

The Preparation and Performance of Tent Coated Cotton Fabric

【作者】 陈益人

【导师】 俞建勇; 储才元;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织材料与纺织品设计, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 涂层织物广泛用于民用、工农业、医疗卫生和军事等各个方面。对经涂层整理的户外运动服、医用军用防护服、篷盖布、帐篷、膜结构建筑材料、汽车用装饰材料、安全气囊等高技术纺织品的需求越来越多。篷用织物是产业用涂层织物中消耗量最大的品种。用涂层织物作篷用材料已有较长历史,早期产品多是临时性或季节性的篷架设施,构造简单。随着科学技术的不断进步,人们对篷用织物的功能提出了更高的要求,不但要具备防水、防紫外线功能,而且还要具有较好的透湿性、透气性。新型篷用织物不断涌现,所采用的纤维原料、基布的组织结构和整理加工工艺技术不断更新,传统的篷用织物正向新一代技术型过渡。本论文我们拟设计一种帐篷类篷用织物。现今旅游业的发展带来了旅游用纺织品的发展,直接带动旅游帐篷销量的大幅增长。另外军用帐篷是军队和国防用纺织品中的一大类重要产品,救灾帐篷是安置灾民的重要设施。随着国民经济的发展,预计帐篷面料的用量将大幅增长。帐篷及相关用品的生产已逐步从美国、欧洲、韩国、台湾向我国沿海地区转移,但国内面料及后整理整体水平不高,因此,积极采用新材料、新技术、新工艺,提高产品深加工技术,生产出最符合用途要求的新型帐篷产品及高附加值帐篷产品是摆在我们面前的一个课题。由于帐篷要求轻便易于携带,另外从舒适功能考虑,帐篷织物还必须有较好的防水透湿能力,因此,为了达到轻型舒适性帐篷类织物的性能要求,本次设计基布采用轻薄型棉织物;同时,由于织物在使用过程中处于覆盖状态或悬挂状态,要承受金属支架、绳索等各种张力,所以织物必须有较大的强力,特别对撕裂强力有较高的要求。所以,我们必须对棉织物经涂层后撕裂强力下降的现象予以重视和改善。基于此,本论文作了以下几方面的研究。首先对棉织物进行拒水和防紫外线整理,本文通过使用几种不同的拒水整理剂对织物进行拒水整理,选择了整理剂浓度、交联剂浓度、催化剂浓度,焙烘温度和焙烘时间等几个主要影响因素,应用正交实验的方法考虑多因素对织物拒水效果的影响,并测试经整理后织物的拒水等级、耐静水压等指标,对测试结果进行方差分析,得出最佳工艺参数及工艺条件,并且选择Nuva TP含氟拒水整理剂作为本次篷盖织物设计的拒水整理剂。自制二氧化钛溶胶对纯棉织物进行防紫外线整理,研究了二氧化钛制备路线和最佳制备工艺,经二氧化钛整理后的棉织物具有良好的紫外线屏蔽效果。本次全棉篷盖织物多功能整理路线为:先用Nuva TP含氟拒水整理剂对棉织物进行拒水整理,然后用TiO2溶胶对棉织物进行防紫外线整理。经最佳整理工艺整理后的织物,其耐静水压达到2239(Pa),防紫外线(300nm)效果达到3.7%。对通过拒水和防紫外线整理的棉织物分别用干法和湿法进行涂层处理,通过测定不同涂层工艺对涂层织物耐水压、透湿性及撕裂强力的影响,确定其最佳涂覆量及涂层剂中DMF含量等主要涂层影响因素。织物经涂层整理后其撕裂强力往往会有大幅度的下降,而撕裂强力对纺织品来说是重要性能之一,尤其作为产业用途的纺织品。因此,提高涂层织物撕裂强力一直是涂层生产厂家需要解决的问题。分析了织物经涂层后撕裂强力下降的原因后发现,由于织物经涂层后,涂层剂将渗入纱线之间和纱线内部纤维之间,涂层剂填充了纱线间和纤维间的空隙,织物烘干后,纱线及织物较涂层前僵硬,织物的弹性模量变大,织物中纱线之间发生粘结导致经纬纱间磨擦阻力增大,纱线之间不易滑动,因此织物的撕裂强力下降,整理剂或涂层剂渗入织物越多,强力损失越大,用具有高弹性模量的硬性涂层剂之后这种强力下降现象尤其明显。因此,考虑在涂层剂中加入柔软剂来降低涂层织物的弹性模量,提高涂层织物的撕裂强力。因为柔软剂将使纤维或纱线间的摩擦减小,纤维及纱线的可移动性提高,从而使织物的撕裂强力得到了一定程度的改善。在本文中采用在聚氨酯涂层剂中加入氨基聚硅酮作为柔软剂的方法来提高涂层织物的撕裂强力,氨基聚硅酮是一种弹性体,具有高柔顺性,在聚氨酯涂层剂中加入氨基聚硅酮可提高涂层织物的撕裂强力。通过大量试验我们确定了氨基聚硅酮与聚氨酯的最佳混合比。对通过多功能整理的棉织物采用在聚氨酯中混入氨基聚硅酮进行湿法直接涂层,其涂覆量为46.69g/m2,DMF含量为10%,氨基聚硅酮含量为10%,焙烘温度及时间为180℃×2min。得到耐静水压为7038(Pa),透湿量为3863(g/m2·24h),经向撕裂强力为37.33(N),纬向撕裂强力为30.64(N)的篷用涂层织物,满足设计要求。以往织物撕裂强力的力学模型均以织物的微观结构(如:纱线的线密度、纱线的密度等)为基础建立的,织物经涂层后,因涂层剂在纱线中的渗透,不适合再以织物的微观结构来分析其撕裂强力。本文中将涂层织物作为复合材料整体,提出以弹性力学为基础,考虑涂层织物的弹性模量、泊松比、剪切模量等对织物撕裂强力的影响,用有限元分析方法对涂层织物的梯形法撕裂应力进行分析和模拟,分析的结果表明用有限元方法能较准确描述涂层织物在梯形撕裂时的应力分布情况。通过计算得出梯形撕裂剪口区域的应力最大,存在应力集中的现象,与微观力学分析方法得出的结论一致。分析还得出梯形撕裂的试样尺寸不同则应力分布结果将不相同。有限元计算结果得出的撕裂曲线与实验得出的撕裂曲线一致性较好,本文证明有限元方法是分析此类柔性复合材料力学问题的有效方法。本论文的创新点主要有三部分。第一部分:比较各含氟拒水整理剂的拒水效果选择本次设计的拒水整理剂为Nuva TP,自制TiO2溶胶,用Nuva TP拒水整理剂及TiO2溶胶防紫外线整理剂对棉织物进行多功能整理,研讨不同整理剂的最佳工艺参数,经最佳工艺参数整理后的织物,具有较佳的防水功能和防紫外线功能,对实际生产有参考价值和指导意义。第二部分:棉织物经聚氨酯涂层整理后具有良好的防水性和透湿性,但其撕裂强力下降幅度很大。我们提出在聚氨酯涂层剂中加入氨基聚硅酮柔软剂来改善涂层织物撕裂强力下降的弊病,并讨论了混合涂层剂的工艺路线及参数。添加了氨基聚硅酮的聚氨酯涂层织物不仅保持了良好的防水性和透湿性,其撕裂强力也较之未加氨基聚硅酮时的聚氨酯涂层织物的撕裂强力提高了近40%。第三部分:以往织物撕裂强力的力学模型均以织物的微观结构为基础建立的,织物经涂层后,因涂层剂在纱线中的渗透,不适合再以织物的微观结构来分析其撕裂强力。本文首次将涂层织物看作为复合材料整体,提出以弹性力学为基础,用有限元分析方法对织物的梯形撕裂过程进行分析和模拟,得出织物梯形撕裂过程中试样上的应力分布及应力大小与材料弹性常数间的关系。

【Abstract】 Coated fabrics are widely used in civil, industrial and agricultural, health and military fields. The demand to these materials such as the outdoor sportswear, military medical protective clothing, tent fabric, building materials of membrane structures, decorative materials of automobile, airbags and other high-tech textile after coating is increasing. Tent fabric is the largest species of coated fabric used in industrial consumption. Coated fabrics used for tent materials have been long history. The early products are temporary or seasonal a simple structure. With the continuous advancement of technology, people need the tent fabric with higher function. The requirements have not only waterproof, ultraviolet resistant, but also have good moisture permeability. The new tent fabrics are emerging, the fiber, fabric structure and finishing technology have updated and the transition tent fabrics have developed towards a new generation of technology.In this paper, a tent fabric has designed. Today the development of tourism has brought with tourism development in the textile, tourism tent sales growth. Another military tent used for national defense and armed forces is a major textile product. With the development of the national economy is expected to the amount of tent fabric growth. The production of tents fabric has gradually transfered from the United States, Europe, Korea to the China’s coastal areas, but the domestic fabrics and finishing the overall level is not high, therefore, actively using new materials, new technologies, improve product processing technology , To produce the tent fabrics with best use of the new requirements and high value-added products is our a task. The tent fabrics request the easy-to-carry portable, the other from the comfort features. it must have also a better ability to waterproof and moisture permeable, so that, in order to achieve the comfort of a light-type tent fabric performance requirements, the thin-and-light cotton fabric was used in this design. At the same time, due to the tent fabric in using is a state of covering or a state of suspension, it is necessary to bear metal stents, such as rope tension, the fabric must be more powerful, especially for higher tear strength. Therefore, it must be attention and improvement that the tearing strength of cotton fabric after coating will decline. For this reason, the papers were made in the following areas.First of all, the cotton fabric was finished as water repellent and ultraviolet resistant. Through the use of several different water repellent finish on the fabric, the choice of finishing agent concentration, crosslinker concentration, the catalyst concentration, curing temperature and curing time, and several other major factors affecting the application of orthogonal experimental methods were considered to get the best effects water repellent, and test the finished fabric’s water repellent levels, hydrostatic pressure, and other indicators, the variance analysis of test results, that the best technical parameters and technological conditions, and to select Fluorine Nuva TP as the water repellent agent of this fabric.The ultraviolet resistant on cotton fabric after water repellent finish was made with titanium dioxide sol preparated by ourselves and the best line of technology of preparating titanium dioxide was studied. The titanium dioxide finished cotton fabric has a good effect of ultraviolet resistant. The multi-functional finishing line of cotton tent fabric: first water repellent finish to cotton fabric with Nuva TP water repellent finish agent, and then TiO2 Sol on the cotton fabrics for ultraviolet finishing. After multi-functional finishing, the hydrostatic pressure to reach 2239 (Pa), UV (300nm) to reach 3.7 percent of fabric.The cotton fabrics after water repellent and ultraviolet resistant finish were used for dry and wet coating, through the determination of different coating process on the cotton fabric hydrostatic pressure and water vapor permeability of the impact of its best coating and DMF content in coating agents of the main factors. The fabric’s tearing strength after coating finish often have greatly decline and tearing strength of textiles is an important one, especially as the use of the textile industry. Therefore, improving coated fabric’s tearing strength is that manufacturers need to solve the problem. Analysis of the reasons of the fabric’s tearing strength will be decline after coating found, as the fabric after coating, the coating agent to infiltrate into the internal of fiber and yarn, and filled with the gap of fiber and yarn. Drying fabric, yarn and fabric become more rigid and elastic modulus of fabric become greater than before. Blocking of yarn in the fabric led to increasing friction between the yarn and the slip between the yarn become difficult, So the fabric’s tearing strength decline. The moer of finishing agent infiltrated into fabric coating, the more of the tearing strength decline. This phenomenon is more obvious with the hard coating agent of high modulus of elasticity . Therefore, adding the softener agent to the coating agent to reduce the modulus of elasticity of coated fabric and improve tear strength of the coated fabric. Because the softener agent will reduce the friction between the fiber and yarn and increase mobility, so that the tear strength to a certain degree of improvement. In this paper amino polysilicone as a softener agent was added to polyurethane coating agent of to improve the fabrics tear strength. amino polysilicone is a elastomer, with high flexibility, Adding amino polysilicone to polyurethane coating agent can improve the fabrics tear strength. The best mixing ratio of amino polysilicone and polyurethane was identified through a lot of experiment.The cotton fabrics through multi-functional finishing used in polyurethane mixes amino-silicone coating for direct wet, and its coating capacity of 46.69g/m2, DMF content of 10%, poly-silicone content of 10%, baking temperature and time for the 180°C x 2min. Hydrostatic pressure to be to 7038 (Pa), water vapor permeability for 3863 (g/m2 ? 24h), after the warp-wise tear strength for the 37.33 (N) and the filling-wise tear strength for the 30.64 (N) of the tent fabric.The mechanical models of fabrics tear strength were established in the micro-structure such as: yarn strength, elongation at break, thread count, etc. These mechanical analytical methods are not suitable for coated fabrics due to the infiltration into yarns of coating agent. This paper will be coated fabric as the overall composite material, made to the basis of elasticity, consider fabrics modulus, poisson’s ratio, shear modulus of the powerful impact of torn fabric, analysis and simulation to the tear progress of coated fabric using finite element method, in order to more accurately characterized tear process of coated fabrics, to provide the further way of analysis tear mechanism coated fabrics. In this paper, there are three main the innovative points. PartⅠ: by comparison and choice of the water repellent finish agent, self-made TiO2 Sol, using Nuva TP and TiO2 Sol made multi-functional finishing of water repellent and anti-ultraviolet finishing to cotton fabric, the fabric after finishing of the best technical parameters with a better water repellent function and anti-ultraviolet function, the actual production would be a valuable reference and guide. PartⅡ: cotton fabric by the polyurethane coating after finishing with a good waterproof and moisture permeability, but the tearing strength decline very strong. We have put forward in the polyurethane coating agent to add amino silicone to improve the decline of the tear strength, and discussed the process line and parameters of mixing coating agent. The coated fabric with add the amino silicone to polyurethane not only maintain a good waterproof and moisture permeability, but also tear strength increase by nearly 40%. PartⅢ: The mechanical models of fabrics tear strength were established in the micro-structure such as: yarn strength, elongation at break, thread count, etc. These mechanical analytical methods are not suitable for coated fabrics due to the infiltration into yarns of coating agent. This paper will be coated fabric as the overall composite material, made to the basis of elasticity, analysis and simulation to the tear progress of coated fabric using finite element method, the relations between the stress distribution and size of the trapezoid tear specimen with the material elastic constants can be get.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期