

Characteristics of Structure, Reservoir and Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Lower Palaeozoic Buried Hill in Zhuanghai, Shengli Oil Field

【作者】 冯斌

【导师】 方大钧; 沈忠悦;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 地质学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 古潜山是目前油气勘探领域的一个热点,对其储层的研究对于寻找油气资源具有非常重要的意义。本文在地震剖面数据分析、测井资料及岩心观察工作的基础上,针对桩海地区下古生界潜山构造复杂、地层多变、储层多套及成藏多样的特点,开展了构造特征、储层特征及油藏特征等方面的系统研究。总结形成了一套先应用层位标定技术确定各反射层特征,再采取先建模、后用地层结构分析法解释断层,应用相干分析技术明确断裂平面组合,然后依据反射层特征进行层位解释,最后应用变速成图技术进行精细构造成图的精细构造解释技术。对古生界潜山精细构造解释和碳酸盐岩储集层地球物理预测,建立了下古生界潜山构造、储层发育及油气成藏3种模式,结合灰色关联法对各区块进行了评价,指出了有利的勘探方向。精细构造解释结果表明,桩海潜山区内、外的断层共同组成了北西向、近南北向、北东向和北东东向的四组断裂,发育了深、中、浅三套断裂系统。深层断裂系统构成了该区潜山带东西分块的基础,中层断裂构成了中生界潜山的分块,浅层断裂构成了桩海潜山与埕北潜山、桩西潜山的分界。该区经历了5次大的构造运动,构成了8个构造演化阶段,形成了褶皱山、残丘山与断块山共存的复式褶皱带。桩海潜山总体属内幕褶皱滑脱型潜山,存在逆掩推覆、挤压褶皱、逆掩叠加、拆离滑脱和走滑断裂等5种构造组合型式。形成了应用储层建模、微裂隙构造分析、裂隙储集体有限元预测及3D-MOVE构造正反演裂缝预测等技术对桩海地区下古生界储层进行综合预测的方法,应用岩溶地球化学研究分析了下古生界储层储集空间形成机理,明确了桩海地区下古生界潜山储集体的发育受岩溶作用、白云石化作用、断裂作用以及古地貌、古水系和构造样式等多种因素的控制。其中岩溶、白云石化、断裂作用是下古生界储集层发育的基础,而古地貌、古水系控制岩溶的发育强度,燕山末期构造样式决定岩溶改造程度及储层展布规律。建立了原岩溶高地现断凸区、原岩溶高地现断凹区、原岩溶斜坡高位湖现断凸区等3类岩溶储层发育模式。通过与富台潜山、桩西潜山、埕岛潜山等构造、储层、成藏模式的比较,建立了桩海“多源供烃、断褶控藏、顺向充注、同向富集”的下古生界低位内幕褶皱滑脱型潜山油气成藏模式。结合灰色关联分析法对潜山各个圈闭油气成藏条件进行了评价。

【Abstract】 Oil and gas exploration in buried hill has been a hot issue and is of great significance in finding oil and gas resources.Due to its a complex structure, multivariated strata, plural reservoir and diversity hydrocarbon accumulation, Lower Paleozoic buried hill in Zhuanghai area was characterized based on seismic data, well logs and core description. We applied a fine structure interpretation technology. Firstly, each reflection horizon was characterized by using horizon calibration technique; Secondly, faults were interpreted by using modeling and strata configuration, and then, coherence analysis was applied to confirm faults assemblage in plane, following interpreting horizons by the characteristics of reflection horizons. Finally, a fine structure imaging was formed by using variable-speed imaging technique.The characteristics of buried hill structure, reservoir and oil-gas pools were studied with the comprehensive technique. Two types matching work was performed: fine structure interpretation in buried hill and geophysical prediction in carbonate reservoir of Low Paleozoic. Hence, we established three kinds of models on lower Paleozoic buried hill, which include growth of structure, growth of reservoir and hydrocarbon accumulation. Each block was evaluated with grey association evaluation and favorable exploration directions were pointed out.The result of fine structure interpretation indicated the faults include inside and outside of the area formed four groups of faults, with directions of NW-strike, nearly NS-strike, NE-strike and NEE-strike, three fracture systems were developed from deep to shallow at the same time. Deep fracture systems were bases of division of east and west buried hills, middle-level fracture constituted the division of Mesozoic buried hill, shallow fracture forms the division of Shanghais, Change, Shaanxi buried hill. This area has experienced five tectonic movements which can be divided into eight structural evolutional stages, formed multiply fold-belt that the fold hill coexisted with hammock hill and fault-block hill. The buried hill of Shanghais belongs to inside folded-detachment buried hill as a whole, it has five kinds of structural styles, and they are the overthrust nappe, the compaction fold, the superposed overthrust, the decoupling detachment and the strike-slip faultA synthetically prediction method was developed to predict reservoirs of Low Paleozoic in Shanghais area by using the following techniques include reservoir modeling, structure analysis of microfracture, finite element prediction of fissured reservoir and fracture prediction technology through 3D-MOVE structural forward and inverse. We applied karsts geochemistry method to analyze the formation mechanism of pore space of the lower Paleozoic reservoirs. Lower Paleozoic buried hill accumulate spaces in Zhuanghai area is controlled by multiple factors. Karstification, dolomitization and fracturing were the main factor for lower Paleozoic buried hill accumulate spaces, and paleogeomorphology together with ancient river system controlled the karsts developing in later Yanshanian period. By analysis, we established three kind development models of karsts reservoir, they are the karsts upland original is now become a fault-convex zone, the karsts upland original is now become a fault-concave zone and the high-stand lake of karsts slope original is become a fault-convex zone.Compared with Futai, Zhuangxi, Chengdao buried hills, we established the hydrocarbon accumulation model of the lower inside folded-detachment buried hill of lower Paleozoic, which is’multi-source hydrocarbon, fault-fold control, straightforward filling, same direction enrichment’. We evaluated the optimized traps for hydrocarbon accumulation in the buried hill.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期