

Mine Supervision Appraisal

【作者】 郭芳

【导师】 崔彬;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源管理工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 论文在认真研读国内外有关资料,综合国内外矿业发展信息的基础上,结合矿产资源自身的特性,明确了矿山监理工作开展的必要性,并且对国内外矿山监理的现状进行了分析总结,明确了论文的研究范围、内容及研究意义。论文的研究工作以室内工作为主,结合之前和现在的工作实际和矿山调研所获得的感性认知,通过对矿业产业链各部分工作内容的研究分析,提炼出各部分需要实施的监理内容,然后逐项对各监理内容的工作要点、监理依据、监理实施的方式方法进行阐述、分析,力求各监理行为在具体实施过程中具有可操作性,并在保证监理效果的基础上缩短监理工作时间和频次,提高监理效率。对影响所开发矿产最终资源收益的关键性经济技术指标,如:矿山基建投资、矿山储量、矿石品位、采矿回采率、矿石损失率、矿石贫化率、选矿回收率、矿山生产成本、矿产品销售价格等进行阐述并采取适当可行的方式进行监理,并且对各指标对资源收益的影响程度进行分析和排序以便在实施监理的过程中根据矿产开采实际需要和资金情况进行合理侧重或取舍。在综合研究各相关内容之后,论文构建了矿山监理评价体系,该体系涵盖了矿业产业链从勘查到矿产品销售全部关键环节的监理,以期进一步提升矿山监理的系统性和全面性。为了配合论文经过系列研究所构建的矿山监理评价体系,论文根据监理工作本身的性质和一般咨询公司的组织模式,构建了一个模拟矿山监理评价机构,并且就该模拟机构的管理运作和团队建设提出自己的建议。论文第三章所构建的矿山监理评价体系适用于矿产勘查开发和矿山生产建设全过程或根据需要分阶段的精细监理,为了提高矿山监理的效率,论文有根据地选择了矿山储量、矿山产量、矿石贫化、矿山生产成本和矿产品价格组成了矿山监理简要评价体系,并且就每个指标的监理意义和具体实施行为进行了详细阐述。简要评价体系的运用可以使矿山监理取得快速高效、以点及面、以关键点把握矿山生产整体的效果,该体系尤其适用于矿山企业生产运营阶段。

【Abstract】 Based on studying the domestic and international relative materials and synthesizing the development information of mining industry, referring to the characteristics of the mineral resources, the thesis clarifies the necessity of the supervision and management to mine and through the analysis and summary to the state of the domestic and international mine supervision and management, defines the study range, contents and significance of the thesis.The work of the thesis is mainly inside. Combining some previous and present practice and perceptual knowledge acquired during the mine investigation, through the study and analysis to all parts of contents in mining industry chain, the thesis abstracts the possible supervision contents of all parts in this chain, then, narrates and analyzes to work mine points, supervision basis and the modes and methods of the mine supervision so that the all the supervision acts are applicable in practical work. What’s more, it should be done to shorten the supervision time and frequency under ensuring the supervision effect and increase the supervision efficiency.The thesis narrates some important economic and technological indexes which may influence the final profit of the developing mineral resources, including the mine capital construction investment, mine reserves, ore grades, mining stoping rate, ore loss rate, ore dilution rate, oredressing recovery percentage, mine production cost, mineral products sales price, etc and supervises these indexes by the proper ways.Furthermore, the thesis analyzes the influence degree of the indexes to resource profit and lists them in order from strong to weak in order to emphasize or accept or reject reasonably during the mine supervision according to the actual need of mine development.After studying comprehensively all relative contents, the thesis constructs mine supervision appraisal system. The system covers all the key parts of the whole mining industry chain from the mineral resources exploration to mineral products sales in order to improve the systematicness and practicality of mine supervision. For matching the mine supervision appraisal system, the result after a series of studies, the thesis constructs a mimic mine supervision appraisal agency according to the supervision essence and the usual organization pattern. What’s more, in the thesis, the author gives some advice on the management, operation and team building.The mine supervision appraisal system in third chapter of the thesis is suitable to the fine supervision to the whole process, including the mineral exploration and mine construction and operation or different stages based on the needs. For improving the efficiency of the mine supervision, the thesis chooses the mine reserve, mine production, ore dilution, mine production cost, mineral products price accordingly to consist of the mine supervision simplified appraisal system and narrates the supervision significance and implementing acts of the five indexes in details. The system may make the mine supervision more efficient and reach the effect of from points to sides and controlling the overall the production through supervising the key indexes. The system is especially suitable to the stage of the mine production and operation.
