

An Innovation Research on the Investment Mechanism of Culture Industry in China

【作者】 陈清华

【导师】 江可申;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 文化产业发展水平是衡量一个国家和地区软力量的重要标志。文化产业投资是文化产业资本形成的重要途径和长足发展的根本动力。在文化产业投资诸多问题中,完善的投资机制是拓宽文化产业投资渠道的前提条件,是促进文化产业快速发展的根本保证。理论研究和实践发展表明,要做大、做强文化产业,必须改革现有的文化体制,创新投资机制,激活文化单位活力。目前,国内外关于文化、文化产业、文化经济的研究较多,关于文化产业投资的研究较少。一些专家、学者关于文化产业投资原本就不多的论述还零星地散见于相关文献中,没有人对其进行系统地梳理和提炼。目前,还没有人专门研究文化产业投资机制问题。本文系统地梳理了国内外专家、学者对文化产业、文化产业投资、文化产业投资机制的研究成果,厘清了国内外文化产业投资机制的实践发展轨迹,进而对相关观点进行了承接、拓展和深化;描述了中国文化产业投资机制的演变过程,分析了投资机制的现状和存在的问题;探讨了国外文化产业投资机制对中国文化产业投资机制创新的借鉴意义和可能产生的负面影响;制定了文化产业投资新机制的设计原则,设计了文化产业投资新机制方案;应用DEA及Malmquist生产率指数对中国各省(区、市)文化产业投资效率进行了实证测评;构想了文化产业投资新机制的实现路径是政府在文化产业投资中要起主导作用、文化单位要起主体作用、社会捐助要起扶持作用、文化中介要起辅助作用、资本市场要起助推作用等。本文创新体现在:从投资主体形成机制、宏观调控机制、微观运行机制、运行监督机制等角度,创新性地阐释了文化产业投资机制的内涵;将博弈论的方法运用到产业投资领域;应用DEA及Malmquist生产率指数对中国各省(区、市)文化产业投资效率进行了实证测评;从柔性劳动力市场、人文素质、地方文化历史沉淀和制度激励等角度,研究了文化产业投资系统的演进;将熵的概念引入文化产业投资项目风险决策,解决了采用不同风险决策原则得出的结论不一致时,如何权衡的问题等。本文运用文献分析、规范和实证分析、比较分析等方法,研究后得出的结论是:一、要借鉴国外成功经验,延伸文化产业投资链,努力使文化产业投资实现管理组合化和回报多样化。二、要建立以政府投入为导向、以文化单位投入为主体、以非公有资本和外资投入为重要组成部分、以金融机构投入为补充、以“投资准入区别化、投资主体多元化、投资方式多样化、投资机制市场化”为特征的文化产业投资新机制。三、在转轨经济条件下,政府在做市场化的产业投资时,要考虑转轨经济的初始状态,要特别注意惯性对转轨经济的影响。四、全国文化产业的技术效率整体较低,效率均值为0.641,尚有超过35%的提升空间;各地区技术效率较低的原因主要是纯技术效率不高;全国及中、西部地区文化产业的全要素生产率均有增长的趋势,且增长的动力主要来源于技术进步,而东部地区全要素生产率出现负增长,主要原因是技术退步;不同地区在促进文化产业投资有效发展时必须对症下药,东部地区应依靠规模经济优势,进一步加大文化产业投资力度,中、西部地区应加强制度建设和管理创新,通过纯技术效率的提升来促进全要素生产率的提高。

【Abstract】 The level of a country or region’s culture industry is an important sign of its soft power. Culture industry investment is an important approach and fundamental force ensuring the formation of culture capital. Among all the issues concerning culture industry investment, the innovation of cultural investment mechanism is a prerequisite for increasing the investment channels and a basic guarantee for the development of culture industry. The theoretic study of culture industry and the development of cultural establishments and enterprises show that, if China wants to expand and strengthen its culture industry, it has to reform the present cultural system within the frame of national laws and regulations by rebuilding their internal mechanisms and invigorating cultural establishments and enterprises. After a deepened research the author finds that so far research work both home and abroad mainly focuses on culture industry, culture economics, and culture media, while works on the investment of culture industry remain rare. It is true that some relevant views and discussions of specialists and scholars are scattered in their documents, but none of them has been systematically studied and refined, let alone those on its investment mechanism.This dissertation systematically reviews the relevant documents both home and abroad, elaborates the practice and research on the investment and investment mechanism of international culture industry and manifests the present state of Chinese investment mechanism of culture industry and its problems, so as to inherit, extend, and deepen the relevant ideas in this field. Aim at solving the problems of the present investment mechanism, this dissertation designs new mechanism of culture industry investment and tests the new mechanism. The author proposes ways to realize the new mechanism, basing on the different roles of government, culture enterprises, donators, cultural media and capital market. New findings of this dissertation are as follows: it innovatively illustrates the culture industry investment from the perspectives of formation mechanism of investment subject, macroeconomic control mechanism, micro-operational mechanism and supervision mechanism; it probes into the passive influence and negative effect brought by the foreign culture industry investment mechanism to the shift of China’culture industry investment mechanism; it systematically establishes new mechanism of China’s culture industry investment; from the development of investment mechanism, value assessment, investment behavior and enterprises management, it works out how creative enterprises to establish new mechanism; applying the DEA model, it gives a comprehensive evaluation of the input and output efficiency of all region’s culture industry investment; it introduces the concept of“entropy”into the risk analysis of culture industry projects.By way of literature analysis, regulatory analysis, empirical analysis and comparative analysis, the dissertation comes to the following conclusions: 1. China should learn from the successful experiences of other countries, extend its investment chains, diversify the ways of investment gains and synthesize the investment management of its culture industry; 2. In building the new investment mechanism, China should comply with the principles of“differentiating the admittance of investment, multiplying investing principals, diversifying investing modes and rendering the investment mechanism market-oriented”, to establish new mechanism of culture industry investment; 3. Through an DEA analysis, the dissertation concludes that the investment efficiency is polarized in China, with high-efficiency areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Tianjin, etc., standing against low-efficiency areas whose investment and output have not yet effectively combined the mechanism efficiency and scale efficiency; 4. By introducing the concept of“entropy”into the risk analysis of culture industry projects, it solves the problem of how to weigh the pros and cons when different risk decision-making principles may result in different conclusions.
