

A Study on Chongqing Model of Urban Forest Construction

【作者】 彭军

【导师】 王力;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 生态学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 “城市森林”作为一个科学概念提出还不到50年。1962年,美国政府开展户外娱乐资源调查时,首先使用“城市森林”这一名词。1965年,加拿大学者Erik Jorgensen首次提出城市林业的概念。此后,城市森林以其在改善城市环境、维持和保护城市生物多样性、提升市民生活品质、增强城市综合竞争力、促进城市实现可持续发展方面的重要作用,受到各国高度重视,北美、欧洲乃至部分发展中国家相继掀起建设和研究城市森林的热潮,城市森林建设进入快速发展阶段。我国城市森林建设的兴起,与20世纪70年代末开启的改革开放进程紧密相关。1984年,台湾大学教授高清出版了《都市森林学》,这是我国学界关注城市森林建设的肇端。与此同时,沈国舫、王义文等学者陆续将城市森林的概念引入大陆,推动了大陆学者对城市森林建设的研究,并陆续形成了一批有中国特色的理论成果。1989年,长春市提出要建设“森林城”,这是国内第一个建设城市森林的城市,比西方国家晚了20多年。尽管我国城市森林建设起步晚,但在各级党委政府的积极推动下,进展很快,成效明显。截至2009年5月,国内已有贵阳、沈阳、长沙、许昌、成都、包头、临安、广州、新乡、阿克苏、杭州、威海、宝鸡、无锡等14座城市被授予国家森林城市称号。从总体上看,城市森林建设在我国还是一个新生事物,城市森林的概念、范围、建设理念及建设实践等仍在探索之中。2008年7月,中共重庆市委在三届三次全委会上提出要建设“森林重庆”,在10年内投入500亿元,新增和改造146.67万hm2森林,把重庆建设成“生态系统稳定、林业产业发达、生态文化丰富、人居环境优良”的现代生态城市。从2008年9月启动至2009年底,在一年多时间内,“森林重庆”建设取得显著成就,生态效益、经济效益和社会效益初步显现出来,形成了城市森林建设的“重庆模式”,引起国内外高度关注。本文以科学发展观为指导,比较系统、深入地研究了建设“森林重庆”的政治经济背景,“森林重庆”在“五个重庆”中的地位及其与城市森林的关系;划分我国城市森林建设模式的标准,国内城市森林建设模式的分类;城市森林建设的“重庆模式”及其构成要素;基于“重庆模式”的中国城市森林建设模式;“森林重庆”建设产生的生态、经济和社会效益;“重庆模式”存在的主要问题及其改进建议等。主要结论如下:(1)“森林重庆”建设是在中央对重庆发展作出一系列重大部署的背景下提出的,“森林重庆”在“五个重庆”中占有重要的基础性地位。(2)“森林重庆”在本质上属于城市森林的范畴,但突破了城市的界限,把广大的农村地区包括进来,拓展了城市森林的范围,丰富了城市森林的内涵,创新了城市森林建设的实践。(3)可以用3个标准,对国内城市森林建设的模式进行分类。以建设城市森林的定位为标准,可以划分为提升城市品位主导型、改善生态环境主导型、治理生态环境主导型、发展林产业主导型4种模式;以建设城市森林的运作机制为标准,可以归纳出成都模式、杭州模式、重庆模式、宝鸡模式等;以建设城市森林的布局为标准,可以划分为辐射型、网络型、组团型、随机型和复合型5种模式。(4)“森林重庆”建设创造了城市森林建设的“重庆模式”。“重庆模式”包括7个要素,即党委政府强势推动、纳入改革发展全局部署、实行城乡统筹、实行大项目大投入、生态建设与产业建设结合、推动全民参与、实行全方位开放。(5)“重庆模式”是中国特色政党制度下,由党委、政府强势主导的一种城市森林建设模式,本质上是建设城市森林的一种运行机制。“重庆模式”能够保障城市森林建设迅速取得实效,体现了权威、效率、创新、开放的特点,符合国情、市情,是国内具有普遍推广价值的一种城市森林建设模式。(6)从运行机制看,符合中国国情的城市森林建设模式应该是一种“四力”模式,即领导力、决策力、执行力和保障力模式。(7)“森林重庆”建设将产生巨大的生态、经济和社会效益。生态效益方面,截至2009年12月,“森林重庆”建设完成的53.2万hm2森林的生态效益价值832.22亿元,到2017年,“森林重庆”建设的生态效益价值将达2316.37亿元;经济效益方面,到2017年,“森林重庆”建设蓄积木材的价值为1671.47亿元,同时,在推动重庆经济复苏、促进农民增收、助推“两翼”农户实现万元增收等方面,正在发挥重要作用;“森林重庆”建设的社会效益,主要表现为提升重庆城市形象、树立中国政府负责任大国形象、助推重庆产品冲破新的“绿色壁垒”,以及弘扬重庆生态文化等方面。(8)针对“森林重庆”建设中存在的问题,提出进一步完善“重庆模式”的6方面对策建议:1)探索建立党委政府引导的机制2)探索建立市场推动的机制3)探索建立法律和制度保障的机制4)对“森林重庆”建设及其产生的效益开展定量研究5)严格执行“国标”及相关规定6)在规划上进一步突出重庆特色

【Abstract】 Urban forest as a scientific concept is less than 50 years. The first use of Urban forest was in 1962, when the U.S. government investigated outdoor recreation resources. In 1965, Canadian scholar Erik Jorgensen first proposed the concept of urban forestry. Since then, because of the importance of urban forest in improving the city’s environment, maintaining and conserving biological diversity, improving the quality of life, enhancing the city’s comprehensive competitiveness, and promoting city’s sustainable development etc., lots of countries attach great importance to urban forest construction. North America, Europe and few developing countries have launched a boom of construction and research of urban forest.China’s urban forest construction is closely related to the reform and opening up which was occurred in the late 70s in last century. In 1984, Professor Gao Qing of Taiwan University published a book named Urban Forestry, from then on, China’s scholars began to make out their own voice in urban forest construction field. Meanwhile, Shen Guofang, Wang Yiwen and other scholars introduced the concept of urban forest into Chinese mainland, from then on, a group experts and scholars in China began to study urban forest construction, they successively submitted a number of theoretical results with Chinese characteristics.In 1989, Changchun proposed construct forest city, this is the beginning of China’s urban forest construction, is later than western countries over 20 years. However, under the strong leadership of all level committees of CPC and governments, urban forest construction progressed very quickly, results are also evident in China. To May 2009,14 cities were awarded National Forest City title, such as Guiyang, Shenyang, Changsha, Xuchang, Chengdu, Baotou, Lin’an, Guangzhou, Xinxiang, Aksu, Hangzhou, Weihai, Baoji and Wuxi. On the whole, urban forest in China is still a new phenomenon, the concept, scope, construction practices, etc. of urban forest construction, are also been exploring.In July 2008, Chongqing proposed construct Forest Chongqing, in 10 years,50 billion¥will be invested to construct Chongqing into a modern eco-city. From September 2008 to the end of 2009, that is just more than one year, forest Chongqing construction had already made remarkable achievements, ecological, economic and social benefits are evident, meanwhile, the Chongqing model of urban forest construction has been formed, attracted extensive attentions at home and abroad.Under the guidance of the Scientific Concept of Development, this paper studied the political and economic background of Forest Chongqing construction, the importance of Forest Chongqing construction to Livable Chongqing, Unimpeded Chongqing, Security Chongqing and Health Chongqing construction, the relationship between Forest Chongqing and urban forest, the criteria for classifying urban forest construction models in our country, classification of domestic urban forest construction models, Chongqing model of urban forest construction and its elements, Chinese model of urban forest construction and its elements, the economic, ecological and social benefits of Forest Chongqing construction, problems in Chongqing model, and depth suggestions for improving Chongqing model, and so on.From this paper, the main conclusions come to as follows:(Ⅰ) The background of Forest Chongqing construction is the Central Committee of CPC’s series deployment to Chongqing’s development after 2007.Forest Chongqing construction is in the basic position among Livable Chongqing, Unimpeded Chongqing, Security Chongqing and Health Chongqing construction.(Ⅱ) In essence, Forest Chongqing construction belongs to the urban forest construction areas, however, its scope is larger than other cities’s urban forest construction, not only does it include the urban, but also include the vast rural areas. Therefore, Forest Chongqing construction expands the scope of urban forest, enriches the connotation of urban forest, and improves the practice of urban forest construction.(Ⅲ) We could use three standards classify urban forest construction models in our country.According to purposes, there are 4 models of urban forest construction in China, such as increasing city’s quality model, improving city’s ecological environment model, restoring city’s ecological environment model, and developing forest industries model.According to the operation mechanisms, we could sum up 4 models of urban forest construction, such as Chengdu model, Hangzhou model, Chongqing model and Baoji model.According to the layout, there are 5 models of urban forest construction, such as radiation model, network model, regional model, random model, and compound model.(Ⅳ) Through Forest Chongqing construction, there is creating a Chongqing model of urban forest construction, which is consisted by seven elements, such as strong leadership of all level committees of CPC and governments; looks urban forest construction as the important part of Chongqing’s overall deployment; no discriminatory in urban forest and rural forest construction; plans large-scale projects as the basis of Forest Chongqing construction, and put large-scale capital into urban forest construction; not only attach importance to ecological construction, but also to economic development in Forest Chongqing construction; mobilizes all Chongqing people construct Forest Chongqing; actively attracts domestic and foreign capital, technology and human resources to support Forest Chongqing construction.(Ⅴ) Under the political system with Chinese characteristics, as a model of urban forest construction, Chongqing model is dominated by Chongqing CPC committee and its government. In essence, Chongqing model is a operating mechanism of urban forest construction. Chongqing model is consistent with Chongqing’s conditions and the national conditions, and owns the characteristics of authority, efficiency, innovation and opening up, it is worthy of promoting in our country.(Ⅵ) According to our specific national conditions, the Chinese model of urban forest construction should be a Four Power model, which includes leadership power, decision-making power, execution power and support-security power.(Ⅶ) Forest Chongqing construction will create enormous ecological, economic and social benefits. To December 2009, Forest Chongqing’s ecological value is 83.222 billion¥.10 years later, the ecological value of Forest Chongqing will be 231.637 billion¥, at that time, Forest Chongqing’s direct economic value, that is, the value of timber accumulation will be 167.147 billion¥.Forest Chongqing construction also plays an important role in other areas, such as promoting Chongqing’s economy recovery rapidly after the Global Financial Crisis; increasing farmers’income, especially, those farmers which live in northeast Chongqing and southeast Chongqing, per household’s income will be 10,000¥within three years; enhancing Chongqing’s image; setting up a responsible image of Chinese government in the world; helping Chongqing goods break new green barriers; promoting Chongqing’s ecological culture, and so on. (Ⅶ) According to problems in Chongqing model, this paper had put forward depth suggestions as follows:Ⅰ) Should establish a improving mechanism for Forest Chongqing construction under the guidance of Chongqing CPC committee and its government.Ⅱ) Should establish a improving mechanism for Forest Chongqing construction under the guidance of market economy.Ⅲ) Should establish a improving mechanism for Forest Chongqing construction under the guidance of Chongqing’s laws and rules.Ⅳ) Should carry out quantitative research on ecological value, economic value and social value of Forest Chongqing construction.Ⅴ) Should strictly implement the relevant provisions of our country.Ⅵ) Should be more prominent Chongqing’s features in plan of Forest Chongqing construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期