

Research on Evaluation and Optimization Countermeasures of Higher Education S & T Resource Allocation in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 赵镇

【导师】 傅毓维;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 继以土地为基础的农业经济和以原材料及能源为基础的工业经济之后,知识经济作为一种新的经济形态来势迅猛。知识经济的根本特征是知识创新与积累,而知识本质上是科技活动的成果,科技活动又是人的素质和技能的体现,因此,发展知识经济,科技进步是灵魂,人才培养是根本。以优化科技资源配置为重点,开展教育与科技的契合性研究日益受到理论学界的重视。另外,高校是科技资源重要产出地,高校科技资源是高等教育与科技资源的关键耦合域,既是科技资源在高等教育领域中的运行,又是高等教育中最具有活力与潜力的因素,具有双重属性和特殊价值。研究高等教育科技资源配置,充分调动与激活关键要素,发挥潜力,提高能力,对促进高等教育发展、提高科技可持续发展能力,进而促进经济与社会和谐快速发展具有重要意义。论文在认真研究和总结国内外关于高等教育科技资源配置理论的基础上,针对黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置现状,运用DEA方法进行评价分析,旨在促进高等教育科技发展,提高办学经济效益和社会效益,减少资源浪费,提高教育和科技服务质量,形成与区域经济发展相适应的有特色的区域高等教育科技资源配置系统。论文以认识高等教育科技资源及其系统作为逻辑起点,从理论上分析了高等教育科技资源配置系统的构成与运行机制,建立了比较完整的高等教育科技资源配置系统框架,并通过比较研究,明确界定了论文的研究对象一黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置系统。随后,紧紧围绕高等教育科技资源优化配置目标体系,建立了一套科学而又简洁的评价指标体系,并利用DEA有关理论和方法,从效率、质量、规模、结构四个方面建立了具体评价模型,并对现阶段黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置状况相应从效率、质量、规模、结构四个方面进行了评价。在高等教育资源配置综合效率方面,论文运用横向和纵向相结合的方法,以2000年至2007年为时间跨度,评价了黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置时序变化情况。以黑龙江省十三个地市为空间跨度,评价2007年黑龙江省高等教育科技资源区域配置情况。在高等教育资源配置质量效益方面,论文结合创新能力指标,利用仅有产出的DEA模型,评价分析了2007年黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置质量效益。在高等教育资源配置规模方面,论文利用传统DEA模型,结合评价过剩的DEA模型,从规模收益递增、不变、递减及拥挤四个状态评价了2007年黑龙江省各地市高等教育科技资源配置的规模收益情况。在高等教育资源配置结构方面,论文利用带有“偏好锥”的C2WH模型,对2007年黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置的结构效益进行了评价。论文通过对黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置在效率、质量、规模和结构方面的实证分析,总结了现阶段黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置过程中存在的问题。最后,论文根据实证研究过程中发现的问题,从建设有利于高等教育科技资源优化配置的外部运行环境、完善有利于高等教育科技资源优化配置的内部运行机制和优化高等教育科技资源优化配置的目标体系三个方面提出了进一步优化黑龙江省高等教育科技资源配置的对策及建议。

【Abstract】 Followed by land-based agricultural economy and to raw materials, energy-based industrial economy, the knowledge-based economy as a new economic structure is the rapid fast. The fundamental characteristics of knowledge-based economy are innovation and the accumulation of knowledge, and knowledge is essentially the outcome of science and technology activities, science and technology activities is a manifestation of the quality and skills, so the development of knowledge-based economy, scientific and technological progress is the soul, and personnel training are fundamental. Science and technology to optimize the allocation of resources, focusing on education and technology research increasingly fit theoretical academic attention. And colleges and universities are an important output of scientific and technological resources, the colleges and universities of higher education and scientific and technological resources are the key scientific and technological resources coupled domain, is both a science and technology resources in higher education in the field of operation, but also in higher education are the most dynamic and potential factors that have a dual attributes and special values. Study of higher education science and technology resources, the full mobilization and activation of the key elements of potential, enhance capacity, to promote the development of higher education to improve the capacity for sustainable development, thereby promoting economic and social harmony in the rapid development of great significance.Papers in the serious study of higher education science and technology at home and abroad about the allocation of resources theory, based on the Higher Education Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province for the allocation of resources the status quo, the use of DEA method to evaluate the analysis, aimed at promoting higher education in science and technology development, improve economic efficiency and social school efficiency, reduce waste of resources, improve education and technology, service quality, and the formation and regional economic development have characteristics suited to the regional higher education in science and technology resource allocation system.Papers in the carding and analyzed with the papers related to basic theory and research findings on the basis of scientific and technological resources in order to understand higher education as a logical starting point, from the theoretical analysis of the higher education system in science and technology constitute the allocation of resources and operational mechanism, set up a relatively complete higher education in science and technology framework for resource allocation system, and through a comparative study, a clearly defined object of study in this paper-in Heilongjiang Province of the basic characteristics of higher education resources. Subsequently, another closely focusing on optimizing the allocation of higher education in scientific and technological resources of the target system, set up a simple scientific evaluation system on the use of DEA theory and methods of efficiency, quality, size, structure aspects of four set up a specific evaluation model, and at this stage of Heilongjiang Province the situation of higher education in science and technology resource allocation is evaluated. The efficiency of resource allocation in higher education side and thesis use a combination of horizontal and vertical approach to 2000 to 2007 time span for the evaluation of higher education in science and technology in Heilongjiang Province timing changes in the allocation of resources. Heilongjiang Province to 13 prefectures and cities in-span space, evaluation of higher education in 2007 in Heilongjiang Province Science and Technology regional changes in the allocation of resources. The allocation of resources in higher education quality, this paper innovation capability indicators, the use of only the output DEA model, evaluation and analysis of the 2007 Higher Education in Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province quality and efficiency of resource allocation. The size of the allocation of resources in higher education context, this paper combines the classic DEA model excess DEA evaluation model, increasing returns from scale, constant, decreasing and crowded four states, evaluated in 2007 in Heilongjiang Province of higher education science and technology around the city the size of the allocation of resources earnings. The allocation of resources in higher education structure, this paper with a "preference cone"of C2 WH model of higher education in 2007 in Heilongjiang Province Science and Technology of the structure of effective allocation of resources were evaluated. In this paper, Higher Education Science and Technology of Heilongjiang Province in the efficiency of resource allocation, quality, size and structure of the empirical analysis, objective summary of higher education in science and technology in Heilongjiang Province at the present stage of resource allocation problems in the process.Finally, empirical research papers in accordance with the process of problem found, from the building is conducive to optimizing the allocation of higher education in scientific and technological resources of the external operating environment, and improve scientific and technological resources of higher education is conducive to optimizing the allocation of the internal operating mechanism and optimization of scientific and technological resources of higher education the goal of optimizing the allocation of three aspects of the system proposed in Heilongjiang Province to further optimize the allocation of resourcesin higher education technology strategies and recommendations.
