

From Rupture to Interaction-the Modern Transformation Research on the Oral Education of Shanjiang Miao Nationality

【作者】 陈雪

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 地处湘西土家族苗族自治州凤凰县的山江纯苗区有语言而无文字,所以口传教育成为其文化知识习得的重要方式。现代学校教育的进入致使山江教育呈现出一个较为突出的问题:山江纯苗区以书面文化为中心的学校教育与当地生活世界产生了隔膜,与建立在口语文化之上的苗族口传教育形成断裂。作为一个主要依靠口头传承方式传承文化的民族,其口传教育如何与现代学校教育有机结合以实现现代转型,是西南地区乃至世界其他地区较为普遍的问题。笔者试图以山江纯苗区为个案,从口语文化与书面文化的维度对此进行探索。国内外有关口语文化的研究著述较多,但对于山江口传教育与学校教育第一手资料的获取,则离不开田野考察。因此,本研究运用文献法、参与观察和深度访谈等人类学方法进行资料的全面搜集,并运用媒介环境学的分析方法和比较法对山江苗族口传教育与学校教育进行深入分析以探寻二者的结合途径。本研究首先对山江纯苗区的生活世界进行了较为全面的观照,发现山江苗民对于其苗族传统口传文化异常喜爱,且他们在当地生产生活中所需要的文化知识技能也基本上都来自于口传教育:其次,分析书面文化、口语文化与教育的关系;再次,梳理并分析了山江苗族口传教育存在的类型与特点;既而,在对山江学校教育的历史、现状与存在的问题及成因的考察分析之上,追溯中国古代的文字、印刷与口语文化传统的渊源;最后,从口语文化与书面文化两个维度出发来探索山江苗族口传教育与学校教育有机结合的可能途径,以实现无文字民族口传教育的现代转型。具体途径如下:一、在教育政策上,减缓“寄宿制”推进的进程,为苗族口头文化传承提供浓厚的苗族文化氛围。鉴于村小在苗族文化传承中承载的重要功能,应以尊重差异为前提,积极探索少数民族聚居区“寄宿制”学校与村小及教学延伸点相结合的适宜模式;同时,增强村小的师资配备,优先考虑本村或邻村的人员来担任该村村小的教师;并鼓励教师积极开发本土文化课程资源以促进学校教学质量的提升。从而,因地制宜推进“寄宿制”与村小的和谐发展。二、在学校教育内,进行口头传统的多角度引入。首先,在教学程序上,将口头实践放在阅读、写作之前;其次,在教学内容上,加大口头实践的比重,鼓励口头表达,并引入游戏性的教学元素。在口头传统的引入方面,第一,可以将苗族的古老话、苗歌、民间故事等引入学校教育,特别是小学教育阶段。第二,可以适当在学校教育中增加汉族古典诗词、对联、韵文等的比重。在游戏性教学元素的引入方面,第一,可以将猜谜、讲故事等苗族传统口头游戏娱乐活动引入学校教育。第二,可以将当地民间的体育竞技游戏引入学校教育。再者,借助新媒介的优势来进行口语文化传承的现代转型。第一,可以直接将民间录制的较为优秀的口传文化音像作品引入学校,作为书面教育的一种补充。第二,可将苗族民间艺人传统文化技艺详细录制下来制成光碟在学校中播放。第三,还可以尝试利用学校广播在课余时间播放苗歌等方式进行苗族传统文化的潜移默化。三、学校教育与社区教育进行有机结合。首先,请民间艺人进入学校授课;其次,请民间艺人参与学校的各种文化活动;再者,学生在教师带领下进入村寨社区考察苗族传统文化。本研究具有较为重要的理论意义与实践意义,亦体现了某些层面的创新性。本研究第一次从口语文化与书面文化的冲突的角度来探讨纯苗区的教育问题,以此揭示人类曾经依赖的口传教育存在的意义。通过对山江纯苗区日常生活与礼仪仪式中的口传教育的梳理与分析,展示了苗族口头文化传承独特的教育内涵,拓宽了教育研究的视角。在实践方面,探讨以口语文化为中心的苗族口传教育与以书面文化为中心的学校教育之间在功能意义上的差别与可能的关联,为苗族聚居区的口传教育与学校教育有机结合提供可能途径,这对于探究无文字民族口传教育的现代转型颇具借鉴意义。当然,本研究所提出的构想还只是理论层面的思考,尚且有待具体教育实践的检验。

【Abstract】 As a ghetto of Miao nationality, Shanjiang lies in the Fenghuang county in Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture. Because Miao nationality is letterless, its traditional cultural transmission depends on orality. With the entry of modern schooling, there appears a rupture between the schooling based on literacy and oral education based on orality in the school of district of Shanjiang. As a nation depending on orality to transmit culture, its oral education how to combine with modern schooling is a general problem in the district of southwest and other places of the world. So I will take Shanjiang as an example to explore the combined approach between oral education and schooling from the perspective of orality and literacy.Although there are abundant literature about orality, we must obtain the first-hand information about shanjiang oral education and schooling based on the field work. So adopting comparison method,the analytical method of media ecology and some anthropological research methods such as literature collection, participant observation and in-depth interview, the researcher explore the combined approach between the Shanjiang oral education of Miao nationality and the modern schooling.At the beginning of the dissertation, describing the life-word of Shanjiang, the researcher find they are fond of orality and they obtain necessary knowledge and skill from th oral education. Secondly, the researcher analyse the relationships among literacy, orality and education. Thirdly, the researcher analyses the category and characteristic of oral education of Shanjiang Miao nationality. Fourthly, based on the analysis of the history, status quo, the current problem and its reason of schooling in Shangjiang, the dissertation gives a detailed retrospect about the relationships among the ancient chinese word, printing and orality tradition. Lastly, from the perspective of orality and literacy, the researcher tries to explore the combined approach between schooling and oral education of Shanjiang Miao nationality, achieving the modern transformation of oral education in letterless nationality. Based on these efforts, the following is a summary of conclusions:First of all, in order to sustain the Miao orality context, the process of boarding school in ghetto should be slowed down in the implementation of education policy. Based on the important function of rural primary school in the course of culture transmission of Miao nationality, we should explore the appropriate pattern of boarding school combining with the rural primary school for the premise of respecting difference. Meanwhile it is very imporatant to reinforce the teaching staff and make sure the teacher of rural primary school is from this village or other adjacent villages. Furthermore, in order to promote teaching quality, teachers should be encouraged to exploit curriculum resources of local culture. In this way, the harmonious development between boarding school and rural primary school could be possible.Secondly, oral tradtion can be integrated into schooling from different aspects. 1)Oral practice are placed before reading and writing in the teaching program; 2)The proportion of oral practice and folk athletics games should be increased, and some oral tradition such as Miao Ancient Words, Miao song, Miao folklore, Han classical poetry,couplet and verse, can be integrated into schooling. In addition, some traditonal oral games of Miao nationality such as guessing riddles, storytelling, even some folk athletics games all can be good playful teaching elements in schooling.3)The modern transformation of oral education can be optimized by electronic media. So some excellent folk audio and video products can be integrated into schooling. Then the traditional cultural arts mastered by folk artists can be made into disc and broadcasted in school. Moreover, in order to achieve the osmosis of Miao traditional culture, Miao songs can be broadcasted in the spare time of school.Thirdly, schooling should be combined with community education. For one thing, school can invite the folk artist to teach students and participate all kinds of cultural activities. For another, students explore Miao traditional culture in village under the leadership of teachers.This research has important theoretical significances and practical significances. The significance of oral education on which human ever depended has been revealed through exploring the educational issue from the perspective of the conflict between orality and literacy. Then the special educational meaning of Miao oral culture transmission has been revealed with widening of the perspective of education research through the analysis about the oral education existing in the daily life and rituals in Shanjiang. In practice, exploring the difference and possible connection in function between Miao oral education based on orality and schooling based on literacy, the research presents the possible combined approach between oral education and schooling in Miao ghetto, and it has reference value about exploring the modern transformation of oral education in the letterless nationality. Of course, the conception of this research is theoretic now and it need education practice to testify.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 08期
  • 【分类号】G750
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】493