

Methodology of Whole Medical and TCM Psychological Research

【作者】 刘家强

【导师】 王米渠;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中西医结合基础, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 背景中医药学是独具整体特色的民族医学,但是随着以还原论思想为主体的现代医学和分子生物学的发展,中医药学逐渐受到了挑战,如何结合现代医学就成为中医药学在继承基础上继续发展的首要问题。如何发挥中医药学的整体优势,如何在结合现代科学的同时发展自身,这是中医药学当前必须解决的重大问题。中医药学必须首先从理论上突破从方法论入手,才能正确引导中医药学的继续发展。目的探讨“整体医学与中医心理学”的方法论研究,建立中医现代化研究的方法论平台。方法1系统整理文献,从方法论角度探讨中医现代化和中西医结合的基础理论,从整体角度研讨中医和西医的特点,为中医发展提供理论平台。2探索整体观念的本质和内涵,以整体思想为指导探索中医药学的发展方向。3用现代数学方法和模式,以中医整体观和天人相应观为指导,建立中医基因组学。4以中华本土心理学和中医心理学为基础,探讨现代心理学的本质和特点,建立以功能本体为基础的整体心理学。5以整体心理学为指导,以双生子病证为实例为基础,探讨双生子的证候、人格和体质。结果1中医药学是与现代科学完全不同体系的整体科学,是先进科学。中医药学的整体内涵依然是先进的,超前的。2阐述了中医结合基因组学的思想,建立了分子症和分子象理论,用数学方法对抽象的证进行了量化。3宏观的经络系统和微观的基因组网络是统一的,经络系统可以从基因上得到证明。4以整体观为基础阐述新的整体心理学思想。5建立了以功能整体和参照系统相统一的整体心理学体系。整体心理学以功能本体——意元体和参照系的相互统一来研究人的心理的,以编码基因、调控基因与文化信息序列的矛盾和统一来研究心理的分子本质的。6在家系基础上系统分析了双生子的证候、人格和体质发展,建立中医药学基础上的双生子数学发展模型,并用两对双生子来说明。结论1中医现代化必须在充分认识自己的优缺点后,以现代科技为手段建立以整体思想为基础的整体医学体系,而不是对肢节的修修补补。只有建立真正的整体观,中医药学才能真正进入现代化的平台。中医结合分子生物学的研究,首先建立宏微观统一的数学模型,然后逐渐转入以基因组深层次调控为基础的经络与基因研究的平台。2体心理学是中华本土心理学和中医心理学的新发展,以中华本土心理学和中医心理学为平台,建立了整体思想基础上的心理学理论。整体心理学以功能和整体论为基础,可以认识人的真正本我和人格的本质。而从整体心理学也丰富发展了中医药学。3从整体观建立的人格、体质和证候双生子研究模型可以带来新的发展。人格、体质和证候密切相关,随年龄发展曲线不一致。双生子是研究证候、人格和体质绝佳的平台,双生子遗传的-致性可以带来新的突破。

【Abstract】 BackgroundTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Psychology are nation Medicine with holistic characteristics. But Traditional Chinese Medicine was challenged gradually by development of modern medicine and Molecular Biology led by reductionism, how to integrate modern medicine turn into all-important question of inherit and development of TCM. How to bring into whole advantage and how to integrate modern medicine to develop TCM become life-and-death issue that must be considered. TCM must break through from theory firstly.ObjectiveTo explore the study methodology on "Whole Medicine and Whole psychology", to establish a platform for further study on "TCM modernization".Methods1 Systematically review the up-dated references in the world, explore basic theory of integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine and TCM modernization, assess the advantage and shortcoming of traditional Chinese and western medicine, provide a theoretical fundamental for TCM development.2 To explore the nature and content of the whole, in order to modernization of TCM.3 Set up Traditional Chinese Medicine genomics with modern mathematics method and mode according to the concept of integrity and regards the interaction between man and nature.4 Explore the nature and characteristic of modern psychology, to found whole psychology with the base of function noumenon according to chinese Indigenous and Psychology TCM psychology.5 Guided by Whole psychology, explore integration of Zheng and disease of twins with the study base of illness and Zheng of twins.Results1 Traditional Chinese Medicine is whole science and advanced that is complete different from modern science, the whole idea is advanced and can guide Molecular Biology even.2 Expound the idea of Traditional Chinese Medicine combined with genomics, molecule syndrome Xiang theories is founded, nonobjective Zheng is quantified by mathematical method. 3 Macro-meridian system and Micro-genome network is Unified; the meridian system can be proved from the gene.4 Expound the new thinking of a whole psychology with Guidance of materialist view ang the whole concept.5 The whole psychology system of function ontology and reference system mutual unity has been created. Holistic psychology research human mind by mutual unification of functional noumenon, yiyuanti and reference strain, research molecule nature by contradictory and unification of coding, controlling gene and culture information sequence.6 Zheng, personality and physique of twins have been analyzed systematically on family constellation base, set up the mathematical model of twins at the basis of Chinese medicine interpreted by 2 pairs of twins.Conclusion1 Modernization of traditional Chinese medicine must set up whole medicine system on whole idea with modern science and technology as a means at a full understanding of own advantages and disadvantages, but not mended to details. Only really set up the whole concept, TCM can really enter the modern platform. The research; of Chinese medicine combined with molecular biology, Macro-micro unified mathematical model must be set up firstly, and enter gradually meridian and genetic research platform with the genome base of deep-level regulation and control.2 The whole psychology is new developments of chinese Indigenous and TCM psychology, set up the psychological theory on the whole idea. The nature of the people really ego and Personality can be recognized on the base of function and whole viewpoint on the platform of TCM psychology. And traditional Chinese medicine will be enriched and grown.3 The twin’s research platform of Zheng-Hou, personality and corporeity from the whole concept may bring about new breakthroughs in. The twins are excellent research platform of Zheng-Hou, personality and corporeity can bring about new breakthroughs because of the consistency of genetic.
