

The Impact of University’s Human Resource Management on Organizational Performance

【作者】 邢周凌

【导师】 周绍森;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 管理是事关大学成功的一个关键,管理不善是提高高等教育质量的重要障碍。而人力资源管理是管理的重要方面,所有战略、政策、制度都要人制定和实施,它将会直接影响高校组织目标实现的程度。高等教育系统的扩充、高等教育机构的改革已经成为21世纪高等教育所面临的现实问题。争取资源和有效使用资源,提高教育质量和管理效益已经成为高等学校所面临的艰巨任务。最近几十年,虽然在学术和实践两个方面都有不少的专家学者对人力资源管理与组织绩效的关系非常关注并进行了实证研究,也取得了非常大的进展,但是对于高校人力资源管理与高校组织绩效关系的实证研究较少。由于高校对其人力资源的开发与管理在高校的组织绩效提升中起着非常重要的作用,因此对高校人力资源管理与组织绩效关系的研究具有理论和实践意义。首先,本文在梳理国内外关于人力资源管理与组织绩效研究相关成果的基础上,通过对18所高校56人次的深度访谈,结合三所“211工程”高校的案例研究,对900名教职员工的调查、运用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法构建了我国高校人力资源管理最佳维度量表。该量表由6个维度,32个题项构成。高校人力资源管理最佳维度是由教职员工选拔与配置、激励机制、职业安全、参与、绩效管理和基于战略的人力资源规划等六个维度构成。为了验证这六个维度就是高校人力资源管理最佳维度的理想模型,本研究运用了结构方程模型技术的另一个用途——通过比较多个模型之间的优劣,以确定最佳的匹配模型。在本研究中,研究者通过对六因子模型与其他可能存在的若干竞争模型的优劣比较,来判断六因子模型是否为最佳模型。竞争模型的假设包括单因子模型、二因子模型、三因子模型、四因子模型和五因子模型。结果表明,六因子模型为高校人力资源管理最佳维度的理想模型。此外,通过对样本数据进行了质量评估和样本信度、效度评估,以及通过结构方程分析法中的CFA分析模型,认为人力资源管理是高阶变量,可以由教职员工选拔与配置、激励机制、职业安全、参与、绩效管理和基于战略的人力资源规划组合进行测量。信度和效度检验说明,本测量是可信的和有效的。为我国高校人力资源管理最佳维度的测量提供了理论和实践依据。第二,在阐明了高校组织绩效评价的理论基础上,建立了基于平衡计分卡的高校组织绩效评价指标体系,包括教职员工满意度、教学科研绩效、社会满意度和财务绩效四个维度。按照结构方程模型的建模要求,对理想模型进行验证。用400个样本的观测值与理想模型进行拟合,结果表明,理想模型与观测数据的主要拟合指标均达到良好的拟合水平,也就是说观测数据很好地支持了理想模型。通过对高校组织绩效CFA一阶因子对二阶因子的负荷及信度、效度分析显示:这4个测量变量适于用来测量一个更高阶的变量。对该量表的信度和效度进行检验时,发现其信度和效度都非常好,说明本测量是可信的和有效的,为我国高校组织绩效的测量提供了理论和实践依据。第三,以“211工程”高校为样本,首次运用结构方程检验了高校人力资源管理系统与高校组织绩效之间的关系。研究结果表明:高校人力资源管理系统对教职员工满意度具有显著的正向影响;高校人力资源管理系统对教学科研绩效具有显著的正向影响;高校人力资源管理系统对社会满意度具有显著的正向影响;高校人力资源管理系统对财务绩效具有显著的正向影响。在此基础上检验了高校人力资源管理各个维度与组织绩效各个维度之间并不是一一对应的关系,检验了高校当前人力资源管理影响组织绩效的途径。在研究中发现,员工选拔与配置对教职员工满意度和社会满意度有显著正向影响,而对教学科研绩效和财务绩效虽有影响,但不显著;激励机制对教学科研绩效和财务绩效有显著正向影响,而对社会满意度有显著负向影响,对教职员工满意度虽有影响,但不显著;职业安全对财务绩效有显著负向影响,而对其他三个维度虽有影响,但影响不显著;参与对社会满意度有显著正向影响,而对其他三个维度虽有影响,但不显著;绩效管理对教职员工满意度有显著正向影响,而对其他三个维度虽有影响,但不显著。研究者针对上述研究结果进行了深入分析。第四,检验了基于平衡计分卡的组织绩效四个维度之间的关系,研究结果表明,教职员工满意度对教学科研绩效有显著正向影响;教学科研绩效对社会满意度有显著正向影响;社会满意度对财务绩效有显著正向影响。第五,验证了教职员工满意度对社会满意度具有显著的正向影响,构建了高校基于教职员工满意的人力资源管理模式。最后,在前五项研究的基础上,提出了强化高校人力资源管理提高组织绩效的对策探讨。

【Abstract】 Management is the key to the success of university. Poor management is the obstruction to improve the quality of high education. Human Resource management is the key factor of management. Human Resource creat all strategies, regulations and rules ,therefore Human Resource directly impact on the target achievements of university. The expansion of the Higher Education system, the variety of the Higher Education organisation and the intellectual revolution have already been the real problems to the 21st century world higher education. To obtain resources and effectively use resources, and to improve education quality and management efficiency have currently been the difficult task for universities all over the world. In recent decades, although many professionals and specialists have paid close attention to, and carried out experimental research on the relationship between human resource management and the organisation’s performance, both academically and practically, and some of them have made huge progress . university human resource development and management has a significant impact on improving the performance of the university. However, It is a few that study on the impact of university’s humance resource management on organizational performance both academically andpractically. Therefore , It is importmant that study on the impact of university’s humance resource management on organizational performanceFirstly, the dissertation has reviewed the domestic and external literatures about human resource management and organisation performance, including 56 critical interviews from 18 universities, experimental research from 3 "211" universities, 900 staff’s questionnaire, This applies exploratory factor analysis and experimental factor analysis methods to create the chart of the ultimate dimension of university human resource management in China in which contain 6 dimensions and 32 items. The six dimensions of the ultimate dimension of university human resource management are employee recruitment and allocation, motivation system, health and safety, participation, performance management and humance resource planning base on strategic. In order to verify these 6 dimensions, which is the ultimate dimension of university human resource management, the research used the other application of the structural equation model that is the comparison of different model’s positive and negative points to make sure to find the ultimate matching model. The research compared the advantages and disadvantages of the six factors model and other potential numerous competitive models and identified that the six factors model is the ultimate model. The assumption of competitive models includes single factor model, two-factor model, three-factor model, four-factor model and five-factor model. The result indicates the six-factor model is the ultimate model of the ultimate dimension of university human resource management. Meanwhile, according to the CFA analysis model of structural equation analysis method, it has also examined quality evaluation, sample credibility and validity evaluation and verified that human resource management is a high variable index which can be measured by the combination of employee recruitment and allocation, motivation system, health and safety, participation, performance management and humance resource planning base on strategic. The examination of credibility and validity indicate that the measurement is credible and valid. It provides theory and practice principles of the measurement for the ultimate dimension of university human resource management in China.Secondly, with the description of the theory of university organisation performance evaluation, it established the university organisation evaluation index system based on balanced Scorecard, which includes four dimensions of staff satisfaction index, staff teaching and research performance index, society satisfaction index and financial performances index. According to the established requirements of structural equation model, it has verified the ideal model. With the combination of 400 samples, measuring data and the ideal model, the result indicates the major index of the combination of the ideal model and measuring data reached a good combination level. The measuring data supported the ideal model well. Through university organisation CFA the first factor to the second factor tolerance, credibility and validity analysis, it presents these four measuring variable indices would also apply for measuring a higher level of variable index. It has been found well-established credibility and validity, while verified credibility and validity of the measuring index. Therefore, The measuring index is credible and valid. It provides theory and practice principles of the measurement for university organisation performance in China.Thirdly, it is the first time to use structural equation examining the relationship between the ultimate dimension of university human resource management and university organisation performance about "211 "university. The research presents the ultimate dimension of university human resource management has significantly positive impact on university staff satisfaction; the ultimate dimension of university human resource management has significantly positive impact on university teaching and research performance; the ultimate dimension of university human resource management has significantly positive impact on society satisfaction; the ultimate dimension of university human resource management has significantly positive impact on university financial performance. According to above examinations, it has also verified there is not a 1-1 relationship between all dimensions in the ultimate dimension of university human resource management and all dimensions in organisation performance, moreover it verified university current human resource management affects the process of organisation performance. In the research of all dimensions of the ultimate dimension of university human resource management and all dimensions of organisation performance, employee recruitment and allocation has a significantly positive impact on staff satisfaction and society satisfaction but not on teaching and research performance and financial performance; motivation system has a significantly positive impact on teaching and research performance and financial performance, and a significantly negative impact on society satisfaction, and no significant impact on staff satisfaction; health and safety has a significantly negative impact on financial performance; participation has a significantly positive impact on society satisfaction; organisation performance management has a significantly positive impact on staff satisfaction. All above results have been fully analysed.Fourthly, to examine the relationship of four dimensions of organisation performance based on balanced Scorecard, the research indicates that staff satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on teaching and research performance; teaching and research performance has a significantly positive impact on society satisfaction; society satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on financial performance.Fifthly,It has been verified that universities need to apply a human resource management model based on internal staff satisfaction. The reason being that we have also examined staff satisfaction has a significantly positive impact on society satisfaction.Finally, It also includes strategy discussions with intensifying university human resource management and improving organisation performance based on above five elements of research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期