

To Study the Origin and Development of the Written Language of Yi People

【作者】 马锦卫

【导师】 喻遂生;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 中国的古文字资料非常丰富,许多古老民族都有文字。彝文是中国民族古文字中较为古老的文字之一。尽管彝文产生年代久远,但彝文的起源问题没有准确定论,一直受到文字学界和彝学界的高度关注。自十九世纪以来,研究探求彝文起源与发展的论述不断增多,许多专家学者提出了各种彝文起源的学说。但纵观各家之言,都存在一定的不确定、不完整或不合理因素。特别是关于彝文产生年代、彝汉文字渊源关系问题,一直处于争论之中。有学者认为彝文产生于明代,有的认为产生于汉代,有的认为产生于先秦,有的认为产生于春秋战国时期,还有的认为产生于与甲金文同时的夏、商、周时代等等。本文在前人研究的基础上,对彝文的起源进行了比较深入地研究,取得新的认识。论文的主要内容包括:彝族历史文化及其语言文字,彝文古文献调查,彝文起源,彝文的性质和结构,彝文的发展和规范。本文以翔实的材料、系统的理论、科学的方法为基础,对彝文的起源、发展、特征等作出客观描写,对彝文的产生时代、文字性质、结构规律等进行深入考察及理论阐释,并对彝文使用和规范等问题进行探讨,提出了切合实际的建议。论文选题的目的意义在于,搞清彝文的起源、性质、结构,理清彝文的发展脉络,以便为民族学、彝学、普通文字学提供有价值的材料,并为彝文的使用、规范、改革、发展及民族语言文字政策的制定提供实践依据和理论依据。论文的创新之处在于:首次以田野调查和文献调查相结合的方法,对彝文起源及发展问题进行全面深入地考察研究,初步解决了彝文的起源、发展、渊源等问题,得出彝文起源于古彝人时代、可将彝文的规范年代推至汉代、四川彝文是现存最古老的彝文等结论。依托各历史阶段翔实的彝文材料,对彝文字形进行共时结构分析和历时演变描写;对彝文各发展阶段的文字状况进行剖析,并对不同阶段的文字进行纵向比较,总结特征、分析差异、阐释原因。提出以四川彝文为基础,对滇、川、黔、桂四省区彝文进行统一规范,并初步提出规范的建议和措施。

【Abstract】 Chinese ancient writing resources are abundant, Many ancient ethnic groups used written languages in their history. The written language of Yi People is one of the most ancient one among Chinese ancient written languages. Even though the written language of Yi people is antique, its origin has never been precisely confirmed and has been highly concerned by experts in fields of philology and Yi studies. Since 19th Century, there have been an increasing number of studies to explore the origin and development of the Yi language. Many experts have proposed different kinds of theories about the origin of Yi language. However, to some extent, there is certain uncertainty, ambiguity and impertinency for the theories. Such uncertainty is mainly focused on the heated-debated issues of the timing of Yi language’s creation and whether or not it has any connection with Chinese language. Some experts believed that Yi language was created in Ming Dynasty, but some believe it was created in Han Dynasty, or in Pre-qin, or in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, or in Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties in the meantime of the occurrence of oracle bone inscriptions. This dissertation explains and explores the origin of Yi language under the basis of previous studies,gains new cognition.The main content includes:the history and culture of Yi People and its language, Yi language’s archaian literature survey, Yi language’s origin, nature and structure, Yi language’s development and regulations. This dissertation critically analyzes the origin, development, characteristic etc. of Yi language, embeddedly studies the timing, nature and structure of Yi language, Particularly elucidates the theory based on the numerous materials, systemic theory, scientific methods. And discussed the using and regulation of Yi language, bring forward some suitable and actual advices.This dissertation’s significance is that it explains the origin, nature and structure of Yi language and clears the development pathway of Yi language, which provides valuable materials about Yi language to ethnology, Yi study, and common philology. This dissertation also provides theoretical and practical reference for regulation, reformation, development, and for constituting the policy of ethical language.This dissertation has the following points of innovation: For the first time combining the fieldwork with the literature survey method, thoroughly studied the origin and development of Yi language, initially solved the origin, development and whether or not it has any connection with Chinese language of Yi language, educed the conclusions such as the origin of Yi language in GuYi language, the age of normal Yi language can be pushed to the Han Dynasty, Sichuan Yi language is the oldest one, etc. Relying on the full and accurate materials in different historical stage of Yi language, to analyse the synchronic structure and diachronic evolution of Yi characters; to analyse the developmental status and compare the characters longitudinally of the Yi language in different historical stage, summarized the characteristics, analysed the differences, explained the reasons。Put forward that based on the Sichuan Yi language, regulating unifiedly Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangxi the four provinces Yi language, and put forward the measures and schemes.

【关键词】 彝文起源发展考论
【Key words】 Yi languageorigindevelopmentresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】H217
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】775