

Study on the Evolution of Man-land Relationship and Ecological Environment in Daling River Watershed from the End of Ming Dynasty to the Beginning of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 赵奎涛

【导师】 胡克;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 第四纪地质学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 大凌河是辽宁西部地区最大和最重要的河流。本文通过大凌河流域自明末清初以来五个阶段内人地关系与生态环境演变过程分析,开展了流域内人地关系矛盾的原因及影响因素的研究,做出了流域生态环境是在人为因素和自然因素的共同作用下逐渐恶化的结论。在此基础上,利用流域PRED系统的评价指标体系,分析大凌河流域人口、资源、环境与社会经济发展相关性,及通过协调人口、资源、环境和社会经济发展等子系统的发展来实现大凌河流域的可持续发展。总结出以下几方面研究成果:首先,自古以来大凌河流域是人地关系和谐发展,生态环境良好的地区;其次,明末清初至清中期导致大凌河流域清朝中期人地关系变化和生态环境恶化主要有三个方面的原因:一、清朝政府政策的多变性,政府政策的变化对大凌河生态环境的影响具有决定性的意义;二、移民方式导致土地开发等行为的短期性;三、天然的区位优势,大凌河流域与中原地区接壤,是最先受到移民的影响的区域,大凌河流域的人地关系紧张及生态环境恶化超过东北其他地区;再次,咸丰末期大凌河流域的人口大量增长,导致的大量荒地及山区土地被开垦,中上游的山区土地、植被遭到破坏,水土流失严重,生物种类明显减少,整个流域生态环境的恶化程度加速;同时,民国时期大凌河流域军阀混乱、日本对森林资源的掠夺、人口大量增加的影响也是造成人地关系紧张和生态恶化的主要原因;再次,经过解放后至改革开放前三十年的植树造林过程,植被恢复良好,森林覆盖率有一定提高,流域生态环境开始恢复。最后,通过建立大凌河流域PRED系统可持续发展综合评价指标体系,分析相关因子对生态环境产生影响的重要性,提出以下三方面对策建议:控制大凌河流域内人口规模并提高人口素质;对大凌河上游地区进行重点的生态环境治理;制定大凌河流域规划,统筹协调人口、资源和环境三者的发展,实现流域PRED系统可持续发展是最终目标。社会经济发展会对流域PRED系统产生巨大影响,因此,要在流域内大力发展区域循环经济、生态经济以及低碳经济,为流域的可持续发展提供基础保障。

【Abstract】 Daling River is the biggest and most important river in West Liaoning. The paper conducted a study on the causes and influencing factor of man-land contradiction in the river basin through analyzing evolution processes of man-land relationship and ecological environment from the end of the Ming dynasty to the beginning of Qing dynasty within five stages, and made the conclusion that ecological environment is deteriorating gradually because of human activities and natural factors in the area of river basin. On the basis of the research above, the author analyzed the correlation between socio-economic development and watershed population, resources, environment in Daling River basin by applying the PRED index evaluation system thus to make the suggestion that sustainable development can be achieved through coordinating the relations among the subsystem of population, resources, environment and socio-economic development in Daling River watershed. The research results are summarized as the following.First, Daling River basin is a region embracing harmonious man-land relationship and favourable ecological environment since ancient times. Second, the causes of deterioration of man-land relationship and ecological environment in Daling River watershed from the beginning to the medium-term of Qing dynasty classified as three aspects: 1. the variability of the Qing government’s policies. Policy change has decisive significance for the impact on the ecological environment of Daling River. 2. The short-term of behaviors including land resource exploitation caused by different ways immigration. 3. The natural geographical position. Daling River basin borders on the Central plains, it was among the first areas affected by migration. The growing tension of man-land relationship and degradation between human and ecological environment are far more serious than other parts of the Northeast. Third, a lot of wasteland and reclamation mountainous land emerged to meet the need of rapid population growth. Also the mountainous land and the vegetation were destroyed near the upstream, along with serious water and soil erosion, dramatic reduction in the biodiversity of species and speeded up deterioration of ecological environment in the whole river basin. In addition, along with the warlords’chaos of the Republic of China, the forest resources plunder by Japanese troops and massive population growth is also the reason which brought about the pressure of man-land relationship and the deterioration of ecological environment. And last, after 30 years of forest planting from the liberation to pre-reform, vegetation received recovery, forest coverage rate has risen and the ecological environment started to recover.On the condition of establishing the evaluation index system of Daling River basin PRED system, the research put forward to several suggestions from three aspects by analyzing the significance of index on ecological environment. 1. Control population scale and improve the population quality; 2. Harness ecological environment in the upstream area of Daling River. 3. Make out overall plan of Daling River basin and balance the development of population, resources and environment to achieve the goal of sustainable development of watershed PRED system. Social-economic development may exert enormous influence on PRED system of river basin, thus regional circular economy, ecological economy and low-carbon economy are necessary approaches to offer supporting measures for sustainable development.
