

Studies on the Evaluation System of Modern Multifunctional Agriculture

【作者】 张世兵

【导师】 乌东峰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 与传统产品生产意义上的生产性农业相比,现代多功能农业从内涵到结构均已发生重大而突出的变化,正日益成为国民经济真正意义上的基础结构部门,而不再是一个简单的产品生产部门。从目前的现状来看,农业主要有以下功能:提供食物、生态、旅游、文化传承等。这几种功能在现代农业的发展中得到充分体现。根据现代农业的发展,可以将农业分为:有机农业、生态农业、旅游农业、能源农业、文化农业和都市农业。文章从农业的多功能性这一视角出发,首先全面总结各历史时期各研究者从各种不同的角度所提出的多功能农业的内涵,并在此基础上提出了新的见解,赋予了现代多功能农业新的内涵,为建立现代多功能农业评价指标体系和综合评价模型奠定理论基础;其次,从理论上构建了现代多功能农业评价的框架,为现代多功能农业评价提供理论上的支撑。在系统介绍现代多功能农业评价发展的基础上,介绍了现代多功能农业评价的依据,评价的结构,评价的步骤和评价的价值以及评价特性等。再次,构建现代多功能农业评价的指标体系。围绕着前一部分所提出的现代多功能农业的内涵,遵循系统性、完整性、有效性和可比性的原则,广泛选取原始指标,从技术层面构建了现代多功能农业评价的指标体系。根据现代农业的经营模式和特性,文章将农业体系分为六大类,并设置了现代多功能农业的六个一级指标;即有机农业、生态农业、旅游农业、文化农业、能源农业和都市农业。在此基础上作者列出了26个二级指标,指标较全面地反映了现代多功能农业的发展,为现代多功能农业评价提供了依据。然后,对能定量的指标和数据等进行量化分析,如权重分析、评价体系建立、建立多功能农业模型、典型区域数据采集和量化评估等;再后,选取典型,以湘潭市为例,对其基本情况和农业现状进行简单介绍,然后通过构建的模型对其多功能农业的发展进行了综合分析,且进行了校验。通过研究,作者发现湘潭农业存在一些问题,在此基础上,提出了相应的解决措施。最后,从法律、政策、制度、技术等角度提出了现代多功能农业评价的规制支持,以更好地促进现代多功能农业评价由理论走向实践,从而更好地促进现代农业的科学发展。

【Abstract】 Compared to the production of traditional agriculture, the multifunctional agriculture has been a significant and prominent changes from the connotation to the structure, and it is increasingly becoming a real sense of the infrastructure sectors, which is no longer a simple product productive sectors. Now, agriculture mainly has the following functions: food,ecological, tourism, cultural heritage, and so on.These types of features are fully embodied in the development of modern agriculture. According to the mode of operation of modern agriculture, it can be divided into six kinds of agriculture: organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, tourism agriculture, energy agriculture, culture agriculture, and urban agriculture.Firstly, the paper gives a summary of the different views of researchers on the connotation of multifunctional agriculture from the multifunctionality of agriculture during various periods,and gives a new definition on multifunctional agriculture,which is base of index system and comprehensive evaluation model of modern multi-functional agriculture. Secondly, an evaluation framework of the multifunctional agriculture is built theoretically, and it provide theoretical support for multifunctional agriculture,after evaluation system of multifunctional agriculture is known,the writer describe the basis,structure,procedure,value and characteristics of multifunctional agriculture evaluation,etc. Thirdly, a modern multifunctional agriculture and the evaluation index system is built. According to the content of the modern multifunctional agriculture in the first part, and the principles of systematic, completeness, validity and comparability,the writer chooses the raw data widely, and build the evaluation index system of a multifunctional agriculture. According to management and feature of modern agriculture, multifunctional agriculture is divided into six categories: organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, tourism agriculture, culture agriculture, energy agriculture, and urban agriculture. On this basis, the writer lists 26 indicators,these indicators reflect more fully the multifunctional agriculture. Fourthly, the writer gives quantitative indicators and data for quantitative analysis, such as the weight analysis, establishing the evaluation system ,and the model establishment of multifunctional agriculture,data gathering of typical region,and quantitative assessment. Fifthly, taking Xiangtan City as an example, after the writer presents the agriculture of Xiangtan city in this paper,and build model to analyse its multifuncional agriculture, he finds there are some problems in Xiangtan city, and put forward the solutions on the agriculture of Xiangtan city. Finally, from the laws, policies, systems and technology, some advices are given in order to better promote the scientific development of modern multifunctional agriculture.
