

The Integrate Research of Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge

【作者】 杨鸿

【导师】 张武升; 朱德全;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 教师教学知识是作为特定主体的教师所拥有的关于教学活动的知识。教师的教学知识是教师开展教学活动的直接支撑,教师教学知识整合对核心能力有显著的直接正相关。其知识整合程度的高低是教师教学能力高低的核心和关键,教师具有统整的教学知识和优良的知识结构有助于教师教学能力的提升。基于此,本研究全力关注教师教学知识的统整问题,具体围绕四个问题展开:为什么要探讨教师教学知识的统整问题?教师教学知识的统整到底应统整哪些知识?教师教学知识应如何统整?教师教学知识统整得怎么样?其中第一个问题是前提性问题,第二个问题是本体性问题,第三个问题是策略性问题,第四个问题是验证性问题。为了回答这些问题,本文借助文献分析、调查研究和实验研究等方法开展了以下研究。1.教师教学知识的分离及本质探讨通过对重庆市城市、县城、农村三类地区7所学校315位教师开展问卷调查,本研究认为教师教学知识存在着“分离”问题,分离表现在:在创生主体上的“研—教”式分离,在价值追求上的“真—善”式分离,在存在形态上的“显—隐”式分离,在表现形式上的“公—个”式分离。这种分离并非是知识本源性的分离,实质是教学知识在生成与发展过程中的一种表象性分离,本研究揭示出表象性分离的问题本质:“研—教”式分离的人为性、“真—善”式分离的遮蔽性、“显—隐”式分离的机械性和“公—个”式分离的虚假性。此问题的解决指出了:教师教学知识的发展应该摒弃分割、零碎的知识堆砌,避免与教师经验、教师思维相距甚远的固定、单一的静态发展,应该走向“强调教育经验的连结,包括知识间的统整,经验的统整,强调知识中相关因素的联结”的统整发展。2.教师教学知识的本体论探析本研究认为,教学知识是指“关于教学活动的知识”,并以教学活动的空间要素为分类维度,将教师教学知识分为五个方面:①为什么教学——意义性知识;②教学什么——本体性知识;③谁教学谁——主体性知识;④怎样教学——策略性知识;⑤教学得怎么样——评价性知识。在教学知识系统里,五类教学知识是一个不可分割的整体,各种知识成分不是简单的累积与叠加,而是以实践为载体互为影响,互为基础,融合在一起而形成一体化的知识、信念、技能与策略等的总和,是多元性与整合性的统一。且各类教学知识均以不同的形态存在,理论形态与实践形态并存,公共形态与个体形态兼有,外显形态和内隐形态同在。3.教师教学知识的统整模型建构教师教学知识的统整,是指将分离的、断裂的不同类别和不同形态的教学知识,依据某种原则加以组织、转换与整合,使教师教学知识结构化和整体化。其精髓在于教学知识在形式与实质上的“统整”,教学知识在内容和结构上的“统整”,通过形式上的“统”达成实质上的“整”,通过内容上的“统”达成结构上的“整”,使之形成一个前后衔接、相互转化、自成一体的知识系统,发挥教学知识系统的整体效能和实现价值的最大化。因而,本研究基于意义性知识、本体性知识、主体性知识、策略性知识和评价性知识五类教学知识的内在逻辑,又考虑各类教学知识不同的存在形态,理论形态和实践形态、公共形态和个体知识、外显形态和内隐形态的相互关联,建构了“5-2”转化式统整模型。此模型明确地呈现出教师教学知识生成、发展、统整的可能任务,展现了5类教学知识在2类形态中不断进行转化,从而最终达成统整目的的过程。4.教师教学知识的统整机制探析本研究以知识结构中最小的独立单元——知识元作为知识输入的基本内容,将按一定的关系排列组合在一起的知识元所形成的知识簇作为知识组织的对象,以在知识元与知识元之间、知识簇与知识簇之间、知识元与知识簇之间的流转变化所形成的知识流作为知识输出的对象,依据各类教学知识不同的属性,构建形成了“元-簇-流”三态统整机制。意义性知识强调:知识元输入体现领悟化,知识簇组织体现整合化,知识流输出体现渗透性;本体性知识强调:知识元输入体现联结化,知识簇组织体现网络化,知识流输出体现转化性;主体性知识强调:知识元输入体现反身化,知识簇组织体现反思化,知识流输出体现差异性;策略性知识强调:知识元输入体现切身化,知识簇组织体现结构化,知识流输出体现情境性;评价性知识强调:知识元输入体现体悟化,知识簇组织体现动态化,知识流输出体现多元性。5.教师教学知识的统整路径构建对于教学知识的生成来说,“任教后从理论性书籍或者报刊杂志中”、“对课程标准、教学参考用书以及教材的解读”、“对同事课堂的观察与思考”、“与同事之间的日常交流”、“在教研组或教师共同体中的研讨”、“日常教学后的自我总结和自我反思”和“对名师课堂的观察与模仿”等是最重要的路径;“学生时代对教师的观察与思考”、“学生时代从书本上所学的理论”和“从学生那里”是最不重要的路径。基于此,便演绎出教师教学知识的“五化五径”统整路径:在联结化学习中领悟式统整、在切身化解读中脉络式统整、在互动化交流中转化式统整、在反思化组织中网络式统整、在实践化输出中体悟式统整。6.教师教学知识的统整策略开发依据本研究所建构的统整模型、统整机制等,在具象化教师教学知识统整路径的基础上,开发了两个层面的统整策略,一个层面着力于从教师教育课程的统整设计入手,一个层面着力于从教师教学知识统整的精加工策略,两个层面一个整体一个局部共同发力于教师教学知识的统整,即“双层共力”式统整策略。7.教师教学知识统整的实践论证通过为期一学年的教师教学知识统整实验研究,得到以下结论:①教师教学知识统整实验研究能促进教师对理论性教学知识与实践性教学知识、公共性教学知识与个体性教学知识、外显性教学知识与内隐性教学知识之间的关系的正确认知,能促进教师对意义性知识、本体性知识、主体性知识、策略性知识和评价性知识各类教学知识之间的关系的正确认知:②教师教学知识统整实验研究能帮助教师养成乐于对理论性教学知识与实践性教学知识、公共性教学知识与个体性教学知识、外显性教学知识与内隐性教学知识之间进行统整的意识与习惯:能帮助教师养成乐于对意义性知识、本体性知识、主体性知识、策略性知识和评价性知识等各类教学知识之间进行统整的意识与习惯;③教师教学知识统整实验研究能帮助教师习得对理论性教学知识与实践性教学知识、公共性教学知识与个体性教学知识、外显性教学知识与内隐性教学知识之间进行统整的方法,并能促进不同水平的教师对各种形态的知识进行不同程度的统整,能帮助教师习得对意义性知识、本体性知识、主体性知识、策略性知识和评价性知识等各类教学知识之间进行统整的方法,并能促进不同水平的教师对各种形态的知识进行不同程度的统整。总之,本研究基于多种研究方法,提出并验证教学知识的“五分法”分类形态,建构了教师教学知识“5-2”转化式统整模型,构建了教师教学知识“元-簇-流”三态统整机制,开发了教师教学知识“双层共力”式统整策略,开拓了教师教学知识发展研究的新视角。这些理论观点,为帮助教师发展教学知识提高教学能力提供了思路,并且指出了教师教学知识发展的路径,为我国教师教学知识的理论研究提供一个新的视角,也对教师教学知识进行了系统化研究,对指导和改善实践中教师教学知识的发展和教学能力的提升具有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Teachers’pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge about teaching activities for the specific teachers. Teachers’pedagogical knowledge is the direct support to the teaching activities, and the integrate teaching pedagogical knowledge has the direct positive correlation to the key ability of the teachers. The degree level of the integrate pedagogical knowledge is the key factor to decide the level of teachers’teaching ability. with the integrate pedagogical knowledge and fine knowledge structure, teachers’teaching ability will be improved. Based on this opinion, the dissertation attempts to focus on teachers’pedagogical knowledge and integrate knowledge as following four specific questions:Why should this dissertation research teachers’integrate pedagogical knowledge? What integrate knowledge should the teachers’integrate pedagogical knowledge integrate? How should the teachers’pedagogical knowledge integrate? And how does the teachers’integrate pedagogical knowledge integrate? Among those four questions, the first question is the premise question, the second question is the noumenon question, the third question is the tactic question and the fourth question is the inspective and verified question. In order to answer those four questions, based on the analysis of the documents, survey research and practice research, This dissertation starts to research as following:Firstly, The Research of the Separation of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge and the Inquiry of the Core of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.Through the questionnaire survey to 315 teachers from 7 schools which locate in the rural area, county and Chongqing city, this dissertation holds the opinion that there lies separation in the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. And the separation shows as following:the separation between research and teaching in the creative subject; the separation between truth and kindness in the value seeking; the separation between obviousness and obscure in the existence; and the separation between public and private in the performance. This separation is not the separation of the source of the knowledge, it is the surface separation of the pedagogical knowledge during coming into being and developing. This dissertation shows the essence of the surface separation, that is artificially produced in the separation between research and teaching, obscure in the separation between truth and kindness, mechanizing in the separation between obviousness and obscure, and falsehood in the separation between public and private.The solution to the problem points out that the development of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge should get rid of the separation and fragment piling up knowledge, and avoid the set and simple static state development with teachers’experiences and teachers’mind. The development of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge should trend to emphasize the connection of the education experiences, including the integrate between the knowledge and experiences, and emphasize the integrate development of the connection between the related factors.Secondly, The Research of the Noumenon of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.This dissertation thinks that pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge about teaching activities, and divides the pedagogical knowledge into five aspects due to the space factor of the teaching activities as following:why to teach? This is the meaning knowledge; what to teach? This is the noumenon knowledge; who teaches who? This is the subject knowledge; how to teach? This is the tactic knowledge; how is the teaching? This is the inspective and verified knowledge. Those five kinds of pedagogical knowledge is a whole body in the system of the pedagogical knowledge. All kinds of elements is not simple piling up together but influencing each other as noumenon carrier of each other. Each kind of pedagogical knowledge exists in different form, that is, theory form together with practice form, public form and private form, and obvious form together with obscure form.Thirdly, The Construct of the Integrate Model of Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.The integrate of teachers’pedagogical knowledge is combining all fragment, all kind and all forms of pedagogical knowledge together, according to some kind of principle, in order to make teachers’pedagogical knowledge structure and integrate. The essence lies in the integrate of the pedagogical knowledge between form and substance, and the integrate between content and structure. Through the integrate of form to the integrate of substance and the integrate of content to the integrate of structure to make the pedagogical knowledge as a successive, convertible and cooperate knowledge system. Therefore, this dissertation bases on the inherently logic of the meaning knowledge, noumenon knowledge, subject knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge, and this dissertation also considers the related relationship of the different kinds of existence form, theory form, practice form, public form, private form, obvious form and obscure form of the pedagogical knowledge. This dissertation also constructs five to two integrate model, which clearly presents teachers’pedagogical knowledge’s coming into being, developing and probability of the integrating, and shows the five kinds of pedagogical knowledge converting in the two kinds of forms and consequently to the integrate purpose’s progress.Fourthly,The Research of the Integrate System of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge. This dissertation uses the smallest unit of the knowledge structure-mini-element as the basic content of the inputing knowledge, refers to the knowledge bunch which is compound of the mini-element as the object of the knowledge organization, and regards the knowledge wave which is converted from between mini-element and knowledge bunch. Based on the different kinds of properties of the pedagogical knowledge, this dissertation constructs the mini-element, bunch and wave, three forms of integrate system. The meaning knowledge emphasize that the mini-element inputing embodies digestion, knowledge bunch embodies integrate, the knowledge wave embodies infiltrating. The noumenon knowledge emphasizes that the input of mini-element embodies connecting, the knowledge bunch embodies networking, and the input of knowledge wave embodies converting. The subject knowledge emphasizes that the input of the mini-element embodies reflexivization, the input of the knowledge bunch embodies thinking back, the input of the knowledge wave embodies differentia. The tactic knowledge emphasizes that the input of mini-element embodies personal, the knowledge bunch embodies structuring, and the input of knowledge wave embodies context. The Inspective and verified knowledge emphasizes that the input of the mini-element embodies realizing, the organization of the knowledge bunch embodies moving, and the input of the knowledge wave embodies porphyly.Fifthly,The Construct of the Integrate Route of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.As for the coming into being of the pedagogical knowledge, the most important route is from theory books or publications after teaching, from the course criterion, teachers’reference books and the understanding of the student’s books, from observing and thinking to the co-workers’class, from daily communication with the co-workers, from the discussion and research with others teachers, from self-conclusion and self-thinking after daily teaching and from the observing and mimicking to the famous teachers’class. The least route is from the observing and thinking to the teachers when you were a student, from the theory you learnt from books when you were a student and from student. Based on those, the dissertation deducts five kinds of integrate routes of the teachers’ pedagogical knowledge as following:the digestion integrate in linking study, the venation integrate in personal decipherment, the conversion integrate in interactive communication, the web integrate in self-thinking organization, the realization integrate in practicing input.Sixthly, The Development of the Integrate Tactic of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge.According to the integrate model and integrate system, which this dissertation has constructed, and based on the specific integrate route of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge, this dissertation exploits two kinds of integrate tactics, one is to devote to the integrate design of the teachers’ teaching course, and the other is to devote to the precision work of the integrate tactic of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. The integrate of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge is developed by those two kinds of integrate tactic, which is called double-joint integrate tactic.Seventhly,The Inspective and Verified Integrate of the Teachers’Pedagogical Knowledge. This dissertation gets a conclusion through one whole year’s integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge as following:firstly, the integrate experiment study of the teachers’ pedagogical knowledge can promote teachers’correct perception to the theory pedagogical knowledge and experiment pedagogical knowledge, public pedagogical knowledge and private pedagogical knowledge, and obvious pedagogical knowledge and obscure pedagogical knowledge, and also promote the teachers’correct perception to the meaning knowledge, subject knowledge, noumenon knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge. Secondly, the integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge can help teachers’awareness and habit to integrate the theory pedagogical knowledge and practice pedagogical knowledge, public pedagogical knowledge and private pedagogical knowledge, and obvious pedagogical knowledge and obscure pedagogical knowledge, and help teachers’awareness and habit to integrate the meaning knowledge, subject knowledge, noumenon knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge. Thirdly, the integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge can help teachers learn the integrate method to the theory pedagogical knowledge and practice pedagogical knowledge pedagogical knowledge, public pedagogical knowledge and private pedagogical knowledge and obvious pedagogical knowledge and obscure pedagogical knowledge, and also promote different level teachers to integrate different forms of pedagogical knowledge. The integrate experiment study of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge can help teachers to learn the integrate methods to meaning knowledge, subject knowledge, noumenon knowledge, tactic knowledge and inspective and verified knowledge, and also promote different level teachers to integrate different forms of pedagogical knowledge.In a word, this dissertation bases on a variety of research method, proposes and verifies the five-division form of the pedagogical knowledge, and constructs 5-2 conversion integrate model of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge, and mini-element, bunch and wave three forms of integrate system, exploits the double-joint integrate tactic and opens up the new horizon of the research of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. Those theories provide train of thought to help teachers promote teaching ability, and those theories point out the development route of the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. Those theories also provide a new viewing-angel to the theory research of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge in our country, and those theories have the systematic research to the teachers’pedagogical knowledge. Finally, those theories have some degree of as a source of reference to guide and improve teachers’pedagogical knowledge and teaching ability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期