

Study on the Evaluation System of Conservation-oriented Highway Construction

【作者】 李亚茹

【导师】 张庆年;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 物流管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 建设节约型社会,是党中央、国务院根据我国基本国情和新时期经济社会发展需要所作出的一项重大战略决策。公路部门在经济社会发展中处于基础和先导地位,基础设施建设投资巨大,消耗能源、资源较多,建设节约型公路,是贯彻落实科学发展观,推进公路科学发展的根本要求,也是适应改革的必由之路。当前,公路行业内外环境发生深刻变化,改革、发展和稳定的新形势异常严峻,迫切要求我们加快转变思想观念,及时调整工作思路,走出路径依赖,努力实现平稳较快发展。因此,全面推进节约型公路建设,是推进公路事业科学发展的重要举措和手段。我们要从根本上缓解交通发展面临的资源约束和环境生态压力,切实保障全面建设小康社会公路水路交通发展目标的实现,就必须坚持以科学发展观为指导,走资源节约型交通发展之路,实现交通全面协调可持续发展。论文主要应用系统工程理论、运输经济学、公共管理学、政策学和统计学等多学科理论知识,采用系统分析法、层次分析法、模糊综合评判法、比较分析法以及定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法展开了研究。论文的主要研究内容分为四个部分。第一部分是文献回顾。搜集整理了与课题有关的国内外研究文献,包括节约型交通建设的研究、可持续发展的研究、循环经济的研究和全寿命周期成本控制的研究,为后续的研究打下了基础。第二部分是节约型交通的理论基础和国外节约型交通建设的经验。首先,从节约型社会的内涵出发,对节约型交通的内涵进行了分析;然后,分析总结节约型交通的特征;最后,从资源类型、过程控制、综合效果等不同角度阐述节约型交通的体现形式。然后以美国、日本和欧盟等典型国家和地区节约型交通建设的具体实践为例展开研究,总结国外节约型交通建设的经验。为节约型交通建设评价体系的构建拓展视野,提供基础研究支撑。第三部分是论文的主体。主要对我国节约型交通建设环境进行分析,主要包括节约型交通建设现状和需求;接着,构建节约型公路线路和公路运输枢纽评价体系,选取合适的评价方法,构建评价模型,并进行了实证分析;最后,给出节约型交通建设的政策建议和措施。第四部分是全文的研究总结和展望。在总结了全文研究工作的基础上,提出了论文的创新点,并指出了论文有待进一步研究的问题。论文研究所得出的结论和成果是对现有的节约型公路交通建设理论体系的完善,所建立的评价指标体系可为实际的公路交通建设工作提供指导作用,并为政府部门的科学决策提供了可参考的理论依据,具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 According to China’s basic national conditions and economic and social development needs of the new era, the CPC Central committee has made a major strategic decision which is builing a conservation-oriented society. In the development of economy and society, highway department is at the base and leading position. Its investment in inrrastructure construction is huge and it may cosume more energy and resource. So, in order to implement the scientific concept of development, promote the scientific development of road and adapt to the reformation, it must build a conservation-orieted road. Promoting the conservation-oriented road construction comprehensively is an important action and means to promote the scientific developmen of road. If we must alleviate the resource constraint and enviromental protection pressures which is faced by the development of transportation and potect to realize the highway transportation goal, we must adhere to the scientific concept of development, take resource-saving transportation development and achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of transportation.The thesis apply system engineering theory, transport economics theory, public admimistration theory, policy theory, statistics, and adopt system analysis method, analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, comparative analysis method, quatity methodology combined with qualitative methodology. The concepts are divided into four parts.The first part is literature review. Many literature related with the research topic are searched, including the conservation-oriented transportation, sustainable development, circular economy and life cycle cost control. This will be the basement of the following research.The second part illuminated the concept of conservation-oriented transportation and foreign experience. First of all, we analyze the concept of conservation-oriented transportation. Then analyze and summatize the characteristics of conservation-oriented transportation. Finally, describe the form of conservation-oriented transportation from the resource type, process control and the combined effect. This provide the basic research for conservation-oriented evaluation system.The third part is the main part of the thesis. The contents firstly analyze enviroment of conservation-oriented transportation, construct saving highway routes and the evaluation system of road transportation hub. Then select the appropriate evaluation methods, build evaluation model and give an example. Finally, give the policy and measures for the construction of conservation-oriented transportation.The four part is the conclusion and the prospect of future research. Based on the summary of the thesis research, paper innovations are pointed out and the prospect of future research is put forward.All conclusion from the thesis is a valuable supplement for the theory of the construction of conservation-oriented transportation. Evaluation system in the thesis can give guidance for the practice of transportation construction planning, and provide a theoretical foundation for government department decision, the reasearch has its practice meaning.
