

Study on Sustainable Use of Geological Tourism Resources in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 金平斌

【导师】 竺国强;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 构造地质学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 浙江省既是旅游资源大省又是旅游经济大省,旅游业经过20多年的快速发展之后,已经进入到再上台阶实现跨越发展的关键时期。在新一轮的旅游开发中,如何充分发挥旅游资源潜力,提升旅游产品档次,实现旅游产业升级和区域协调发展成为关键课题。地文旅游资源在浙江旅游资源整体格局中占有举足轻重的地位,深入探索地文旅游资源的科学利用和深度开发是浙江旅游实现可持续发展的重要资源保障,也为浙江旅游资源的总体利用策略提供科学依据。论文在总结国内外相关研究成果的基础上,以旅游地学和旅游学相关理论为指导,结合浙江省旅游资源普查数据,采用实地调查、统计分析、综合分析相结合的方法,对浙江省的地文旅游资源进行系统分析;并借鉴区域旅游资源的定量评价方法,创新性地引入资源储量、丰度、品质分等概念指标对浙江省地文旅游资源的类型结构、储量特征、类型品质、区域分布等进行科学评价;最终通过综合品质优势度的比较得出浙江地文旅游资源的五大综合优势类型,即山岳景观旅游资源、地层与矿山遗迹旅游资源、江河湖泊峡谷地貌旅游资源、岩溶洞穴旅游资源和海岸海岛旅游资源。针对地文旅游资源开发利用中普遍存在的对资源科学内涵认识不足、缺少空间整合、产品结构上不合理、利用形式缺乏创新等问题,提出在浙江省各地新一轮的旅游开发中应突出以五大优势地文旅游资源为核心的开发战略;充分发挥旅游资源综合优势在旅游品牌及旅游目的地建设中的重要支撑作用,提出优化旅游发展空间布局,调整旅游产品功能结构,开发旅游新产品,探索资源利用新途径等重大战略新举措;以开拓旅游发展新思路和创新旅游资源利用方式为主要原则导向,提出五大优势地文旅游资源的开发利用策略,进一步提升地文旅游资源的整体利用水平,为浙江省旅游资源的可持续利用提供科学指导依据,以期带动全省旅游产业发展实现新的突破。最后,论文以雁荡山为案例进行地文旅游资源深度开发利用的探索研究,提出地文旅游资源深度利用的思路、品牌效应的提升策略以及资源保护的措施;这不仅有利于雁荡山世界地质公园的可持续发展,而且也将为浙江省其他地文旅游资源的科学利用提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Zhejiang is a province abounding with tourism resources and tourism economies. Having enjoyed a twenty-year boom in tourism, it is now stepping into a key, new stage on its way to further development. In this new stage, how to fully take advantage of the resources, improve the quality of tourism products, realize the tourism industrial upgrades and help the balanced regional development become fairly important subjects. Geological tourism resources are playing key roles in the overall structure of Zhengjiang’s tourism resources. An intensive exploration into the scientific exploitation and in-depth development of this particular type of resource will support the sustainable development of tourism industry and provide scientific evidences when making the overall strategies of exploiting the tourism resources.Based on the domestic and foreign researches, guided by the theories related to tourism geology and tourism and with the help of the census data of Zhejiang’s tourism resource, this paper comprehensively analyzes the geological tourism resources, using methods including field investigation, statistical analysis, comprehensive analysis. Meanwhile, enlightened by the methods of quantitative evaluation of regional tourism resources, the author creatively brings in the concepts of resources reserves, resources abundance, resources quality and so on so forth into the paper, attempting to scientifically evaluate the structure, reserves features, quality and area distribution of the geological tourism resources in Zhejiang. Eventually, the author figures out five types of resources with comprehensive advantages by comparing integrated quality level, namely mountain landscape tourism resources, strata and mine relics tourism resources, topography of lakes, rivers and canyons, Karst caves tourism resources, and cost and island tourism resources.Considering the problems widely existing in the development and exploitation of geological tourism resources, including the insufficient knowledge about resources, a lack of the integration and reconstruction of space, unreasonable products structure and the uncreative utilization forms, the author of this paper proposes development strategies that we should focus on the five types mentioned above in this new stage, that we should make best use of tourism resources’ comprehensive advantages for its role in brand-building and attractions-building, that we should perfect the special distribution of tourism resources, adjust the functional structure of tourism products, develop new products and explore the new way of exploiting resources. Furthermore, the paper aims to put forward the creativity-oriented strategies of developing and exploiting the Five Type, to bring the overall use of geological tourism resources to a higher level, and to offer scientific guidances for the sustainable use of tourism resources in Zhejiang in order to boost the province’s tourism industry and make breakthroughs.At last, in the case study of Mount Yandang concerning in-depth development and exploitation of geological tourism resources, the author of this paper shows the new idea of in-depth exploitation of geological tourism resources, suggests the brand enhancement strategies and environment protection measures. All these will benefit Yan Dang Mountain World Geopark’s sustainable development and will also be a fortune to the scientific use of other geological tourism resources in Zhejiang Province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期