

【作者】 孙旭

【导师】 虞云国;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 两宋是中国佛教转折的重要时期,僧官制、度牒制、敕额制日渐完备,佛教完全纳入国家政权控制之下,呈现出世俗化、平民化特点。近年来宋代佛教研究日益引起学界关注,并取得了较多成果。然宋代寺院研究相对较少。寺院作为佛教发展的主要载体,既是僧众修行的重要场所,也是联系不同社会群体的重要纽带,其修建和发展过程与社会现实密切相关,故以寺院为研究为中心,探讨佛教与社会之间的关系,无疑是一个新的研究视角。本文以两宋杭州寺院为研究对象,在梳理寺院发展的历史背景和社会条件的基础上,对其地理分布、修建和破坏情况、建筑设施及布局、建设依靠力量以及诸社会阶层与寺院之间的关系等问题进行了分析。本文以传统的历史学、文献学研究方法为基础,侧重于史料的甄别和历史过程的考察,注重探讨两宋杭州寺院发展变迁的历史进程及原因,在此基础上结合社会学和宗教学理论,力图从实证中提取观点和认识,虽不求也不可能做到“重建过去如当时发生一样”,但仍努力“于史实中求史识”,以求对认识中国古代的国家与社会、政策与现实、世俗与宗教等问题提供一个新的视角。首先,本文从历史时段和地域空间两个角度,对宋代杭州寺院发展的历史背景、政策环境进行了总体考察和分析,意在说明南宋时期杭州成为全国佛教中心并非单一的动因,而是政治环境、佛教政策、文化传统、社会经济等多种因素共同作用的结果。其次,通过对南宋杭州寺院地理分布的特点及其原因分析,以及寺院的创建和破坏情况梳理,藉以说明自然地理因素、社会发展水平和人的内心需求诸因素对寺院存在和发展具有重要影响。再次,通过对宋代杭州寺院的内部设施梳理及寺院建筑布局分析,力图展示宋代寺院建筑布局与佛教发展时代特点之间的关系,并对僧人在寺院建设中的主导作用进行分析。最后,通过梳理宋代杭州寺院与诸社会阶层之间的互动关系,探讨两宋皇室及官僚与杭州寺院关系的诸多异同。以上考察和分析表明,杭州作为吴越首府和南宋都城期间,是其寺院建设最为迅速的两个时期,其佛教中心地位的最终确立,与此关系密切。两宋时期,中央佛教政策变化不大,但两宋杭州寺院修建状况却截然不同,这足以说明政治权力是影响寺院建设和佛教发展的关键力量。僧人是寺院建设的主导力量,其个人素质和表现,对寺院的兴衰发展影响重大。宋代杭州寺院建筑设施及布局变化、不同社会阶层与寺院之间的相互关系,表明宋代寺院的独立性已基本消失,佛教寺院形态的中国化、世俗化基本完成。

【Abstract】 During the Song Dynasty, the institutions of SengGuan, DuDie, and Chi’e improved day by day. Buddhism was completely under the control of the secular regime and demonstrated the characteristics of secularization and the common people. The Song Dynasty is an important period of Chinese Buddhism’s transition. The study of Song Buddhism has gained increasing attention from scholars in recent years and has made great progress. However, there has not been much research done on the Buddhist temples themselves. As the main carrier of the development of Buddhism, the Buddhist temple is an important place, not only because it serves as the Monks’ home, but also because it functions as a forum for interactions between different social groups. Therefore, its process of construction and development is closely related to social reality. Using the Buddhist temple to explore the relationship between society and Buddhism is undoubtedly a new approach to studying the religion’s evolution.By focusing on the Buddhist temples of Hangzhou during the Song Dynasty and the historical background of its development and social condition, this paper analyzes the temples’distribution, construction and destruction; building facilities and layout; the strength of construction; and the relationship between social class and Buddhist temples. Based on the traditional historiography research methods, and focusing on screening the historical materials, the paper emphasizes the historical process and the reasoning behind the growth and development of Buddhist temples in Hangzhou. Based on this theory, and the combination of sociology and religion, I come to a conclusion based on empirical study. I don’t plan to "reconstruct history as the real one occurred in the past", but I still make every effort to "search for the historical view from the historical evidence". I hope that this study will provide new answers to a great many questions, such as the relationships between the nation and society, policy and reality, as well as common customs and religion in ancient Chinese society.First, from the perspectives of the historical period and geographical space, I will analyze the overall historical background and policy environment of the Buddhist temples of Hangzhou during the Song Dynasty. I intend to explain the fact that Hangzhou became the center of Buddhism in the Southern Song Dynasty and not only due to one individual factor. Instead, it is a result of the interaction of many factors, such as political environment, Buddhist policies, cultural tradition, and various socio-economic factors. Secondly, in addition to the discussion of the aforementioned factors, I will also study the temples’construction and destruction and the reasons behind the geographical distribution of Hangzhou’s Buddhist temples throughout the Southern Song Dynasty. I try to explain that there are various factors, such as natural geography, social development and people’s mental demands, that significantly impact the temple’s existence and development. Thirdly, I try to show the relationship between the architectural layout of the temples and the temporal characteristics of the development of Buddhism. I also discuss the Monks’leading role in building the temples through the analysis of the internal facilities and the layout of the monastery buildings of the temples in Hangzhou. Finally, I study the interactions between the Buddhists in Hangzhou’s temples and the various social classes of the Song Dynasty, as well as discuss the differences between the Song imperial family and bureaucracy with the Buddhists of Hangzhou’s temples.The investigation and analysis listed above demonstrate that the period when Hangzhou was the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty and Wu Yue is the time when the construction of the temples occurred the fastest, and that thesis closely related with the Buddhism Centre’s eventual establishment in Hangzhou. During the Song Dynasty, the central Buddhist policies changed little, while the method of construction of Hangzhou’s temples changed greatly. This illustrates that political power is the key factor in the development of Buddhism and the construction of its temples. Monks are the leading force in the building of the temples, and as a result, their personal qualities and performance impact the rise and fall of the temples. Upon examining the building facilities and the layout changes of Hangzhou’s temples during the Song Dynasty as well as the interaction between different social classes and the Buddhists at the temples, you can see that temples have become less independent over time. As a result, a Buddhist temple with both Chinese and secular characteristics has formed, producing far-reaching effects.

【关键词】 宋代杭州寺院
【Key words】 Song DynastyHangzhouBuddhist temples