

【作者】 苗青

【导师】 苏智良;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以盛宣怀在实业、文教、社会事业以及日常生活等四个层面的活动为主要线索,以19世纪70年代至1916年间盛宣怀与近代上海社会的相互关系为研究对象,从奏疏、电稿、信函、日记、文人笔记、竹枝词、传记中搜寻盛宣怀的生命轨迹,关注他办事、做人的综合表现,兼及盛宣怀家族和上海城市发展的相关人与事。将主要兴趣点集中于近代上海社会对盛宣怀的影响以及盛宣怀对近代上海社会所起作用之间的互动。尝试刻画出一个全面、客观的盛宣怀,为历史人物与城市社会的互动研究提供一个可资参考的样本。轮船招商局、上海机器织布局和中国通商银行三家企业都诞生于19世纪后期中国社会的转型阶段,创办于近代中国的经济中心上海,在开业之初同样采用官督商办的体制。它们的创建,为清政府挽回遭外国人长年控制的航运权、机器纺织技术和金融运作提供了自强振兴的底气。盛宣怀以官员身份在上海督办近代中国的轮船、纺织、银行等实业建设,尤其是他在督办轮船招商局时积累的商战经验,帮助他娴熟地应对近代化发展过程中的诸多困难,进而摸索出一条实业救国的道路,同时,也为他自己积累了巨额财富。盛宣怀为保证所办实业的成功运行,创办了多所新式学堂培养实业亟需的人才,他在上海创办的南洋公学奠定了今天交通大学的基础,为国家输送了大批政治、外交和技术人才。南洋公学所开设的师范班、特班、译书院都成为中国近代教育史上的首创之举。盛宣怀倾注心血和财力搜购中外书籍,建成一所近代上海著名的图书馆,虽然该馆最终未能对外开放,但在主持古籍善本的保存、外国著作的翻译等方面,盛宣怀用他的实际行动推动了近代上海的文化教育事业的发展。1896年以后,盛宣怀以上海为活动中心,在控制诸项实业的同时,也为近代上海社会事业的起步、慈善意识的培育做出了贡献。盛宣怀奏设成立的上海商业会议公所,成为近代中国商会的雏形。他在赈灾期间的捐款捐物、创办中国红十字会时的亲历亲为、兴建慈善机构时的尽心尽责,既与他承袭父辈好善乐施的家风有关,也与他身居高位,掌握诸多社会资源密不可分。盛宣怀对洋务实业的掌控和他个人的巨额财产是其参与发展社会事业的权力保障和经济基础。近代上海民情习尚发生了巨大变化,盛宣怀和他的家族成员不可避免地受到当地社会风气的影响,狎妓选艳、聚赌争利是他们日常生活中的正常消遣,一掷千金、死要面子是他们摆阔心态的自然体现。事实证明,盛宣怀本人有沉溺欢场花国的喜好,有生活用度豪奢的派头。他去世后所举办的那场堪称“盛事”的大出丧是他生前崇奢黜俭作风的延续。盛宣怀个性的塑造、权力的获得、事业的壮大都离不开近代上海社会大环境的影响,他在诸多领域的开拓性工作又推动了上海城市近代化的进程,他所走过的发达之路已融入近代上海社会的肌体之中,他对上海城市所做的改造至今仍在发挥着影响。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of the specific environment in modern Shanghai society, the dissertation tries to use Sheng Xuanhuai’s life in four levels e.g. industry, culture, education and public service as the main clues to study how Shanghai affected Sheng and Sheng’s role in the development of modern Shanghai industry and their interaction. Both how he dealt with matters and how he dealt with people were concerned. The impact of social background, modern Shanghai on the shaping of his personality, accessing to power and development of his career can not neglected. At the same time, his pioneering work in many industries had promoted the development of Shanghai urban modernization. His prosperous life road has melted into the body of Shanghai society. An evaluation on the effect of the interaction between Sheng and Shanghai society was given in the last party of the dissertation.The three enterprises, China Merchants’Steamship Navigation Company, Cotton Spinning and Weaving Mills and the Imperial Bank of China were established during the Westernization Movement Period. They all adopted the system of“private run with the supervision from the government”and got birth in Shanghai. Their establishment restored the shipping from long foreign monopoly and got the foundation for self-improvement of textile technology and banking business. The experience as a government official in the industries such as shipping, textile and banking industries in modern China, especially those practical experience accumulated from the position as supervisor at China Merchants’Steamship Navigation Company, helped him to cope with the difficulties and frustrations during the modernization and the development with skills.Besides being the managers of many industries and government official, Sheng was also the founder of a number of new style schools including Nan Yang Public School in Shanghai. Today’s Nan Yang Public School has become a first-class university in China and cultivated a large number of politicians and many engineering technical personals. The teachers’class, special class and translation institute and other institutions at Nan Yang Public School became the pioneer in modern Chinese education history. With Sheng’s devotion and family assets, a famous modern library was established in modern Shanghai. Although it failed to open to the public in the end, a lot of precious books were preserved and a lot of foreign books were translated. It is commendable that Sheng had done a lot for the development of culture and education in modern Shanghai.Sheng was very actively in promoting the public welfare in China, and made great contributions to raising the public awareness of charity in modern Shanghai. Sheng’s donating money and goods when they was needed, establishing the Chinese Red Cross personally and doing charity with warm heart were not only close related to his good family tradition of generousness, but also close related with his social resources network and his high position as a supervisor. His control of the companies and his own huge assets were the power and economic base for his charity.Living in modern Shanghai where the social customs had not change a lot, Sheng and his family did be affected by social environment. Playing with prostitutes and home gambling had been an important part of their daily lives. Huge gambling and saving face reflected their ostentatious natural state of mind. It was certain that Sheng indulged in luxury and wanted to live in extravagant way. The so called“Big Event”, his funeral, was extension of his prior luxury. This dissertation focuses on the interaction between Xuanhuai and modernShanghai society, along with related events and people in his family and the urban development of Shanghai from the 1870s to 1916. Through memorials to the throne, draft, letters, diaries, literary notes and local folk poems , traces of Sheng were revealed. The interaction point of his life and social change in modern Shanghai meet at four aspects: establishing industries, promoting culture and education, doing public welfare and daily life. This dissertation tried to give a comprehensive and objective comment to the life experience of a key figure in modern Chinese history - Sheng Xuanhuai

  • 【分类号】K256
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】782