

From Literary Classics to Digital Imaging

【作者】 王晶

【导师】 梅子涵;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 《宝葫芦的秘密》是中国著名儿童文学家张天翼创作于上世纪五十年代中期的经典作品。虽然历经半个世纪以来各个不同历史阶段、接受视域、媒介时代的流转变迁,依然以最为鲜活的面容活跃在中国当代儿童审美文化的舞台之上,具有经久不衰的文化生命力。从历史阶段来看,《宝葫芦的秘密》创作于建国初期,在“前十七年文学”这一文学史阶段中得到广泛传播;“文革十年”的风雨摧残仅仅使其消隐但并未动摇其生命力;拨乱反正后的“新时期”作为“重放的鲜花”再度奠定其历史地位;而在九十年代大众文化、新兴媒介文化以及消费主义文化兴起之后,《宝葫芦的秘密》又被国际媒体大鳄迪士尼看中搬上了大荧幕,激发出崭新的活力。从接受的代际视域来看,《宝葫芦的秘密》具有完整的代际接受链条,在“五六十年代生人”、“70后”、“80后”、“90后”乃至“新世代生人”之中都具有影响力。从媒介形态和媒介时代角度来看,《宝葫芦的秘密》的物质媒介形态广泛存在于故事书、连环画、图画书、漫画书、广播、真人及动画影视、网络游戏、手机游戏、玩具、T恤、背包、拖鞋、文具、午餐盒、帽子、手表之中,覆盖几乎所有传媒途径并横跨纸媒—印刷时代与图像—网络时代两大媒介代际。对《宝葫芦的秘密》进行考察,必然涉及到对该作品从创生到传播所历经的不同历史文化语境的仔细梳理,以及不同媒介时代和媒介形态之间以审美形象为主兼及叙事构成、表现手法、意识形态侧重等异同面的深入分析。本论文一方面从历史语境出发,将《宝葫芦的秘密》置于广阔的审美文化视野之中,作为一个儿童文学经典化问题的代表性案例进行研究,揭示作为儿童文学经典的《宝葫芦的秘密》的经典建构过程;另一方面则出于对当下问题的现实关注,即儿童文学与儿童文化产业之间的关系问题,而“迪斯尼化”则正是对这个问题的高度概括。因此,经典化与迪斯尼化构成了本论文所关注的两大核心问题。本论文共分三章,在第一章中我们以“经典的传统式诞生:作为国家文学事件”为标题,侧重在传统纸质文学文本的媒介形态范围中进行梳理和考察;第二章以“作为肉身存在的《宝葫芦的秘密》:文本传播与媒介转换”为标题,关注该书不同版本的传播过程以及媒介转换问题;第三章则以“迪斯尼的经典化与经典的迪斯尼化”为标题,以07迪斯尼版《宝葫芦的秘密》的文本特征、生产过程和商业意义为主要线索,论述在新的历史语境中当商业资本力量成为主导力量之后,经典本身的构成、经典内涵的变迁以及迪斯尼中国化战略的步骤等问题。

【Abstract】 The Secret of the Magic Gourd is a classical work created by China famous children’s litterateur Zhang Tianyi in the mid-fifties of the last dacade. Although it has gone through changes in the circulation of different historical periods, visual fields and media ages for almost half a century, The Secret of the Magic Gourd is still active on the stage of China contemporary children’s aesthetic culture as the freshest face with prolonged prosperous cultural vitality. Viewing from the historical stages, The Secret of the Magic Gourd was created at the beginning of our national founding. It was widely disseminated in the literary history period of“literature in the beginning seventeen years”and its vitality was not shaken although the stormy destruction of the period of“decade of Cultural Revolution”just weakened its influence. After that, its historic statue was re-established in“new era”as a“replay of the flowers”following the period of“putting wrongs to rights”. The Secret of the Magic Gourd again was inspired by new vitality after popular culture, emerging media culture and consumerism culture rose in the 1990s. Seeing from the receiving sight of view of intergeneration, The Secret of the Magic Gourd has a complete chain of intergenerational acceptance and is influential in“people born in the 1950s or 1960s”,“the generation after 70s”,“the generation after 80s”,“the generation after 90s”and even“people born in new century”. Seeing from the view of media forms and media ages, the material media forms of The Secret of the Magic Gourd exist widely in storybooks, comic strips, picture books, comic books, radio, live action and animation film, online games, mobile games, toys, T-shirts, backpacks, slippers, stationeries, lunch boxes, hats and wristwatches covering almost all media channels and span across the two intergenerational media of age of paper-printing and age of image-network.It is certain that in the process of observing The Secret of the Magic Gourd we must refer to the careful combing of different historical culture contexts through which this work went from its creation to transmission and thorough analysis of similarities and differences which involve aesthetic image given first place to and narrative structures, techniques of expression and ideology with particular emphasis between different media ages and media forms. On the one hand, from the aspect of historical context, this article places The Secret of the Magic Gourd in the vast horizon of aesthetic culture, researches it while viewing it as a representative case on canonized issue of children literature and reveals the classic course of construction of The Secret of the Magic Gourd as a classics of children literature. On the other hand, out of realistic concern on the current issue, namely the relationship between children literature and children cultural industry,“Disneyization”is just the high summary of this matter. Therefore, canonization and disneyization make up two core issues concerned in this thesis.The thesis is altogether divided into three chapters. We use“Classic traditional birth: a national literary event”as the title of chapter one focusing on combing and observation in the range of media forms of traditional paper literature and text. The title of chapter two is“The Secret of the Magic Gourd existing in the form of body: text communication and media conversion”and the communication process and media conversion of different versions of this book are concerned about. In chapter three, we write on the topic of“canonization of Disney and classic Disneyization”and discuss some issues such as constitution of classics itself, transition of classics’connotation and procedures of strategy of Disney’s sinicization meaning the text feature, production process and commercial meaning of 07 Disney version of " The Secret of the Magic Gourd " as the main clue when in a new historical context power of commercial capital becomes a dominant force.

  • 【分类号】I207.8
  • 【被引频次】4
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