

A Theoritical Analysis and Practical Research of Harmonious Development between Economic System and Ecological System of Reginal Land

【作者】 刘戈

【导师】 汪波;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 土地是自然界最重要的资源之一,是人类最基本的可循环再生的生态经济资源。当前,人口的增长、经济的发展都需要土地资源为其提供支持,对土地的需求日益增加;而人口增长和经济发展又对土地和环境的生态产生或大或小的影响,而且,通常这种影响使得生态环境进一步恶化,土地生态系统进一步被破坏。土地生态系统的破坏反过来又会使经济发展的速度放缓,从而形成恶性循环。可以说目前在很多地区,人口增长、人地关系恶化以及由此引起人类不当的土地利用行为已使土地承载力和环境承载力接近极限。人类文明如果想实现可持续发展,必须使土地可持续利用;要想使土地可持续利用,就必须使土地的经济系统和生态系统之间相协调发展。在这样的背景下,本文对区域土地生态经济系统的协调发展度加以研究,以期能够通过土地生态系统与土地经济系统的协调发展实现土地的可持续利用,并促进经济的可持续发展。本学位论文的选题来源于博士期间所做的《天津市建设用地集约利用评价体系及规划实施管理研究》课题研究,在此期间本人还负责了《天津海滨休闲旅游区临海新城建设项目用地规模论证与规划实施管理研究》的课题研究工作,在这两个课题研究的工作基础之上,又汲取了最新的前沿理论,才有了本论文的诞生。本论文第二章从土地生态经济系统分析入手,阐述了土地生态经济系统的复杂性特征与运行的动力机制。第三章主要论述了土地生态经济系统协调发展的理论基础,在理论上进行了创新,给出了土地生态经济系统协调发展的概念,并对该概念的内涵进行了剖析。在论文第四章中进行了模型的创新,针对以往生态足迹模型存在的若干不足,对模型进行了修正,引入科技因子,并给出了改进后的生态足迹模型。第五章则是对区域土地生态经济系统发展程度进行评价,在广泛选取指标的基础上,通过因子分析法对指标进行进一步的筛选与解释,并得到土地生态系统和土地经济系统效益的综合发展程度指数,反映出区域土地生态经济系统发展的相对程度。本论文第六章对区域土地生态经济系统协调发展度进行了实证研究,对天津市2001-2006年的区域土地生态经济系统协调度和发展度分别进行了计算,并针对计算结果进行了分析,提出了促进天津市土地生态经济系统协调发展的若干对策。第七章对全文进行了总结与展望,对土地生态经济系统协调发展度进行了进一步探讨,并结合我国十一五规划纲要提出的主体功能区的划分设想提出了见解和主张,并指出了在该方向上需要进一步进行研究的问题。

【Abstract】 Land is one of the most important natural resources and a basic resource for ecological economy. At present, the need for land is on the rise because of both the growing population and the developing economy. While these two factors also throw their influence upon the land and the eco-environment more or less. A deteriorating recycle is on its way of forming based on the following two mutual functional processes: the growing population and developing economy negatively influences the ecological system of the land as well as the environment; and the destroyed ecological system of the and also delay the development of economy. It is reasonable to say that the ability to serve of the land and the environment has reach its extreme due to human’s improper use, which results from population growth and bad relation between mankind and land in many areas. The sustainable use of land decides the sustainable development of human civilization while the harmonious development between economic system and ecological system of the land decides the sustainable use of land. It is easy to find out the importance of the harmonious development between economic system and ecological system of the land. That is why it becomes the researching focus of this paper, with the hope that it may help for a further research on sustainable development of national economy.This article relies on two studies. One is“the evaluation system of land intensive utilization and the management research of planning and apply in Tianjin”, the other is“the argumentation of land scale and the management research of planning for the seashore travel industry site in Tianjin”. Based on the two studies, and new fields are pioneered at the brand management theory, the study was accomplished.Chapter two of the paper is dedicated to the complex features and the working mechanism of the ecological economy of land with the help of an analysis of the ecological economy of land. Chapter three mainly focuses on the theoretical system of the ecological economy of land, which proposes an innovation called harmonious development of the ecological economy of land, with its connotation following. Chapter four provides a model making use of the innovated theory. This model makes up the shortcomings of the previous one and introduces scientific factors. Chapter five is an evaluation of the development of regional ecological economy of land, which is based on a wide range of indicators. The indicators are chosen and analyzed by Factor Analysis and then conclusions are drawn about the developing degree of the ecological economy of land, which may tell how the ecological economy of land of the concerning regions has developed. Chapter six is a case-based research on harmony of the ecological economy of land. The chosen target is Tianjin and the research is based on data of degree of harmony and that of development of Tianjin ecological economy of land ranging from 2001 to 2006.Then is an analysis of the working result and with the help of the result, many ways to promote the harmonious development of ecological economy of land in Tianjin are proposed. Chapter seven gives a retrospect as well as a generalization of the whole paper. The paper also resonates its ideas with the compendium of main functional areas of the“the 11th five-year plan”and introduces the further questions to be discussed based on this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期