

Development Strategy of the Iron Resources in Henan Province

【作者】 贺建委

【导师】 邓军;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 矿业在河南省经济中占有重要地位,随着经济的持续高速发展,今后若干年内对矿产资源的需求不断增长,尤其是铁矿石需求量的快速增加,已造成全球铁矿石供不应求,铁矿石价格不断上涨,对国外铁矿资源依存度越来越大,有2/3要利用国外资源。因此,铁矿资源已经成为制约河南钢铁工业健康发展的瓶颈因素。面对铁矿资源的严峻形势,开展铁矿资源对经济可持续发展保障能力的研究,合理利用铁矿资源和生态环境保护协调发展具有重要的战略意义。论文采用可持续发展理论、资源经济学、资源战略、循环经济理论、科学发展观等,本着理论与实践相结合、定性与定量相结合的原则,系统分析了河南省铁矿成矿地质背景,对河南省铁矿类型进行了划分,并对各类型的典型矿床进行了系统研究;全面系统总结了河南省铁矿成矿规律,并对河南省铁矿成矿区带、铁矿成矿系列进行了科学划分,可有效指导河南省铁矿资源勘查开发,增加资源储量,进而提高资源的保障程度。对河南省铁矿勘查、开发现状、制约因素,以及所处的发展形势进行了科学分析,对河南省重要铁矿成矿区带找矿潜力进行了分析,客观地论述了铁矿资源的保证程度。系统分析了河南省铁矿资源开发利用造成的主要环境问题的类型与现状,分析了铁矿开发活动对环境承载力的影响、现状与发展趋势。结合理论研究和实证分析,论文从宏观视角,以立足国内保障资源供给的观点,从五个方面提出了河南省未来一定时期内铁矿资源的可持续发展战略:宏观调控,统筹规划,进行资源整合,规范矿业权管理;加强地质勘查工作,增加铁矿后备资源供给;集约开发,高效利用;保护生态环境,协调发展;开拓海外铁矿资源,提高资源保障能力;确保河南省钢铁工业健康可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Mining plays an important role in the economy of Henan Province. With the continuous and rapid development of economy, the demand for mineral resources will increase continually in the coming years. Especially the rapid increase on the demand of iron ore has caused the demand of iron ore exceeds its supply in the world. The price of iron ore is rising and the dependence on foreign iron ore resources is increasing. Two thirds of iron ore needs to be imported. Therefore, the iron ore resources have become the bottlenecks restricting the healthy development of steel industry in Henan Province. In the face of the grim situation on iron ore resources, it has strategic importance to study the security capacity of developing iron ore resources to the sustainable economic development, to rationally use iron ore resources, and to protect and coordinate the development of ecological environment.Adopting sustainable development theory, resource economics, resource strategy, theory of circular economy, scientific outlook on development and so on, and holding the principles of combining theory and practice and combining qualitative and quantitative analysis, the paper analyzed systematically the geological background of materialization of iron ore in Henan Province, classified the types of iron ore, and made systematic research on various types of typical deposits; it summarized comprehensively and systematically the rules of materialization of iron ore in Henan Province, and scientifically classified the materialization series of iron ore, which can effectively guide the reconnaissance and exploitation of iron ore resources in Henan Province, increase the reservation of resources to raise the security level of resources. It analyzed scientifically the iron ore exploration, development status quo, constraints and development situation in Henan Province, analyzed the exploration potential in the main materialization area of iron ore in Henan Province, and objectively elaborated the assurance extent of iron ore resources. It analyzed systematically the type and status quo of main environmental problems caused by the development and utilization of iron ore resources in Henan Province, analyzed the impact, status quo and development trend of iron ore development activities on the bearing capacity of environment.Combining theoretical research and empirical analysis, based on the point of view of domestic security resources supply, the paper put forward the sustainable development strategies of iron ore resources in Henan Province during a certain period in the future from a macro perspective: macroeconomic regulation and control, overall planning, resource integration, standardizing mining rights management; enhancing geological exploration, increasing the supply of iron ore reserve resources; intensive development, efficient use; protecting the eco-environment, coordinating development; developing overseas iron ore resources, improving resource security capacity; ensuring the healthy and sustainable development of the steel industry in Henan Province.
