

Propagation of Elastic Wave in a Fluid-Saturated Porous Media and Attenuation Characteristics Evaluation

【作者】 邹冠贵

【导师】 彭苏萍;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 地球探测与信息技术, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 用Biot介质理论研究孔隙介质的弹性波是受到广泛注意的课题,然而在煤田地震勘探领域应用的例子很少。本文基于Biot介质的理论,研究了各向同性耗散孔隙介质参数对各类波的相速度、吸收衰减等参数的影响及频率依赖,指出渗透率对衰减的影响与流体粘滞性相反,渗透率减小将有和粘性增加一样的效果,反之亦然。在上述结论的指导下,分别利用交错网格有限差分正演和物理模拟正演获取地震数据,进行频谱分析,对比孔隙介质与单相介质的频谱,孔隙介质的频谱有“往低频移动”趋势,表现为“主频低值,低频高值,高频低值”的频谱特征,利用“主频和分频属性”评价该特征,并利用正演模拟数据进行了验证。指出时频分析过程中,采样率、时频窗影响频谱分析精度和效率存在。在淮南顾桂矿区、河南永城车集矿区利用纵波衰减特征预测了灰岩富水区,在淮南顾桥矿区利用横波衰减特征预测了煤层瓦斯富集区。

【Abstract】 Elastic waves in porous media based on the Biot theory are received widespread attention; however, seismic exploration in the coalfield shows few examples of applications. Based on the Biot theory, the impact of isotropic dissipative porous media parameters on the various types of wave phase velocity or attenuation was studied. The results show that the impact of permeability is the very opposite of the impact of viscosity upon attenuation. The effects of decrease in permeability and increase in viscosity are almost identical and vice versa. Under the guidance of the above-mentioned conclusions, the staggered grid finite difference forward and physical simulation forward were respectively used to simulate seismic data, spectral analysis based on the forward seismic data shows that there is significant difference in the spectrum of porous media and single-phase media, showing the spectral characteristics "low-central-frequency value, low-frequency high-value, high-frequency low-value ",these characteristics have been verified under usage of forward data. During time-frequency analysis process, the sampling rate influences the accuracy of spectrum, as well as time-frequency windows, and so on. Gu-gui in the Huainan mining area, Ju-ji in the Yongcheng mining area used P-wave attenuation characteristics to predict the limestone water-rich region; Gu-qiao in the Huainan mining area used the S-wave attenuation characteristics to predict the coal seam gas-rich region.
