

The Research of the Distributed Comprehensive Alarming System on WebGIS

【作者】 段建华

【导师】 王润生;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 目前的接处警系统虽然实现了“三台合一”,但是并没有充分利用公安信息系统及其社会的现有资源解决为处警,警力部署,科学调度等提供支持,因此充分利用异质空间数据和异构GIS系统,实现GIS应用之间的互操作是解决此问题的有效途径,也是提高公安接处警系统信息化,现代化和有效利用有限警力的重要手段。本文从网络地理信息系统、分布式计算技术、分布式数据共享技术相结合的角度提出了能够很好的兼容异质空间数据和异构GIS应用系统,很好的共享空间信息资源和实现GIS应用之间互操作的基于Web Service技术的分布式WebGIS体系结构。详细分析了系统关键技术及其解决方案,并在Linux平台上开发了一个基于WebGIS的分布式接处警系统原型,主要工作包括:1.介绍了公安信息系统、接处警管理系统的历史、现状、发展趋势等,分析了目前接处警系统存在的问题,介绍了网络地理信息系统的现状和发展趋势。2.讨论了系统的体系结构,分析比较了传统分布式对象技术:微软公司的COM/DCOM、对象管理组织(OMG)的CORBA和SUN公司的J2EE/EJB,以及分别基于这三种分布式对象模型技术构建的分布式WebGIS体系结构的特点,同时分析了使用传统分布式对象技术之间在跨平台互操作能力上的不足,吸收了他们的设计优点,结合接处警系统的现状,考虑目前技术的发展趋势,提出了基于Web Service技术的分布式接处警系统的体系结构。3.讨论了接处警系统信息集成技术,分析了数据转换、数据库中间件和互操作等信息共享方法,比较了各种方法特点,提供了接处警系统采用数据库中间件和互操作相结合的信息集成方法。4.分析了GPS、Cell-ID、TOA、TDOA、AOA、EOTD、AFLT、A-GPS、GPSONE等手机定位技术,确定了适合本系统的定位技术;研究了常用的基于路网分层和带时间框最短路径算法,提出了接处警系统的最短路径算法。5.实现了基于WebGIS的分布式接处警原型系统,介绍了Web Service的开发平台、GeoServer和OpenLayers开源开发包,对本文提出的解决方案进行了验证。

【Abstract】 Although the Police 3-in-1(110, 119 and 122)Comprehensive Alarming System has come into being for a long time,it fails to make full use of social security information system and other social resources to provide the support for the alarm processing,police deployment and scientific maneuvering. Therefore,it becomes an effective way to solve this problem by using spatial data with different scales and heterogeneous GIS to realize the interoperability of GIS applications.And it is also an important way to informatize and modernize police alarming and commanding system,and increase the policing efficiency.Combining the Web GIS,distributed computing system and distributed data sharing,this article proposes a Web Service-based system of distributed Web GIS,where the spatial data with different scales and heterogeneous GIS applications are more compatible,and the space information sharing and the interoperability of GIS applications are easily achieved.With a detailed analysis of the key technologies and programmers,we develop a Web GIS-based prototype of the distributed alarming and commanding system on the Linux platforms.The main ideas are as follows:First,this article introduces the history, status quo and tendency of police information system and alarming and commanding system.By analyzing the existing problems in current alarming and commanding system,it then introduces the status quo and trend of Web GIS.Secondly,this article investigates the advantages and disadvantages of different traditional distributed object-oriented technologies,such as, Microsoft’s COM/DCOM,Object Management Group(OMG)’s CORBA,SUN’s J2EE/EJB,and the features of different distributed Web GISs based on those three models.Then, by analyzing the shortcomings of traditional distributed object-oriented technologies in cross-platform interoperability,this article proposes a new distributed architecture of Comprehensive Alarming System based on Web Service with the consideration of status quo and trend of existing Comprehensive Alarming System.Thirdly,this article discusses the information sharing technologies in alarming and commanding system,such as,information integrating,the data conversing,databa- se middleware and interoperability, etc..Then,by comparing the characteristics of different methods,it proposes that the database middleware and interoperability should be applied in alarming and commanding system.Fourthly,with the analysis of mobile locating technology in GPS,Cell-ID,TOA, TDOA,AOA, EOTD,AFLT,A-GPS,GPSONE, etc.,this article applies a positioning technology for the new system. Besides,it also probes into conventional shortest path algorithm based on the hierarchical road networks and time frame,and proposes the shortest path algorithm for the new system.Finally,this article introduces the realization of Web GIS-based distributed prototype system, Web Service developing platform,GeoServer,and OpenLayers source-open development kit,and tests the solution proposed for the new system.
