

Study on the Influence Factors of Oriented Efficacy Exertion of Houpu (Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis) in Formula

【作者】 王洪

【导师】 邓中甲;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 目的:厚朴是具有多种功效的临床常用药,本课题旨在探究影响厚朴在复方中功效发挥方向的配伍、炮制、剂量、剂型、品种、产地等因素,阐明厚朴常用配伍结构的机理。方法:以《中华医方精选辞典》为据,收集含厚朴的方剂815首,用Excel建立数据表,采用归类统计的方法,总结配伍、炮制、剂量、剂型、品种、产地等因素对厚朴功效发挥方向的影响。结果:与厚朴配伍使用前5位的药类依次是补虚、理气、温里、化湿、解表药;厚朴常见的配伍结构是厚朴配枳实、厚朴配大黄、厚朴配槟榔、厚朴配人参、厚朴配桂枝、厚朴配吴茱萸、厚朴配黄连、厚朴配苍术和陈皮、厚朴配白术和茯苓、厚朴配麻黄、厚朴配半夏、厚朴配杏仁、厚朴配细辛、厚朴配白芷和防风等;厚朴入药很少用生品,厚朴姜制已是古今多数医家之共识,其目的一是为了消除生厚朴刺激咽喉的副作用,二则是为了更好的发挥其擅入中焦治疗脾胃疾病的功效,结合古今厚朴的炮制方法和研究成果,认为厚朴科学炮制的主要方法应该是包括采割、贮藏、姜制、切片等四大步骤的一个整体过程;历代医家多认为厚朴有耗气伤津之弊,结合今之厚朴药性相比古时为弱的实际情况,厚朴的临床用量可在《中华人民共和国药典》规定的剂量范围上适当加大;厚朴以产于四川、湖北、陕西之“川朴”为佳,产地和品种的不同对厚朴质量和功效均有影响;综合本课题所收集到的资料发现,剂型对厚朴功效发挥方向的影响不是很明显。结论:配伍环境是影响厚朴功效发挥方向最重要的因素,炮制、剂量、品种、产地次之,厚朴在复方中功效发挥是上述多个因素综合影响的结果。

【Abstract】 Objective:Houpu is a muti-effective and common herb. To clarify Houpu’s compatible mechanism and to discuss all the factors guiding Houpu’s varied functions in compound prescription, such as compatibility, processing, dosage, species, habitat and etc.Method:815 Houpu-containing formulae were collected from "Zhonghua Refined Presciption Dictionary". By analyzing the statistics, the law in applying to Houpu was summarized.Result:Some kinds of herbs, frequently combined with Houpu, are as follows:The first belongs to herbs to nourish weakness, then to ones to manage the spirit, to ones to dispel internal cold, the following is resolving dampness medicine. Houpu’s compatibility structure, commonly contained, are as follows:Houpu with Zhishi, the one with Dahuang, the one with binglang and etc. The raw Houpu rarely goes into a kind of medicine. Most physicians of past generations believe Houpu should be processed with ginger, which has two purposes:the first is to eliminate the side-effect of raw Houpu irritating the throat, the second is to goes into the middle jiao and treat spleen and stomach diseases. According to ancient and modern studies on Houpu, the scientific processing method includes four steps:cutting, storage, processing with ginger, slicing. Houpu’s dosage can be higher than the recommended dosage from Chinese Pharmacopoeia, owing to the fact that most physicians of past generations believe Houpu impairs body fluid and qi and the nature of modern Howpu is weaker than ancient Howpu. "Chuanpu" produced in Sichuan, hubei, shanxi are recognized genuine Houpu. Howpu Growing places and varieties have effects on quality and efficency.The effect of dosage guiding Houpu’s varied functions in compound prescription is unobvious from the data that have been collected.Conclusion:all the factors, as the surroundings of compatibility, processing, species and habitat can deeply affect the functional direction of Houpu.

【关键词】 厚朴配伍炮制剂量品种产地
【Key words】 Houpucompatibilityprocessingdosagespecieshabitat