

From Margin to Center: A Study on the Development Tropisms of Higher Education in Hebei Province

【作者】 智学

【导师】 刘永瑞;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 教育史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 高等教育作为社会系统中一个极其重要的组成部分,自产生之日起就与经济、政治、文化等其它社会子系统保持着千丝万缕的联系。随着社会生产力的不断发展和人类生产方式的持续变革,高等教育与其它社会子系统之间的联系日益紧密。高等教育逐渐从远离社会的“象牙塔”,融入社会发展的“边缘”,并逐渐成为推动社会经济、政治和文化发展的“中心”。在这一过程中,高等教育自身的功能也不断拓展。鉴于此,世界各个国家和地区都把高等教育置于优先发展的战略地位。本文力图以“边缘—中心”理论作为分析工具,解读河北省高等教育发展取向的演变历程。阐明河北省高等教育实现与经济、政治、文化等社会子系统良性互动的逻辑基础和现实途径。本研究认为:高等教育要成为推动经济社会发展的“轴心力量”,首先需要自身具备走向社会中心的能力——高等教育系统内部的充分整合,产生有效的能量,并向社会合理释放这种能量,从而形成推动社会发展的动力。社会发展对高等教育的需求突出表现在培养人才、提供科学技术支持,以及直接的学术性服务三个方面。高等教育正是通过教学、科研以及社会服务等活动不断满足社会发展需求,并通过这一过程赢得社会的支持,从而形成促进自身发展的不竭动力。社会发展对高等教育的需求是多元化的,但各级各类院校在应对社会发展需求时,存在模式趋同的可能性。这一问题突出表现在办学定位、教育内容、以及学校发展路径的选择等各个方面。如果不能对高等教育系统进行科学地整合,就会造成高等教育系统功能紊乱,从而影响走向社会中心目标的实现。因此,高等教育走向社会中心的基本路径之一,就是建立起合理的高等教育功能体系以及相应的保障调整机制。基于上述认识,本研究以“边缘—中心”理论的解读为切入点,围绕河北省高等教育在人才培养、科学研究和社会服务等方面的历史演变为主线来展开。本研究共分七章:第一章是导论,主要阐述了本研究的选题缘由与研究现状,提出研究的基本思路及方法,阐明河北省高等教育走向社会中心发展阶段的划分及原因。第二章主要分析了高等教育走向社会中心的理论基础。从高等教育对社会发展所发挥作用的角度,对高等教育走向社会中心的内涵、条件、主要特征及发展原则进行了探究。第三章、第四章和第五章分别就不同时期河北省高等教育人才培养、科学研究和社会服务三大基本功能的发展逐一分析介绍,挖掘了各项功能的历史及作用,理清了发展脉络,总结了历史成绩和局限。第六章揭示了河北省高等教育走向社会中心存在的主要矛盾和问题,并借鉴发达国家推动高等教育走向社会中心的经验,提出河北省高等教育走向社会中心的政策和建议。第七章为结语,陈述了本研究的主要结论、创新之处和不足。本文的创新之处在于对当代河北省高等教育史进行了系统的理论探讨,详细分析了河北省高等教育走向社会中心的实践,提出了高等教育走向社会中心与其功能释放性和协同性的统一,与高等教育多样性的统一,以及与社会互动性的统一。本文阐述的理论基础和历史内容可以作为其他研究者研究相同或相似问题的基础。

【Abstract】 As an important proportion of social system, higher education kept on continuous contacts with economy polity culture and other social subsystems since it came into being. With the continuous development of social productivities and the transform of produce fashions, the connections between higher education and other social subsystems become increasingly tight. Higher education gradually entered into the margin of society from the ivory tower where is far from the society before, and it is going to be the center energy that promotes the development of social economy polity and culture. In this process, the functions of higher education were keeping on developing too. So, all of countries and areas put the higher education into the strategic status of first development.This article will strive to take the theory of Margin-Center as a tool of analyze to unscramble the history of the development tropisms of higher education in Hebei province. And I will try to clarify the logistic bases and realistic paths that realize the well mutual development of higher education and the social subsystems of economy polity culture and so on. This study considers that if the higher education would be the axes that promoted the development of economic society, it should have the capacity to enter the center of society first. This capacity is that the inner system of higher education should sufficient conformed, brings effective energy, and then releases the energy to society reasonably. So as to form the energy of promote the development of society. The demands of social development to higher education represent especially on elite cultivating, science and technology support and academic service directly. Higher education is going to fulfill the task in teaching research and social services, gets the support of the society, and then forms the continuous energy to promote self development.The needs of social development to higher education are multiple. But when facing the multiple needs, all the kinds of colleges and universities have the possible toward the same style. This problem shows especially on the orientations, the contents of education and the paths of school development. If we could not conform the system of higher education rationally, the system of higher education would dysfunction. And then affect the aim of toward the center of society. Therefore, one of the basic paths of the higher education to move toward the social center is that there must be self-contained functional system and the functional adjusted mechanism to keep it producing power to lead the social development. Based on the understanding above, this paper keeps the higher education moving toward the social center as the logic theory and takes the training of higher educational persons with ability in Hebei province, the functional history evolvement of science research and social work as the master line to analyze the existing question.This dissertation is divided into seven chapters.Chapter One is an introduction. It mainly elaborates the reason of choosing this subject and the present situation of this research and puts forward the basic mentality and the method of this study.Chapter Two mainly analyzes the theoretical base in the process of higher education moving toward the social center. It explores the intention, the essential features, the power and the route of the higher education moving toward the social center from the angle of higher educational function upon the social development.Chapter Three, Chapter Four and Chapter Five analyze and present the development of three essential functions on training of higher educational persons with ability in Hebei province, scientific study and social work. The three chapters seek for the history and effect of each function, clears off the developing venation and summarizes the historical achievement and the limitation.Chapter Six reveals the principal contradiction and question during the higher education moving toward the social center in Hebei province. Moreover, it puts forward the policy and suggestion of higher education moving toward the social center in Hebei province using the experience of developed countries for reference.Chapter Seven is the conclusion. It states the main conclusion of this research. It also mentions the innovation and the shortage of the research. The innovation of this paper is that it makes a systematic theoretical discussion for the history of Hebei’s higher education, labors the practice of Hebei’s higher education moving toward the social center. It puts forward the unification with the functional release and cooperation during the higher education moving toward the social center, with the diversity of higher education as well as with the mutual action of the society. The theoretical elements and the historical contents in this dissertation can be taken as the foundation of other researchers to study the same or similar issues.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 04期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】465