

Analytical Analysis of Interaction between Foundation and Rigid Pile Composite Foundation and In-Situ Experimental Research

【作者】 李希平

【导师】 陶龙光;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 岩土工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对刚性桩复合地基上的基础,根据Boussinesq和Mindlin弹性理论解的基础上,考虑桩、土、基础的相互影响,给出了刚性桩复合地基与基础共同作用半解析分析方法,同时结合东莞世纪广场、东莞世纪城·国际公馆、广州市花都区龙珠住宅小区、广州市花都区凤凰北住宅小区等四个项目的复合地基试验研究结果,分别研究在不同地质条件、垫层、不同桩体情况下复合地基的工作性状。现场的测试结果表明,在广东地区,采用C20素混凝土桩体材料和20cm厚的砂石垫层,桩间土的承载力能较好发挥。最后以东莞商业中心E幢塔楼工程优化设计为例,对地基反力、底板沉降、桩顶受力以及底板钢筋受力进行了长达一年半的监测。监测结果表明计算得到的地基反力、基础沉降和桩顶受力与实测结果吻合得较好,说明本文方法能方便地应用于实际工程中。

【Abstract】 Aimed at rigid pile composite foundation, a semi-analytical and semi-numerical method which the influence among pilesoil, foundation has been concerned is presented in this dissertation based on the Boussinesq and Mindlin solution of groundsoil. In order to research the actual engineering behavior of rigid pile composite foundation in Guangdong Province, in-situ tests were used to study the behavior of rigid pile composite foundation, these engineering projects include:Dongguang Shiji Plaza, Dongguang Shiji City International Apartment Complex, Fenhuang north-road residential area of Guangzhou Huadu district, Longzhu Residential area of Guangzhou Huadu district. In-situ test results illustrate that plain concrete load-bearing mechanism of rigid pile composite foundation with C20 plain concrete and 20cm sand cushion has good effect for the capacity of inter-pile soil. At last, in order to detect the preciseness of calculation results and correctness of the method presented in this paper, optimizing design of Dongguang Business Center is calculated by the method present in the paper. Monitoring of counterforce of foundation, settlement of botom plate, counterforce of piles and the stress of steel has lasted for 1.5 years. The measured results are in good agreement with the calculated results of reaction force of ground, foundation settlement and force at the top of pile. So the method presented in this dissertation is easy apply to solve practical problems.
