms were adopted to differentiate the patterns of the exhibition. Organizers of the exhibition were treated as the disseminator of situational knowledge, and the visitors (consumers) as the learners of the knowledge, in this way, the patterns of the exhibition could be classified into four types:discovery exhibition, systematic exhibition, organized exhibition and construction of a knowledge-based exhibition. According to the effect of the coding process on the acceptance and learning behavior of the audiences, several aspects of the social influence of an exhibition was evaluated initially.Besides these, schedule of measuring the knowledge obtained through the visiting experience of the audiences were developed and designed in this paper, and the logical processes of the whole exhibitions were explored in viewpoints of the cognitive behavior of the audiences and the patterns of the exhibition designs as the coding process, which were especially emphasized in the gauges, different from the gauges that were adopted by the study on the audiences of the existing museum. Furthermore, the reliability and validity of the schedule was evaluated, which was not only the precondition of our study, but also the starting point of the next empirical research.
